Right now the mass storage only works as mex upgrade. Mostly as a t2 mex upgrade before transitioning it to t3.
Pretty much there is no way competent player would put a mass storage alone somewhere not around mex or a mass fab. On other hand you would see energy storage placed somewhere far from energy.
So why don't players build storage for STORING mass?
Reasons for it:
- Other units provide you mass storage
- Mass storage itself doesn't provide enough storage for its cost.
Here's quick browse on top players' games. I've been watching only the eco development. Here's some chart how much extra storage do players get from their units:

There were games where players never built a single storage because they never needed them: factories and engineers gave enough storage for them to store reclaim so they never needed to build a separate building.
In fact if storage didn't give adjacency boost we would barely see this unit as engineers and factories provide enough storage.
This reminds the early FAF balance change when energy storage was removed from engineers and factories exactly so players built separate structure and to provide enemy a counterplay to snipe a dedicated building.
My suggestion to remove the storage from engineers and factories. Also remove energy storage from Sparky as it wasn't done with other engineers. Here's PR https://github.com/FAForever/fa/pull/5824
Further suggestions:
- Reduce Mass storage cost to 750e and 100m, but also reduce adjacency bonus from 0.5 to 0.25.
- Take EQ code that calculates amount of mass stored in each structure and removes it from player when structure dies.