I was hoping for some fix for the missing effects but alas it's still the same.

RE: Linux Support
RE: Aeon and Sera Eng Stations
@Whatisbennis said in Aeon and Sera Eng Stations:
Just stop getting pushed out of the water by 5 frigates and voila, no need for cybran hover. Try scouting your opponent to not get owned by a "surprise fleet" of 30 ships that took 10mins to build. Hur hur hur hurrrrrrhyiebahahabaa
Stop talking shit. Air has to be blamed for something.
RE: Advanced replay parser
Can the sim thread be started without having the rendering and whatnot as a dependency?
RE: Who do you think will qualify in the next qualifier
You get a nifty badge which apparently brings the boys to the yard..
RE: Aeon and Sera Eng Stations
Give hives an enormous range - it'll give Kibran something to get back into the water....
RE: List of active FAF streamers
Does Yuri actually stream? He only casts afaik?
RE: FAF client now being blocked
Keep defender switched on, it's for your own good.
RE: Bugs, bugs, and more bugs
If you had to disable old mods, it stands to reason you have old files and directories laying about. I'd delete the lot and start over fresh.
RE: Who do you think will qualify in the next qualifier
@hybrid_ said in Who do you think will qualify in the next qualifier:
me, just me
You need to unrust more!
RE: Good laptops to play FAF on. Any recommendations?
Find a second-hand Alienware or something. They're more than powerful enough, the higher-end ones comes with a 17" screen and the cooling isn't compromised because of thin-and-light-at-all-costs.
RE: T2 destroyer rebalance
Aeon destros are very nice, though - I skeert of Aeon navy.
Usually if I can spam enough frigates I don't particularly care too much if my opponent has gone HQ, unless he/she is aeon. I often skip over t2 entirely because them destros are so nice.
Where kibran is concerned - the T2 naval AA game is just too weak and torpcucking is a problem much more so than other factions, who have shields, hoverflak and less overkilly cruisers.
RE: How do you mute people?
I also want to know. The chat filter doesn't seem to work. Bobster, here's looking at you.
Also, people on your foe list, you can still see their lobbies and they can still see and join yours (more of a client than core mod issue but apropos to the op)
RE: Let's talk telemazer
Telemazer is really only a last-ditch gambit; the power cost is astronomical to obtain and savvy opponents always know it's coming.
Is it fun? Yes. Satisfying when you pull it off and maybe even win the game. However it's got a smell to it; a poor substitute in lieu of having dominated.
I'm always looking for more ways to have shens, and tbh I'd rather have rapid fabrication than mazer if you have to have a telecombo.
Having mazer alone is a useful teledef in of itself but that cancels out its utility. I'd rather make mazer cheaper to get and get rid of the telemazing combo entirely.
RE: CPU performance tests
@tatsu said in CPU performance tests:
@ZLO !
I ran CPU-X for what it's worth. AIDA64 still doesn't ship to ubuntu (for some reason it does ship to ubuntu phone which like isn't even a thing anymore)
Screenshot from 2020-10-06 07-27-52.pngHow come yours is themed correctly? Are you running the root or non-root version?
RE: A Topic of Dumb Ideas!
Just get rid of hover and everything is solved.
RE: What do you think? Sexy right?
@Kenosis said in What do you think? Sexy right?:
@biass nice meme, but read and use brain
Surely the eyes are employed first?