I hear Janus cannot be stopped by Aeon Gun
Best posts made by Strydxr
RE: Aeon Gun ACU
@phong reject titans and loyalists, embrace mech marines and hunters.
Community Game Night! - Feedback
Two years ago we had Community Game Nights run by our old Community Manager (CM) Deribus, after some time these lost interest and died down. Although, we have recently brought them back and are on our way to have our 3rd CGN on Saturday 28th of September, 2024 (Current projection as of this post being written). Although the progression of attendance has been constant full lobbies (or even overflow), the feedback given to these events this far seems to be rather sparse or outright not said at all, which is fine to operate under, but how can we improve this Biweekly event if we don't know the good, the bad, and the ugly?
I'd like to use this Forum post as a way to gather insights on this event, hopefully if this continually goes on and on the insights gathered can be used to make adjustments, improvements and to help other aspects of FAF.
Please feel free to make any comments you'd like in regards to the Community Game Night, I'd prefer you'd have been there for at least 3 of the games since we've started them back, but I know a few of those who have been in vc only may have some insights and concerns as well.
P.S. If you have any suggestions for themes as well, we'd love to hear those as well.
RE: Time to move on
Bro's leaving, take this on your journey.
Cya around Sladow, good luck on the other RTS scenes.
Community Game Night
Hello Everyone,
I think it's time we formalized Community Game Night as a permanent event within the FAF Community, and in my opinion that includes centralization of information and resources, as well as sharing a bit more of my vision for this project.What is Community Game Night?
Community Game Night is self explanatory as a concept, it's a bi-weekly event ran by @Deribus and myself typically, this event is a series of games in which the community simply plays together, although I have a grander theme for this idea, and I want to make it a reality.
This event typically has a theme, such as Common Armies Union Control, 4v4v4v4, SACU Madness, SACU Rebalance Testing (UEF) etc, and these all bring us together as a community, where 2ks can come to chill, and new players can get themselves acquainted with regular faces. Overall it's a win win for everyone, and I can say with full confidence that they're very fun to be at for all ratings, if you haven't already participated I recommend you partake at least once, you don't know what you're missing!How do I partake in Community Game Night?
We have a dedicated channel on the main FAF Discord which is now viewable by everyone, but only those with the Game Nights role can type within it. You can show interest there, or simply pop into the Community Game Night VC, as people in VC do get priority when we have games! There is no requirement other than showing up and playing, other than no toxicity, it won't be tolerated at all.Where can I go for additional resources with this project?
For additional resources, this forum post will be continually maintained by myself and any other contributors to the project, you may also go to the Community Game Night channel on the main FAF discord, or get in contact with me directly any way you'd prefer, all three methods will catch you up to date, and may give you the insights you need!My Vision for CGN
I always wanted CGN to be integral to FAF, and since it's return it's seen a resounding success within the community. I think this is a good opportunity to not only build upon that community spirit, but that we can use it as a way to make FAF better in terms of how it operates, bare with me for a second.
If you've attended a CGN before, You will likely have heard me say "We're doing x y z for Game Dev team" or "We're testing a b c for the Balance Team", and typically people are more than okay to contribute, making this an efficient way for contributor teams in FAF to get something useful out of it, and allowing players to see a more transparent insight into what we do behind the scenes.
Community Game Night is the stepping stone to a more cooperative community, and it helps everyone, I genuinely believe it will only get better, and that the more support it receives from players, the more it benefits them.Can I contribute to this project?
Yes you can! We're always looking for more hosts, particularly within the EST timezone, as this will expand the amount of players who can reasonably partake, If you don't wish to host or help organize, just playing or promoting the project is more than enough, it helps more than you guys realize!!That's about it, if there's anything I missed, or if there's any questions I'll reply to this post, feel free to get in contact with me about anything CGN related, I'm active on the discord and semi active on forums, you'll also see me on the client semi often.
Thank you guys for supporting my vision for this project!
A little while agile, the FC clan and the remnants of T3 hosted a tournament of where the EU and USA were against each other, playing a series of maps, and the attendance was so great we had to draft an A team and a B team to make sure as many people could play as possible. Once asked about the tournament, people had positive reviews, and there were always talks of another being possible, I'd like to make that happen.
The last one was during the summer, as this is when the most people had a common period of free time. I would like to organize one for the start of Summer '25, in the hopes of giving FAF players from Europe and USA something to look forward to besides Summer Invitationals.
I'm unsure what would work best for everyone in regards to format, rules, and management in regards to the tournament, some suggestions or even feedback from the last one would be helpful.
Is this of interest to people? I think it'd be fun to reintroduce fun based seasonal tournaments besides Rainbow Cup.
u1100 & u1500 Tournaments!
Hello Everyone, with the first tournament now concluded within the collective project of Bully, Paradox Vindex and I now completed with a resounding success, I feel its time we looked a bit more outward.
We'd like to make this project as public as we can, and incentivize active participation for both enjoyment and improvement.
Currently, we have a u1100 bracket and a u1500 bracket, with the latter having finished it's first tournament, and our winner being Razana.So without further ado, feel free to come and play in these tournaments, we plan to have these regularly and welcome casters and players alike.
As for u1900 1v1 players, is there interest in having a bracket made for you? I feel like the numbers dwindle massively due to lack of organized play and therefore loss of motivation, perhaps this will help?
If there's any questions or feedback regarding the project, feel free to approach me about it, any insights are good insights : )
Discord: https://discord.gg/XkkVSyDeft
RE: Aeon Gun ACU
@phong repent my brother, we make Aeon Gun Chrono and OC the GC into submission. For allah.
RE: Community Game Night! - Feedback
@yew Community Game Night is an organised event that started two years ago when Deribus wanted to have more community interaction as the Community Manager. It was stopped due to lack of interest, however it was pushed back into a trial period that is doing quite well.
Essentially, it's just a night of where there's anywhere from 2-6 lobbies of a certain theme, we've done 4v4v4v4, FAF Beta (technical difficulties iirc) and Multiple Armies Union Control, with many more planned : )
All are welcome, people who are int he CGN VC do get priority, and those who are toxic and such can be removed to make space for those who can genuinely enjoy the event people put effort into hosting.
Overall just good times i suppose.
u1100 Tournament
Hello Everyone, following the success of the u1500 tournament, we're now hosting a u1100 tournament!
All u1100 1v1 players are allowed to participate, although those who are exceedingly higher in other ratings may be asked to queue some 1v1 games to certify they're within the right rating bracket. This tournament will be Double Elimination and Best of 3
See you there : )
https://discord.gg/XkkVSyDeft -
RE: Aeon Gun ACU
@phong Maybe if we buff UEF again she'll dm us back : (
RE: Aeon Gun ACU
@phong said in Aeon Gun ACU:
Well that's a very good reason indeed ftx. An in joke.
Mine was that I laughed so hard at @Strydxr's comment that I felt compelled to join in the fun. Not an in joke, more like a bad joke. An overindulgence, in retrospect. Nothing I could come up with would ever match the wit of his Janus jab.
I did accuse you of hypocrisy in regards to shitposting, but you've cleared that up and I must apologize. You're not a shitposter and I'm sorry my ignorance led me to conclude you were. Now that I'm in on your joke, I know better.
Neither agree or disagree with you on the gun range. But I'm happy to have helped bring out the better version of your arguments. I think that, like me, people will find them more convincing than I did the OP. Stay classy.
I personally think our UEF balance takes were more interesting than the aeon thread tbf. Should do this again sometime! : )
RE: Aeon Gun ACU
@phong said in Aeon Gun ACU:
@strydxr I'll be honest mate, I'm legitimately sad the Colossus is still in such a sorry state, a full 9 months after Jip published videos on how he fixed the bugs with the grabby arms on the official FaF Youtube channel. I'm not sad because I die to it, but because of what it means.
But that is more or less a settled issue warranting no further balance deliberations. It just raises the question, what good are discussions anyway, if problems linger for so long even after they're decided upon?
I recently hosted a game with beta balance by mistake (i was meaning to pick fafdevelop) and was informed it's not up to date, so I can't even provide what little help I might, by testing, although I want to.
With regards to @FtXCommando's proposal, I tend to agree that T2 is in a good enough state right now to consider such a change, but again, I'm not really confident my opinion on this matter is of much worth.
reject colossus, embrace percival push.
RE: 4v4 TMM January 2023 Map Pool Tier List
1063 in 4v4 TMM, QueueSlaving is hard work.
RE: Suggestions & Recommendations
In my opinion, the intel stuff should be a toggle, but could be interesting to see..
The disperse stuff sounds promising.
RE: Aeon Gun ACU
@phong No no no, Buff Snoops to allow them to counter-raid LABs!!!
RE: The End of FAF
Honestly, I'm not sure what is the correct answer, as FAF operates on a decentralised communication aspect. I'm not sure how the other teams have handled it, but here's how we handled it when I joined the Personal Trainer Team:
- We drafted worthwhile topics.
- We had a meeting (with nearly 100% Trainer Attendance + Babel & OGW_PR_Outreach)
- We discussed these topics, verifying that the problem is commonplace and began to provide solutions and feedback (everyone contributed to each problem in some way, making sure we had every insight we possibly could have acquired)
- We narrowed it down to two insights that would work best for the problem, and then had a vote
- We documented this meeting, including all important notes and changes to start the shift for a slightly more centralised approach to keep each other up to date.
Now this won't work in larger scales, as this was meant to address several issues within the Trainer Team, although I think this is where Team Leads could possibly have a bit more impact within their respective teams.
I'd propose for most major changes to have a representative of most if not all teams to keep everyone up to date, as this should then allow everyone to keep up to date due to the flow of information from the teams to the community, or for the Team Leads to just be informed and then they forward it to us, and then we follow the same step in keeping everyone up to date.
This may have some flaws I cannot foresee due to conditional bias, and I think teams could have some pretty qualitive and quantitively varying insights to changes before it's published, hopefully lessening the impact of issues like this in the future.Another solution I'd like to put forward is newsletters or pings for discussions in this matter, as I think they already exist (correct me if I am wrong) in FAF development, but for changes regarding moderation changes and stuff like that, I think the outward communication before publishes may have a similar effect, and it may solve the communication on the moderation game dev or whoever's end, leaving it to the players to then keep their end of the deal of promising better two way communication.
Perhaps you'll disagree, and that's fine. But this is my opinion of someone who's seen this before and realistically the more insights that are provided the better.
RE: 'Brigadier Fletcher' Player tournament (cancelled)
Is this where I sign up? If so.. Allow me to throw my hat in da ring, only to never be chosen
1v1: 1116
2v2: 1136
3v3: 1354
4v4: 1359
Global: 1388