I have a question. Is there any way to make your M28 AI teammate give you a unit ? I would like his engineer/sacu or any unit/building/exp that can make an engineer/sacu. tnx
Posts made by goblinsly2
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
Switched to new map, adaptive turtle beach. I notice M28 progressing and its great fun, everytime a new trick hits me
Just a few things, sadly no replay because everytime this happens its over minute 50:
- SMD - M28 still gets surprised by nuke, perfect scouting is never possible. Me personaly i play it safe and go straight SMD after i build T3 power. Better safe than sorry
- Ally had tons of T3 gunships die to my nuke again
- When experimental is nearing the enemy base, their coms dont seem to adjust their actions, sometimes even moving towards the experimental. Wouldnt it make more sense that when they notice an experimental and have no adequate defences, they would run in the opposite direction of the experimental ? That way at least com would survive. Even if they have tons of gunships its a hit miss, since they first kill AA and that often draws them far away from experimental
Great work !
RE: CPU performance tests
Did anyone test how much overclocking on R5 5600X helps the game ? Like enable XMP and/or do that tweak for up to extra 200Mhz boost ?The game is largely single core so extra boost on 1/2 cores would be very easy to cool.
Any extra tweaks, like disabling multithreading or something else on this cpu ?
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
Crashed again. I checked both game times since youtube saved my livestream, 1 crashed at 47 min, the other at 49 min. Image is from last game that crashed, showing 1.8GB max
I tried with bots, 6v6, same map, no crash after 1 hour, will try a longer game tomorrow to see if it crashes, one today ended prematurely to see if it would crash. -
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
Sadly i don't have a replay even in my replay folder, seems it failed to make one after last crash. I will test stream M28 vs M28 on +10 and see how much ram is used by supreme commander. But for some reason i think it might have to do with audio capture. I use a plugin in obs so that i can stream game audio but not system audio - this is because i am chating with friend on skype while he watches the stream and he hears his echo if i dont disable audio output except sc game
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
Had another game crashed. I played this map in the very same configuration for 30 times without crash. It crashed only 2 times, both times i was streaming through OBS/youtube. Any idea how OBS could somehow mess the SC or affect its ram usage ?
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
If i spawn like 20 fatboys and have them shoot at eachother, my game will practicaly stop. Though that might just be projectile calculation, not necesarily anything to do with M28, granted im on an old i5 [email protected]. But playing 10s and 10s of games on the same map, i noticed that when there are UEF's, after 1h30m game will progressively become slower and slower. When there are no UEF's it is a lot better. Naturaly i thought of fatboys because otherwise i dont see anything unusual about UEF except fatboys and their strange projectiles (projectiles hitting fatboy when it explodes, u can just feel everything stop)
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
I play 1 game against M28 everyday and would like to thank you for your work - u have no idea how much fun i have after a working day, playing against M28
I have a few observations, if u find them useful:
- Occasionaly M28 has problems regarding nukes. Namely, when i launch a nuke and its in the air, often he might go to where the nuke will land. I thought it was to lure the enemy but he sent to many planes there. And sometimes he will launch a nuke a few seconds after i do and target the spot that will be destroyed by my nuke
- when he spots enemy air experimental or gunships, he will often follow them with all their ASF's and get shreded in heavily SAMs fortified town (scouted). When he is fighting ASF vs ASF he will usualy stop, but when its about gunships or air exp he will send them to death often, barely shooting anything down
- sometimes we have a land experimental nearing our base while he goes with tons of gunships killing some very far away scouts and stuff
ps: is there something special with fatboys or UEF in particular ? I find the games with UEF run a lot slower than games without them, particularly when fatboys move around. I did test and fatboys vs fatboys do indeed cause serious lag. Which is funny because ASF fights even consisting of like 1300 ASF's rarely cause more than -1 or -2. When u see fatboys around after 1.5 hours i can drop to -5
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
Ok, so this is not OBS problem then ? I am asking because this never happened when i played, but had a crash 2 times when using OBS. And i wasn't even far into the game, probably about 1 hour, while other games i played for 3-4 hours ingame time
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
@maudlin27 I had a crash today and it seems that it has to do with OBS which i use for streaming. Do you have any more insight as to what is wrong or how to solve it ?
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
I will do that. Also, when the game stopped responding, i waited about 30 seconds, then i alt+tabbed and saw another window opened called unhandled exception. Does it matter which one i close first in order to give game enough time to write into logs, game window or unhandled exception ? The only other thing that comes to mind is that i was streaming a game to a friend, but game was at 0 at that time.
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
I got an unhandled exception after a long time, prolly played this map 30-40 times without a single crash, and long games, 3+ hours with paragon and tons of units.
The only difference is that i was streaming to my friend this time. Could this be the reason or u see something in logs, maybe recent update to M28 ? -
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
Tnx. Im still playing on that fortress map. Just 3 quick things.
- when i go and snipe paragon, i always kill 1 or 2 commanders along with it.
- even when para is built by aeon, it's com is still pretty stock, so killing him is easy. It would be harder if he had shield and some hp boosting upgrades. Same for other coms.
- Cybran i think is to confident in its T3 gunships and bugs. He will go around the map without any ASF's even when enemy has tons of ASF's and it's an easy prey due to neglible AA on those 2 types of gunships. It's prolly depending on me protecting the flock since im an air dominant player ?
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
I tested AI in a few games and can confirm that it spams RAS commanders and its a lot more challenging in the late game. There is still an occasional issue with experimentals where it cant decide what to shoot at when being attacked and ends up dying with barely doing any damage. But mostly its ok.
I have a question. When playing 3v3 vs Cybran, Aeon and Seraphim, when enemy builds a paragon, i see that for instance Cybran player suddenly owns an experimental bomber. So Seraphim must have donated either enginner, factory or the bomber itself to Cybran. How does that happen ? I was never donated anything, apart from few planes early on. Also Aeon player will usualy build more than 1 paragon, yet i never see him donate that to team players. That might be a good idea since Aeon player will soon hit unit limit or be limited by build power.
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
I see a few updates were done since i wrote about air. I thought i improved my airplay and started winning because of that, but it might just be because of updates.
I just finished a great game where i sniped a paragon and only when my bugs attacked it i saw 2 coms standing next to it. That looked very dangerous. Just a thought.
I think the only reason i am able to win in this setup is because i build fabs while enemy doesn't, so after a while i just build more units. I remember M27 mass built fabs and ras coms, this seemed to change in M28 ?
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
@maudlin27 Just wanted to report that whatever crashes were happening with nukes are gone, played a 4 hour match with no slowdowns and problems.
I wanted to ask you about ASFs, just to make sure my eyes aren't deceiving me. AI is using some strategy, like preventing overkilling in ASF vs ASF battles ? In battles when it seems we both have equal amount of ASFs and i do attack move, my ASF's drop like flies and he seems to keep most of the planes.
It's great for practicing air combat for total air beginner like myself. But just wanted to see if im using attack move wrong, or AI is making air calculations that just arent possible for me. Like AI checks health of a single ASF and then only uses amount of its own ASFs targeting this plane enough to kill it. How do pros do it against this AI in air battles?
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
Tnx. I played another of that type of game but with flying experimentals disabled. Was fun.
This map is wierd. Right from the beginning, even though i go totaly turtle, my team mates always manage to push land 3/4 of the way to the enemy base. Spamming 99% land units. Enemy on the other hand goes hard air right from the start and eventualy kills the advancing units and takes 3/4 of the base. It would appear that when enemy is outside our walls, it will build more land units, presumably it sees them as greater threat. But after an hour or so when we cleared our doorstep and reclaimed killed enemy units (which was my plan from the start), suddenly both allies went heavy air. In the first hour enemy vs our air was 1 to 30 for enemy. All of the sudden it became 50/50 and then we won air. I didnt play air from the start, to see if that will trick allies to go heavy air. Didnt help.
Im wondering. Do AI's respond to chat ? Are there any commands they will recognise? Like, e pls, build smd, etc. ?
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
Granted i don't know how to play air player, but even if i did i don't know if i can make enough ASF's to counter 3 enemies each having ASF's. Previous games i hit 1000/1000 unit limit with 500 ASF's and whenever we engaged in neutral territory, it wasn't even close, i guess you did some good programming since they seem to combine shots to 1 shot my ASF's like flies.
On this map there are some things i need to do. First 1 mega to each entrance and 3 SMD's to cover the whole base. Otherwise my allies will die either to nuke or early experimental. Now if i add ASF's to this, my eco just cant do it.
Yes, they were building ASF's but absolute numbers its a huge difference. They donated 6 ASFs to me and i never saw any of them having more than 10 ASF's. If you look at enemies, they each prolly have 100's of ASF's. Was just wondering what triggered this, it was pretty frustrating.
RE: M28AI Devlog (v176)
I just came from 2 incredibly strange games, not sure what happened. It's the vodoo map with air enabled, t4 nuke/T3T4Arty/Satelite disabled. I played like 10 straight games with this settings and won them all. Now lost 2 in a row. But the reason is really simple - AI's on my team play differently than AI's on opposite sides. My AI's make practicaly no ASFs, while the enemy makes 100's and 100's of them. Now, crappy as i play, we would be ok if we each made 1/3 of the airforce. But basicaly we are 1 hour into the game, getting bombarded with 4 or 5 experimental bombers and i am the only one making ASFs, while 1 player is making fatboy and the other chicken. I attached a replay link and log, pardon my language in the replay.
RE: CPU performance tests
I am a bit late to the game. But maybe someone will find it useful.
I am using a very old pc, i5 2500k, 12GB ddr3 (dual channel) and gtx 1060 6gb. Right now my ram is set to 1600 9-9-9 xmp profile. I tested stock cpu vs 4ghz vs 4.5ghz. I am now in the process of testing how memory latency vs frequency affects the game. I used the replay someone here posted, the one ending with teleport to kill SMD and nuke destroying paragon. I attached the replay incase someone else wants to use it. First number is lobby score (best of 5), second is time to finish the replay attached using the cheat code wld_RunWithTheWind. I start counting the moment i see ingame map, i stop counting the moment i see "replay ended" message. I record the replay using OBS and use it to calculate how much it took without having to be sitting and waiting for replay to end. I also have FPSMonitor overlay with statistics running for some useful stats. Here are my results:
I5 2500k@default 285 17:35s
i5 2500k@4Ghz 246 15:48s
i5 [email protected] 220 14:36s