Back in my days we had Galactic War and Zep xD

RE: What's the history of FAF?
The final farewell.
As many remember last year I said I was leaving faf and re appeared a few months later as at that time I still had some time free as I enjoyed contributing to faf.
Last week I notified both balance and game leads I will be no longer making anymore contributions to faf Thier are a few reasons for my decision
- No longer have the motivation.
- No longer enjoying it.
- Too much waiting around.
- No longer have the spare time.
This has definitely been coming for the last few months and the time I've spent contributing to faf has been enjoyable for the most part as well as made friends who I plan to keep in touch with as I adventure with in the next place I go.
Faf will allways be apart of me as it helps me decide the direction on what I want to do in life and was Thier when I need it to take my mind off thing.
RE: New client installation error
you need to host or join a game first to download all the faf related changes
RE: BALANCE team twitch?
@mopeytotem the next meeting were going to trial a discord stage where people can join and listen in but game and balance team can still talk.
RE: SACU Rebalance
i talk with jip about this idea of custom presets but the issues it that it would require a rewithe to how the current presets are done due to they are hardcoded in the unit blueprints
RE: SACU Rebalance
@karl_marx the Sera regen field would stack with multiple sacus
RE: SACU Rebalance
@noble_ice i will make a Post regarding that once we have more concrete decision on the SACU changes
SACU Rebalance
In the process of keeping the community up-to-date on what The Balance team is working on we are currently in the process of reworking how all the SACU work you can see the process and the decision is made via a collection of Github Pull requests.
Be mindful that they are all still subject to change.
- Base Stats
- Quantum Gate Changes
- UEF Enhancements
- Aeon Enhancements
- Cybran Enhancements
- Seraphim Enhancements
Please try and provide feedback either here or via the Github Pull Requests.
RE: Faction win rate?
@rhaelya as well as that repo was private so we count even update it.
RE: Faction win rate?
@reckless_charger not really , the most you can do is what's available via the API but requires a oAuth token.
RE: Why does everything suck so much right now?
As someone who has been around in the FAF Community for a While I was to become the team lead for the balance team but with just how the atmosphere is towards development and contributors who want to work on improving the game has gotten to the point where it stale and is just a vicious cycle. I've now started to move my contributions over the the BAR community as my work is at least more appreciated over thier.
RE: How to add Phase shields to a unit and create custom unit meshes
@resin_smoker the issue with say they been around for 10 years if they didn't have a licence that allowed other to fix them nothing we could do
RE: Todays FAF Beta Balance Crashing in launch...logs attached
@legendofthestars the beta balance game type was ruled back for testing alla balance related changes are on fafdevelop
RE: BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed only for FAF v25
@doompants only people with the rights can update mods unless the mod has the a license that allows it to be modified which black ops dose not have
RE: Mods icons are not displayed on the Mods tab.How to fix it?
@morpex_38 this is a infrastructure structure issue when alot of stuff was moved to the new infrastructure. It's known
RE: Issues with the heightmap in the FAF Map Editor.
@captainklutz i can take a look at automating the pull from that repo so that with the builds of the editor it pulls in the new brushes