Great work guys. I hope a lot of underplayed maps get more played this way.

RE: Some good news about Team Matchmaking (TMM)
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
Add the Bismarck dreadnought, from the Blackops mod to the game.
RE: Make the tactical missile from the t3 submarines more usefull
@freemp said in Make the tactical missile from the t3 submarines more usefull:
Personally I wouldn't change the "nuke behavior" of the subs. I think it is nice the way it is (even though I understand the logic behind this proposition).
I would only make the tml play a more active role in the gameplay. Today, they are almost exclusively used for nuke purposes, people always disable their tml ability to keep them stealth (making their tml obviously useless). I wouldn't see this change as making the sub more powerful as you would either use the sub for nuke launch (in this case you would reasonably not use the tml to keep the stealth behavior), or you would use it as a tml platform, never both for all practical purposes.
I believe this enhancement could really be beneficial: it would give you a choice in using your t3 subs: surprize nuke or sneaky tml. It could enrich the gameplay and lead to more interesting "behind the line" attacks. Their tml are today too weak to make anyone reasonably use the sneaky tml option.
Of course all this requires a wise decision about how to change the tml behavior. This would have to be discussed in further details.
Burst mode sounds like an interesting option as well. Especially if it looks like it does on this old Gamespy screenshot:
Link to the article here.
RE: 4v4 TMM Map List WIP - Community Feedback Welcome
On the list there is Madness -6-with the comment:
"Spawns are not odd-even + terrain issues in the middle of the map."
This is one of my maps. I've just uploaded a new version to fix this.
- Spawns are odd vs even now
- Middle heightmap has been redone so there shouldn't be any terrain issues anymore. There is a lot more building space now.
- In addition, some textures and decals have been placed on the main mountains, to give a visual clue to where the edge of the mountain is.
On the Discord channel, I also submitted another map: Madness -2-.
Changes for that map are:
- Lighting and textures have been redone to make the map darker
- A pool has been placed on the main island as a place for commanders to hide with low HP
- Some mex spots on the main island have been placed closer to sea, to promote naval play of main island players
- A couple of decals have been placed
Please send me a PM on these forums if you have comments.
RE: Let's talking about HARMS
When groundfire is the solution, you might as well put it above water.
The idea of the unit being underwater imo is that you can't hit it with surface weapons.
Perhaps place it above water and give it stealth and or cloak. Then you still have the ambush element while not being a pain to deal with.
Best game mode to win people over for FAF?
Got some friends to buy FA during a Steam Sale. The problem is, I can't get them to actually play the game
Only a couple of times they gave the game a half-baked chance.
My question is, what's in your experience the best way to get them hooked? Especially when the person in question isn't willing to spend a lot of time trying FAF.
Campaign or vs AI is pretty boring, because you miss the thrill of a human opponent. On the other hand, if I bring them online, they will get beated by a -100 for sure.
Any ideas?
RE: What would get you to play maps other than Dual Gap/Astro Crater?
@bulliednoob said in What would get you to play maps other than Dual Gap/Astro Crater?:
@h-master I consider Dual Gap an interesting and dynamic map in the sense that many different strategies can lead to victory. As opposed to most other maps, Dual Gap does not have a defined meta. Ask a group of random Dual Gap players their favourite playstyle, and you'll be surprised with the variety in their responses that aren't simply ecoing up. If the players co-operate, they can easily beat the "stale Dual Gap eco meta" with quick T2 air plays into the main bases. Furthermore, strat rush, nuke rush, notha rush and t3 arty rush are examples of more strategies that can be found on Dual Gap. Not only this, but standard land pushes through middle (which can be done in many different ways) have shown to be exceedingly successful, along with attempting to attain naval domination and destroying the turtle bases from the sea.
Compare this to the generic t1/t2 spam + gun ACU gameplay you'll find on the more generally "accepted" teamgame maps, like Wonder, Canis, Hilly Plateau, and Pyramid. You'll find that Dual Gap is infinitely more interesting than whatever else everyone plays.
Thanks for sharing. My view of Gap may have been a bit too turtly. I can understand the appeal it has. It has very different gameplay compared to more open maps, but that's what a lot of people prefer apparently.
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
@dragun101 said in WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas:
Add the 3 Xbox Exclusive Units and Sera Campaign crystals as buildable units
What are those three units again? UEF had a t3 anti artillery unit if I remember correctly.
RE: Atlantis
Atlantis being able to build air units while moving, would make it more useful.
I know it's an engine limitation, but a workaround exists.
Also, why not make it's torpedo's do much more damage? Than it could do something for it's price.
RE: Ice is a failure
ICE has been amazing. Multiplayer is way more stable than a couple of years ago.
RE: WD #3 - Ridiculous Balance Ideas
Make a second type of strat that can carpet bomb an area.
RE: Make the tactical missile from the t3 submarines more usefull
@freemp said in Make the tactical missile from the t3 submarines more usefull:
I believe it is also a matter of what is easier to implement.
My personal preference would be tu use the t3 sub as a mobile tml launcher or nuke launcher in a way that it plays a similar role as the buildings. Hence the tml would take some time to be loaded and you can ask to shoot it when you want (with a power comparable to the missiles produced by the t2 building)
But I don't know if it is technically possible to have two manual launch options (nuke+tml) on a unit. I am too ignorant of what is doable or not. If such option is not possible, the burst could be a good alternative.
But more important than either of those two options (I believe both are good) would be to know if this proposition of changing the t3 sub behavior encouters a favorable opinion from the community at all. Then we could discuss how to implement it in further details.
I feel like there is a comparable amount of people for and against it currently on this topic. I think we need more feedback.
Same here. I would prefer to use the subs as a mobile TML as well. Maybe even let it be able to fire a couple of TM's at the same time (burst mode).
Not sure if it would make the sub OP. It would become very useful though! (apart from the Nuke part, which is of course already useful now) -
RE: Carriers - how to get them to auto launch
The carrier will forgot its build que when it gets a move command.
There is a mod that has a workaround. I sugested to implement it in the game, but it didn't receive positive feedback. -
RE: Small suggestions topic
Suggestion: infinite build button for movable experimentals.
Result: the builder will Keep trying to build a new experimental on the same spot.
There is a key combination for it I believe, but a button is probably easier to find.
RE: Steam shows i am ingame in Supcom when FAF is open
@zeldafanboy said in Steam shows i am ingame in Supcom when FAF is open:
I kicked my brother off a competitive CS match because I launched FAF with Steam open. We share a Steam account so now I have to make sure Steam is closed before I launch FAF
That will teach him. Great time to introduce him to FAF
RE: The game is at an impasse. For All. there is no development and no future. only for fans of monotony.
Maybe not play gap?? And help making it less popular by hosting/joining other lobbies. Like generated maps, tmm or even a nice Madness map
RE: Suggest new props
Objects from earth. For example buildings, trucks etc. They must be small, as the units are gigantic in comparison.
Edit: in general it's a good I think to keep the scale in mind when designing new props.
Check out the size of a human compared to a UEF commander toe:
(Edit Edit, added picture)
RE: Lock 0 rated players for 4vs4 ranked and AFK problems
As for the afk problem. Pretty sure there are solutions for that. Maybe a ready box that appears before the game launches?
RE: I cri everytim
@arma473 said in I cri everytim:
Trying to control how other people play a game by shaming them as inferior, by telling them that the time and effort they invest into playing is less valuable than the time that you put in, telling them that their skills are crap compared to your skills, is not very nice and not at all helpful.
Yes, I agree that we should treat each other with respect of course.
An analogy came to mind. Let's say FAF is like football (soccer). With the original game, you are allowed to run. With turtle maps, you are only allowed to walk.
The people who run during the game, say hey this game is way more fun when you are allowed to run. There are many more possibilities. It's a shame everyone is walking and we have trouble getting enough people for the games where people are allowed to run.
Maybe the analogy sucks, but that's for me at least the sentiment, I am having with this situation. -
RE: I cri everytim
@pryanichek said in I cri everytim:
The problem starts with new players
I myself have recently started playing Faf (a little less than a year)
Until you have 100 games it is impossible to get on any map except dual gaps or astro crater, you will be kicked from the lobbyDid you try going through the campaign first? When I first got the game in 2007 I played through all three campaigns before going to multiplayer. That gave a great feel to the units and the game mechanics.
Now it's even better since you can play the campaign with the multiplayer balance modifications in place.