Thank you for your help! The suggestion seemed to work.
RE: Game Hangs at Abort Connection Screen
Game Hangs at Abort Connection Screen
Game/Client hangs at the "Abort Connection" screen. No errors presented. Happens when attempting to create a game locally as well as when attempting to join a remotely hosted game.
When abort after many minutes of waiting is clicked - screen goes to client lobby with no errors announced.
Any suggestions - local firewall is disabled and happens when AVG antivirus is Enabled or Disabled.
Thanks in advance!
RE: AI Issue..?
@jip I'd like that. The ideal would be an Ai capable of winning against moderately experienced players around 50% of the time.
RE: AI Issue..?
@reckless_charger M27 doesn't work for me. I tried both Ms 27 and 28 (on the same map) and got an invisible (to me) ACU at the start or the enemy AI ACU standing stock still not doing any building at all.
RE: AI Issue..?
@mostlostnoob Thanks for reply and the advice. I'll give it a shot.
RE: AI Issue..?
Relentless: Thanks for the reply and it sounds as if you're still tweaking the AI characteristics. I look forward to the final refined product.
RE: AI Issue..?
Here's an example of what I was talking about in the link above. The Ai base was poorly defended and was eventually taken out by a nuclear missile launch. The ai had simply not even attempted to build an anti-missile defense.
AI Issue..?
Why doesn't the AI defend better? Seems that it is solely focused on offensive operations and does nothing to defend itself or its base. No AA. No point defenses nothing. Makes for some very odd feeling games where AI allies can be eliminated
with a single wandering T1 bomber while mindlessly building a huge army that usually goes no where. The AI used to put up a more balanced fight - many times now the AI won't even build anti-missile defenses which it once routinely did. Can
this be fixed and restore some operational balance to the AI?