@magge here this game.log game_23906880.log
RE: AI Wave Survival Mod Information
RE: AI Wave Survival Mod Information
Hello @Rama , found fatal error because i edit settings insane land and less air after happend doom move my base
my mods thisAi-wave
1% particles
2x Resources, storage.buildrate,buildrange
acu boost 1.5x
50% air crash damage
all faction quantum gate
BlackOps faf: acus
antinuke 50% cost
Experimental Shield Generator MK II
Hives 25 50 75 build rate
Hive engineering Stations for all
Low Bo commander upgrades costs
Low commander Upgrades costs
No friendly Fire + fix for log spam
Reclaim Tower
Wreck Reclaim 50%No idea without desync mod... Tired already edit setting more fatal error air or land, have replays duo player vs 2 ai-wave map.
Crash times again (50:11s endgame units and one doom insane replays)