yea lol
insults again and over again and lies on top of it and all bc none can punish you or prolly none dont even want to discuss shit with you .. and still you dont see point there
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
lol not more than 10 mins and already proving my points
anyway im not going to talk here , i posted my opinion only , no point to talk to some ...
RE: Why would you have left FAF?
for me its 1 and only thing - toxicitybefore faf i was playing (online) 1 roleplay game only, there was pvp too but it was all nice and shit , we didnt really rp much but just pvp between guilds and since players couldnt really change them once choosen so you were enemy for life there still was no toxic...
ofc this was not only game i played and 1 of others was supreme commander and that i was playing alone mostly and sometimes i did convice my wife to play with me ... now 1 day she told me she only played this with me cos she loves me but this game sucks for her but look there is FAF thing go there and leave me aloneand so i did and im here 12+ years or so
my first experiences here was hard tho , every game i was insulted both ingame and after game while i was 800rating top with few games , there was none friendly , other noobs were just silent noobs or insulting me and others too,
i remember to this day that only 1 game someone actually helped me (and other noobs) and on gap map put pins for everyone what you should do on every position and after all this years it was just this one (and this little) that someone tried to help me without insult me
ofc im not innocent too here , i remember talk with my wife that i was unsure if thats ok but we was thinking its diffrent kind of game (RTS not RP) and mayby its how you play it and insults and shit is part of it as everyone do it ... so i started to be toxic too
now when i got higher and higher with rating less and less insults was going towards me (even when i did stupid shit) and now it basically stops (few of idiots that still do that i just avoid)still being toxic seems like being part of faf community for me , even some casters feel free to insult some groups of players and rest of you support them or just stigmatize playing diffrent maps that you like (like gaps vs open maps war), there is also a lot of toxic even on this forum when sometimes asking for help or some answers turn up many ppl insulting you instead helping you ... thats stuff was unimaginable to me (and kind of still is)when i was playing my rp game
solution to this is very simple just add to ban list - swearing and insulting , force to behave - especially towards noobs cos im 100% sure at least half of them leave bc this , i did too many times left for some time ... cos you know i dont spend my times with idiots in rl why should i ingame but hell this game is so nice i come back so far
RE: aeon arty double dmg ?
yea been looking at this too ... 6000 total dmg , where is that 12000 damage ?
it would explain dps tho but still i got like 4k games and never saw this double dmg before -
RE: aeon arty double dmg ?
if that was true why ever build mavor then , 16k dmg vs aeon arty 12k dmg but 3x prize ...
aeon arty double dmg ?
anyone noticed how aeon t3 arty does double dmg sometimes now ?when you look at shield it takes regular dmg and then after half second it takes dmg again , at this replay (#19470591) you can see how 1 aeon arty take fully charged sera shield in 2 shots ...
there is another replay with exactly that (#19470745), 2 guys shooting each other with aeon arties ... been seeing this quite a lot recently sadly -
RE: bug - aeon bomber ( or all )
i know that one too just didnt look that they were over mountains
well nice to know all working , just hope it will be that way cos that 1st bug i mentioned was real for me, come to think now mayby there were cyb drones and i couldnt target building cos was target drones or something, just bad luck i guess
RE: bug - aeon bomber ( or all ) , min 21 , 2 aeon strats , changed target when they were at half map but still both of them no drop
RE: bug - aeon bomber ( or all )
i know how it works and it wasnt it ... anyway i watched replay and nothing to see there too , it looks like didnt give attack order at all but thing is i did , i was trying hard to do it and it didnt work so i changed to ground fire but that was too late for my bombers
i did some testing too and it really seems working , i couldnt reproduce this ,however i noticed that a lot bugs happen when i change targets fast , mostly bomber no drop at all ( i changed targets from far away so that was no distance thing, they just fly long way and no drop)
bug - aeon bomber ( or all )
cant find bug report place so i hope it will do herein recent game i found out the hard way that you cant target anything with aeon bomber, when you target building some circle shows up (same as target ground command) but when you click nothing happens , bombers just stop or do what they were doing before not including your orders to attack
ground fire works as before -
RE: stop lag in matchmaker
only connection , cpu will only slow down game when there is lots going on , usually late game/ big maps
RE: stop lag in matchmaker
well i just had another one ... same story and also guy i would never play with in regular game, i start to think now that all worst laggers that could not play game cos get kicked everytime, now come and play automatch and feel unpunished for ruin other ppls games
stop lag in matchmaker
i recently tried 4vs4 matchmaker and while i really like idea and was going to play only this (at least try) i hit wall with laggers
i spent like half hour waiting for match (everytime stuck on setting automatch screen then error about no connection) and when i finnaly get into game there is lag and no game anyway
well mayby it wasnt long me trying after all but certainly bad experience which i have no way to avoid ... and i suspect it was same ppl that i couldnt get into game with and later they lagged in game so hard i had to quit soon afterin regular matches when you identify lagger you just dont play with him for day at least ... for automatch you can meet same lagger over and over again so you have to wait for him to stop playing if you want to play good game
btw as im writing it i was trying to get into game and same shit happend , some guy who i got blacklisted as lagger on regular matches just told us to get over with this ... so had to quit again
i cant even get better rating to be matched with decent players cos all i got after 1 hour trying was 1 lag free game (lost tbh)i see there is way to add player to party , i guess it works so you can play with friends , could there be list of antyparty too ? ppl i add so i never get matched with them ? cos this way it is now i find it hard to waste another hour and try this matchmaker again
player statistics tool
there was some tool in client news that showed detailed statistics of player, very nice thing, but i cant find it now, anyone knows ?