The fervor can't shoot uphill/downhill
Seen on a jagged cast :
The fervor is a clunky unit, it has trouble shooting while moving, and its projectile can do weird stuff like shooting planes ... We kinda get used to it with time ...
But there's one situation that could need some fixing. On the left, jagged tried to kill a building downhill, but the fervor would always miss and hit slightly further.
Same situation on craftious maximus (right picture). You can't kill those mexes that are uphill, the arc of the projectile makes them land slightly further.Other arties also have projectiles that make an arc, so I don't get why the fervor is the only one that can't properly calculate the right angle to hit its target.
If I recall correct all t1 artilleries have this issue but their splash damage is larger. Therefore they still 'hit', even if partial
I don't know how the engine works, but could this be solved by making the projectile homing for 1 game-tick after firing?
By having it homing for just 1 tick it won't actually home in on units, but it might correct for this systematic error. -
This is more likely a case of the aiming bone and the weapon bone not being aligned - so the weapon always misses. This can be solved by the weapon value UseFiringSolutionInsteadofAimBone = true.
All responses to the OP are wrong and stupid. The aim calculation does not account for height. No, I don't know how the fix this. The reason other arty dont suffer so much from this problem is that they have a damage radius that allows them to his targets despite poor aim. (Lobo and Zthuee even have splitting shots.)
All arty take out aircraft too, is fun to catch
@Sprouto I've made a small mod that merges that value into the blueprint, similar results:
This is the merge:
UnitBlueprint { Merge = true, BlueprintId = 'ual0103', Defense = { Health = 9999, MaxHealth = 9999, }, Weapon = { [1] = { RateOfFire = 5, UseFiringSolutionInsteadOfAimBone = true, }, }, }
Beautiful fervor rainbow
@FunkOff Thanks for calling us all wrong and stupid and then proceed to provide a similar reason to the first wrong and stupid response back to the OP.
@Auricocorico To limit the issue you can move the artillery back until the target is almost out of range.
This rainbow takes out the t2 artillery in the blink of an eye.
If it would ignore the height difference for the target calculation, the shot would land in front of the target and not behind it, if you are shooting uphill. There has to be a different reason for this bug.
@jip Beautifull
That's a good tip too. I hope someone will find a fix, but that's definetly helpfull in the meantime. -
@blackyps Solid observation
@jip Your image actually visualizes the problem exactly. If the target and shooter are at the same height, the shot is pinpoint accurate.
@jip said in The fervor can't shoot uphill/downhill:
If I recall correct all t1 artilleries have this issue but their splash damage is larger. Therefore they still 'hit', even if partial
There is no such thing as a "partial" hit. Either the shot connects or it doesn't.
Aiming is a problem for all artillery shooting up or down, the solution for a player in game is ground firing. This problem is obviously worse for fervors because medusa have a higher firing randomness and have a decent damage radius, and lobos and zthuees have multiple shells whereas fervors are very accurate and have a small damage radius.
@jip said in The fervor can't shoot uphill/downhill:
@Auricocorico To limit the issue you can move the artillery back until the target is almost out of range.
This is an interesting pattern I hadn't noticed. I wonder if the problem can be worked around by increasing the minimum muzzle velocity of the shot, or by changing the projectile's behavior. (Increase speed OnCreate if target is higher, reduce of target is lower.)
Your image actually visualizes the problem exactly. If the target and shooter are at the same height, the shot is pinpoint accurate.
That image is not taken with orthographic projection and your drawing is made as if it is made on a perfect X / Y plane. I can come up with another angle that would proof the opposite.
The observation of BlackYps is solid and counteracts your observation: if what you say is true, then the projectile should hit the ground in front of an extractor when the extractor is at a higher altitude. It doesn't - it still tries to hit it somewhere behind it.
There is no such thing as a "partial" hit. Either the shot connects or it doesn't.
There is such a thing as a partial hit if your projectiles split up into 4 separate projectiles and two hit the target while the other two don't. You mentioned this behavior in your post.
This is an interesting pattern I hadn't noticed. I wonder if the problem can be worked around by increasing the minimum muzzle velocity of the shot, or by changing the projectile's behavior. (Increase speed OnCreate if target is higher, reduce of target is lower.)
Do you want me to share the small mod I made for testing this? Then you can tweak around