Some websites allow more specific reactions like agree/disagree/lol/lmao/pogchamp rather than good/bad.
So, can we add pogchamps to the forum?
RE: [Forum] Please remove downvote button
RE: 2023 Spring Invitational Qualifier
How do you do my fellow spring invitational qualifiers?
RE: T1 bombers are too good at hunting down expanding engineers
Just some ideas:
If bombers had a second larger aoe ring, e.g. doing 75 damage, they'd be able to kill all engies in at most two passes. The inner circle ring size could also be nerfed try and keep balance vs large armies. Now, if a bomber drops 4 bombs, it either gets 2-4 kills instead of 0-4. It's more consistent but not 100% predictable.Another change, instead of increasing second ring size, is to shrink the inner aoe size and adding partial tracking to bombs, so they always hit with at least the weak aoe against engies. Bombers would be a bit worse against groups from the smaller inner ring, but hit more consistently.
One of these could also be combined with engies having larger turning circles to be worse at dodging, then maybe aoe wouldn't need to be changed to hit.
Keeping an inner damage ring with the same damage as current bombers would help to maintain current balance against larger, stationary, or unmicroed targets.
RE: Balance Q&A session sunday 19:30 CET
I am so exited. Please call it "THE STATE OF FAF".
Increase aeon lab's projectile lifetime for ghetto gunship
Flare weapon's projectile lifetime is too short for ghetto's on uneven terrain.
Replays I guess.
Test game (min 1:30): #19701059.
Real game (min 5:00 exactly): #19652929.Pic from test game showing point where it disappears.
Trans if floating above that tiny crater but it can't hit the engies.
I think an increase by 10-30% would fix it for most terrain.
The projectile has no drop off so it travels it's full distance in land fights when the lab misses but I don't think this matters much. It'll look bizarre if it's too high regardless.
Haven't checked other labs, but could be normalised according to muzzle velocity.
RE: why scathis fire and then stop and again fire and stop
@Pearl12 think it was just for faction diversity (yep there it is again). I think at first, it was changed, as @Nari said, to be a short range mavor. It was half price, ~110k mass, and had about 8-10km range. Since no other faction had a 'cheap game ender', cybran had an uncontested win condition on 10km maps. It also overlapped with t3 arty at ~70k mass and outperformed. It was also useless on 20km maps, due to said short range, giving cybran no game ender on it.
But anyway, cybran needed a game ender different from mavor, and since scathis is a rapid fire artillery, they exaggerated what made it different to make it even more different, i.e. loads more aoe, very low accuracy, very low damage per shot (compared to mavor); this matched the style of cybrans other arties, treb and disruptor. I think the volley idea was just something someone came up with and it stuck.
I personally think it looks dumb for the canon to spin so fast. If they shot cluster projectiles instead, like how their bomber shoots 6 bombs, then it would look way less stupid and not like a modded unit. This change would even keep it's shot per volley the same. Also, it would split early unlike the aoen rapid fire.
RE: Possibly how to make kennels better
Pros use kennels to assist fatboy on the frontline to make units.
RE: My faf PTSD story
I honestly quit team games partly due to this. It was happening most games and was always such a chore to pick up the slack. There is an alternate game mode 'supremacy' which allows you to continue if you have engies or factories, but it's not really played. My solution was to play 1v1 instead.
RE: 'Princess Burke' Mapping tournament
My submisions:
Sentons winter
burke crater battles
Extra details: -
RE: Matchmaker Team Sentons 4v4 TMM Inclusion
Do we also remove 4v4 land spam maps because some 1ks (at least one every 4v4) don't build more than 2 land factories for first 5 min? What about maps where you need your acu in mid? Some 1ks (a lot) don't do this. Should 'acu in mid' maps be removed because people don't know the 'map specific bo'?
There's some real garbage I've had to play in 4v4 que like sera glaciers, sera outpost 4v4, or bloodthrone. An unbalanced game on sentons would already be 100x better than all the games I've had on those awful maps combined, my lane is at least dynamic unlike the other maps. How can anyone of you who don't want to que for sentons want to que for these? Like I don't even want to que since it's just 30 mins down the drain.
If map size is an issue then there should be map size preference while queuing. There's so many times I don't play because I don't have 40+ mins free time so would rather play something easier to time manage.
RE: Should we include the 2v2 and 4v4 TMM rank for tournaments?
I think a tourney only elo system could help solve this. I'm also curious what rating some people would have when only including super tryhard games.
RE: Weekly Discussion #15 - What kinds of (non-unit) mods would you like to see ranked?
Map gen with unrevealed terrain. I mean I want to see people play it. Do another show match or something, but a ranked que could be interesting as well.
RE: Why seraphim dont have RAS?
Well I'll explain my understanding of why gpg balanced them like this then.
Sera's faction theme is around sieging from firebases, they have the best arty, shields, snipers, base killing units, etc. They are, in fact, the 'invasion' faction, or 'alien' faction.
Sera's mini ras on scus offsets the lack of ras while incentivising building them for general offensive purposes. You then use them to build sera's firebases or use their combat upgrades. I think they're supposed to be the focus of a late game sera t3 army where you have lots of t3 land units based around a sera scu. It's similar to how armies focus around the acu at lower tech levels, and the fact sera has an oc upgrade makes this especially obvious that they are like expendable acus at the late t3 stage. I'm not saying this is what people do, in fact, no one does or tries to use combat scus like this, but I think it's still part of the point of how they were designed. Anyway, I digress.
This hard pushes sera into an aggressive mode with their scus, with them representing and supporting sera's forward positions. They are the only faction with an aggressive faction identity, and I think it adds a lot of character to a faction made up of designated killing machines to have their scus focused around combat. It's consistent to the lore too. Think of sera scus as spartan warriors who only know war. I feel pretty bad for the designers when it seems no one realises what they were going for with the scu design or sera's design.
Why not just give them ras anyway? Sera acu has it, but scus already have mini ras. I personally don't want it, but there's enough people already saying how it's not necessary due to fabs. It's also just lazy and boring faction design.
If they did have it, I'd want them to have some energy based ras, say 5m, 1.5ke, and 10k storage. This would help sera oc scus, or they could convert the excess at a somewhat similar efficiency to the other factions.
Yeah I have nothing better to do.
TLDR: Sera is the alien faction. -
Split mex t2/t3 upgrade hotkey
One hotkey to upgrade to t2 mex, one to t3 mex.
I keep upgrading an upgrading t1 mex and it goes t3.
Can combine with factory/radar/etc upgrade. -
RE: T1 Subs & T1 Frigs
I'm on the realism side for this. It's also counter intuitive to casual players. I'd like for subs to be balanced around killing things - high alpha with long reload and higher dps for example. It gives them some stopping power against frigs snowballing. Lower sub speed could also slow down navy. A radar decrease on frigs seems reasonable. At t1 it's a bit excessive, and at t2 air scouts, static sonar, and cruisers can do the job.
Trying to diversify frigs into an intel unit and a damage unit seems like a band-aid solution from only having two units. From a spam perspective, it's like making moles and mantis different units. The gameplay is still spammy as heck. Really there should be more units, but It seems like the game's fun is back loaded after the t1 stage, but then you also get stuck at t1 due to how expensive it is. With only two units (one unit) to balance things around, there isn't much choice but to spam.
The boring t1 stage and slow start are probably the worst things about FA, and maybe all rts too. I find I tend to play other games that get into the action quicker than fa, and when I do engage with fa, I'd rather watch a stream so I can skip the boring part.
Land also has terrain, pd, and the acu, not to mention t1 navy is resistant to air. Imagine t1 land without the acu or pd on an open map? Maybe trying to balance sub groups to focus navy interactions, like how acus do, and having unscouted subs slow down enemy forces, like pds, could help give more varied unit interactions and strategies. The interaction could be like othuums and snipers, but more about water vision than range. Frig diversity in jamming and torp defence also effects navy a lot more.
RE: TMM option to hide your opponent's name and rank
They're saying the preconception of an opponents strategy gives them a preconception of what to play. Not executed perfectly and not the more optimal strats at higher level play, their preconception of counter play is limited to what they currently know and are able to do, but this preconception can be distracting and can get in the way of trying something else.
The phenomena is analogous overfitting.