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RE: $300 Dynamic Duo Summer 2v2 Tournament
anybody wanna team up with me ? i'm 1300 almost all (global, 1v1, 2v2..)
RE: I hate FAF
@Sheikah I mean the settings of the client, like notifications off, faction desired for matchmaking etc..
RE: I hate FAF
hi all guys. maybe I made too much of a drama.
I re-made the hotkeys manually.. It didn't take so much, but I've learned the lesson to make a backup every once in a while.Btw, is there a folder also for the settings ? they really reset by themselves every damn week..
I hate FAF
I've installed the new update and I got all my preferences deleted.
This is the 13th time that my settings are resetted, I know that this is an open source thing, but this is time were not my UI mods to get deleted, but my fucking hotkey and templates too !!
I dunno I used to love this game but now I only see the option to quit it .. u can reinstall your UI mods in a 10 mins but u need a half day to reconfigure all your hotekey..
FA is not Forever
RE: Map Gen Week Feedback Thread
Question 1: Based on the map layout types listed and exemplified above, please describe which you prefer, dislike, and if any should plain be omitted from ladder/matchmaking.
based on my games in the mapgen week the only thing it made some maps too stressful was the Huge amount of reclaims (it was quite frequent, and in the 20x20 is really exhausting). But talking generally it made ladder really funQuestion 2: The reclaim and distributions in map gen are still a work in progress. If possible, comment on the reclaim experienced in maps and whether you would change anything.
see question 1. I'd add: maybe don' exaggerate on little reclaims spread all over the map that make extremely tedious the collection.Question 3: Do you feel you played better or worse during map gen week versus traditional pools with premade maps?
more exciting to see new maps. Sometimes playing open palms for the 100th time make my motivation fall suddenly. And with the normal pool you can get stressed on the fact that you don't want to sandbox BO.Question 4: Were there any particular differences between map sizes? For example, did 5x5 feel as enjoyable as a 10x10?
yeah.. 5x5 are ok imo, you can draw pretty easy, but it as a different tactic than 10x10 and make the game richer. I'd like to see 15x15 maybe..Question 5: Would you like to see a "Map Gen Month" in the future to test the feature for a lengthier period of time?
YES I'd say MAPGEN YEAR!! (aha i'm joking), but maybe a different queue where you can get only mapgen. (for example: 1v1 normal+ some mapgen, 1v1 mapgen, 2v2, 3v3 etc...) (rating then sum the same for the 2 types of 1v1, so everybody happy) OR if you don't want that I beg you to make a veto for ladder map, or I will soon quit ladder and maybe also FAFQuestion 6: Were there any "biomes" that stood out to you? A "biome" - for reference - is a premade set of textures that give a theme such as desert, red planet, jungle/grass, etc.
naah, but one of them has a sad vibe xD... I refer to red planetP.S: thanks DEVs!
RE: Introducing Mapgen Week on Ladder
@arma473 that's a good idea and what can also solve what @Cyborg16 is saying. Btw @Cyborg16 in 20x20 you have to think of nuke as tml, t3 arty as t2 arty, GC as t3 spam and so on... xD t1 tanks are almost useless
RE: Introducing Mapgen Week on Ladder
@Sheikah as always I'm going to ask you things instead of doing it, but I'm still not a dev xD:
Do you think it will be possible to make a mode in the mapgen creator like the "blind" one but that resembles the same randomness of mapgen week? I mean that map dimension (5x5, 10x10 o 20x20) will be known only when the game starts? I ask this to prepare to host 1v1 games when the mapgen week will end eheh.
RE: Introducing Mapgen Week on Ladder
I'm loving it already, please make it 4ever ! (never played ladder so much)
I got my topic closed when there was lot of feedback, where I should discuss that now?
I got my "maps veto for ladder" topic closed by a moderator (i think @angelofd347h ) probably for moderation purpouses and just for one guy that was talking shits on devs, why don't just ban him? The topic was having a lot of discussions also it could have continued with technical stuff to get the maps veto implementation going..
It is true in part that the topic served its purpose, I got the answer that I wanted i.e. that if we will implement it it would be accepted, BUT discussions were starting about how to do it technically and @Jip said:
"if the idea is well thought out and discussed with the other devs and the quality criteria (code-wise) is met then there is little reason to deny the pull request."
So where I should discuss it with devs now? here I was having feedback, I tried to open it on github but got 0 comments. I wanna personally work on it if possible, but with devs help! Thanks in advance..
RE: maps veto for ladder
It seems I didn't get such a good ally xD. Pls @CorvathraNoob respect this guys' work.. as they said they ain't getting paid, so it's far from naive that they are working on what they are interested in or even better on what they have already dedicated years for.
But the question is: Would you (@Askaholic , @Brutus5000 , @Jip , @Sheikah , @Reckless_Charger ....) agree to integrate this map veto feature in ladder if, let's assume, it was already developed and ready to implement?
If your answer is affirmative, there's no hurry! I would personally dedicate time on it, but I have no knowledge on how to do it for FAF client (although I did study coding stuff like C++ and matlab), let's say that I would take lessons by you experienced developers or just donate, as I already want to do, maybe an aimed donation to some devs of 50-100 bucks to implement the map veto, but of course depends on the time it takes and on if the whole community would accept it.
To finish, In my opinion ladder or 1v1 is the purest form of playing this game and the best way of learning its mechanics and micro+macro, so please let's not say "most of the people play teamgames, let's not improve the ladder experience" otherwise we will just decrease the ladder players and find ourselves with a ton of onlyastrogap players
RE: maps veto for ladder
@femtozetta good I've already opened the Github:
RE: maps veto for ladder
@angelofd347h I'd be happy to contribute with donation for the free time.. just introduce me some devs. I was already planning to donate to faf, i'd be even more happy to do it with a purpouse!