I cri everytim

SC2 is one of the most stressful games out there with 100x FAF’s playerbase and an extremely large percentage focused around the 1v1 mode. To the point that teamgames are basically intentionally gimped because allowing the mixing of faction tech destroys any level of balance there.

The only area of SC2 not 1v1 that got any real official attention was coop, which just accidentally managed to be successful.

I don’t see it having much to do with FAF requiring a mega brain because you don’t need a mega brain to beat bad players, you can perfectly play ladder or dual gap casually with a beer in one hand.

This comes down to player expectation, cultural traditions, and player onboarding on FAF

@ftxcommando said in I cri everytim:

SC2 is one of the most stressful games out there with 100x FAF’s playerbase and an extremely large percentage focused around the 1v1 mode.

I wouldn't say SC2 is much more stressful than FAF, just much faster paced. Yeah, sure it's more stressful if you're trying to win tournaments for actual money, but that's just because of the money, which is because of the game's popularity, not that it's inherently stressful.

I don’t see it having much to do with FAF requiring a mega brain because you don’t need a mega brain to beat bad players, you can perfectly play ladder or dual gap casually with a beer in one hand.

Yeah, it's universally true of every game ever that it doesn't require a mega brain to beat bad players. Obviously, you just need to be better than your opponent. Good to know you ladder "perfectly" with just one hand. I'm sure that's not trolling at all!

This comes down to player expectation, cultural traditions, and player onboarding on FAF

It comes down to the tiny player base, and RTS style games not being very popular, particularly right now, and even if they were, there are a lot of things about other games that people prefer to FAF. Hell, even IF we assume SC2 is more stressful, you don't have to queue for an hour for a game, or deal with horrible simspeed and pathfinding. I don't think we can claim that FAF is less stressful and easier than SC2 and expect to convert many of those players.
I can't find the quote but long ago I read somewhere that TLO (SC2 pro gamer) said that forged alliance was more complicated and/or harder for most people to grasp than SC2, at least implying that it at least has a significantly steeper learning curve, but I cannot find that right now.


"When casting [FA] it's hard, because it's such a complex game compared to SC2...any idiot can understand SC2."

How is it trolling to say you can find a dude to beat casually on ladder or in dual gap? You can get to 1500 ladder purely making point defense to beat players, people have done it before on smurf accounts. Neither game mode requires “more skill” because the skill level to beat a player is inherently built on the player you are facing. If ladder has 50x more players than dual gap, it’s easier for the casual player to find a dude to play a casual, relaxed game against in that environment. This can be seen in SC2 where the casual environment extends into the 1v1 ladder. This should not be confused with the “skill ceiling” of a game mode, but 0 skill is 0 skill anywhere you quantify it.

I also don’t understand how you extrapolated any of that from that quote. Casting FA is hard because you need to explain a ton of boring macro mechanics, casting SC2 is easy because ooooh look at the marine split micro. Nothing at all about learning curve, how much brainpower the game takes, or any other weird superiority reason you’re imagining.

SC2 absolutely is more stressful because the game can instantly be lost in mere moments. In FAF, if you played better for 80% of the game you’re winning the game. AOE2 is more stressful for a similar reason, just on a lesser scale than SC2.

@ftxcommando said in I cri everytim:

How is it trolling to say you can find a dude to beat casually on ladder or in dual gap?

As usual, you obviously, deliberately misrepresent what others say and engage in pure trolling.

What I actually said: "Good to know you ladder "perfectly" with just one hand. I'm sure that's not trolling at all!"

You deserve to be banned from the forums for such BLATANT, INTENTIONAL LYING.

The rest of your response is more of the same, so nothing else you said deserves any response. This always has been and always will be how you communicate, so I won't waste any more time with you.

I find FAF to be a lot less stressful - if you lose one engagement then you haven't immediately lost completely because of the ACU / how easy it is to make defenses or counter produce due to distance.

I think FTX hits it spot on indicating that the expectations of the game are off, as a lot of trailers are about explosions and experimentals - while the game is about creating land / air / naval presence, expanding, understanding when (not) to take a fight, etc. In my typical game I don't even see an experimental walking by.

Gap popularity is because that's what people like. Chilling and doing sim city for 45 minutes of game time, aka 1.5 hours at an average -3 sim speed.

This is actively being worked on and everyone (with the right background) is welcome to join in on the crusade.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Thats going on in every online game.
People playing same maps over and over.

Dual gap became what it is due to an audience of people constantly refining something to continue to fit their needs. Willpower, iteration, and time investment.

Meanwhile, people trying to make “good” teamgame maps can’t be fucked to put a modicum of effort into making their maps good. If they even try to make a map at all. If you patrol the vaults you’ll see the result. 5 minute garbage.

And yet, when it’s time to complain on the forums and make cringe statements like:

You deserve to be banned from the forums for such BLATANT, INTENTIONAL LYING.

You all seem pretty motivated, don’t you?

Perhaps if spite wasn’t FAF’s main fuel you would have fixed this problem already. Lord knows you discuss it every second month.

If you want gap to go, make something better.

I fully support this proposal! - "If you want gap to go, make something better."

@biass said in I cri everytim:

Dual gap became what it is due to an audience of people constantly refining something to continue to fit their needs. Willpower, iteration, and time investment.

Meanwhile, people trying to make “good” teamgame maps can’t be fucked to put a modicum of effort into making their maps good. If they even try to make a map at all. If you patrol the vaults you’ll see the result. 5 minute garbage.

And yet, when it’s time to complain on the forums and make cringe statements like:

You deserve to be banned from the forums for such BLATANT, INTENTIONAL LYING.

You all seem pretty motivated, don’t you?

Perhaps if spite wasn’t FAF’s main fuel you would have fixed this problem already. Lord knows you discuss it every second month.

If you want gap to go, make something better.

This is an absolutely brilliant observation.

So basically we should look for the most popular competitive map at 500-1300 and refine that one?

Though that HAS been happening with map generator, constant refinement for a competitive experience.

The most popular map on FAF is sentons, 10% of all FAF games ever were sentons. Yet this is an anomaly and not sure how much can actually be learned about player preferences from it. I think sentons is so popular because it was “the supcom map” used in trailers, which combined with how ancient it is just kept old players playing it. Trying to just make a new sentons map won’t be popular because it lacks all the background surrounding sentons that made it popular and so people will just ignore it. Can’t even get people to use a version of sentons that removes the asymmetry between both sides because that’s apparently considered heretical.


@ftxcommando said in I cri everytim:

The most popular map on FAF is sentons, 10% of all FAF games ever were sentons. Yet this is an anomaly and not sure how much can actually be learned about player preferences from it. I think sentons is so popular because it was “the supcom map” used in trailers, which combined with how ancient it is just kept old players playing it. Trying to just make a new sentons map won’t be popular because it lacks all the background surrounding sentons that made it popular and so people will just ignore it. Can’t even get people to use a version of sentons that removes the asymmetry between both sides because that’s apparently considered heretical.

alt text

Senton faf version
alt text

adaptive millenium seems to become more popular as of late btw.