Okie but I will still be waiting for response
RE: Scripting
Is this appropriate:
function Armybuffed(army)
local Brain = GetArmyBrain(army)
while (not Brain or Brain:IsDefeated() or not units or table.getn(units) < 1) do
for id, bp in Brain.Unit do
if type(bp.Defense.Health) == 'number' then
bp.Defense.Health = bp.Defense.Health * 3
if type(bp.Defense.MaxHealth) == 'number' then
bp.Defense.MaxHealth = bp.Defense.MaxHealth * 3
if type(bp.Defense.Shield.ShieldMaxHealth) == 'number' then
bp.Defense.Shield.ShieldMaxHealth = bp.Defense.Shield.ShieldMaxHealth * 3
end -
how to create a function to multiply by 3 the max health of all units of a certain army?
RE: Support ACU Assist order code
Ow my mistake not scenario framework but with the functions made in basemanager.lua. I can't find any assist only function for SACU exclusively.
RE: Support ACU Assist order code
I am trying to edit the SupCom FA campaign ai scripts. I wanted the ai bases to have SACU assisting factories that builds patrolling units, and main forces. Instead of using the scenario framework engineer assist function. I could just use a scenario utility that will specify a SACU unit to only assist a factory. Problem is I can't find a function that will not affect any engineers other than SACU.
Support ACU Assist order code
Is there anyone who knows the code to create a specific support acu unit and focus it only throughout its existence as an entity to assist a specific factory in SupCom FA Vanilla Lua Script?
RE: SupportACU Focus Assist Codes
Yes, its about scripting. Ow I thought this is the only way I can get help in terms of coding. Thanks by the way.
SupportACU Focus Assist Codes
Is there anyone who knows the code to assign a specific Support Acu unit to focus only on assisting a specific factory?
Need help in coding
Guys can you give me some advice on what to add to this sample codes so that the ai will only build it when the player has only one land experimental built.
opai = FortClarke:AddOpAI('UEF_Fatboy_1',
Amount = 2,
KeepAlive = true,
PlatoonAIFunction = {SPAIFileName, 'PatrolThread'},
PlatoonData = {
PatrolChain = 'M4_UEF_LandAttack_Mid_Chain',
MaxAssist = 8,
Retry = true,
) -
RE: FAF Editor issue about shaders
Thank you for the both of you for your supports.
RE: FAF Editor issue about shaders
Why the map itself was duplicated and combined as a whole when opened in FAF editor? It does not look like the same as when it is played.
RE: FAF Editor issue about shaders
I checked his github account and I found the files that he edited (faf-coop-maps/X1CA_Coop_003/) but I don't know how he manage to fix the issue by just editing the scenario.lua. Because I already did the same according to the inputs he made in the lua file by copying and pasting it to my map files. Unfortunately, it did not work.
FAF Editor issue about shaders
Is there any way I can do to bypass this error?
Or Is there any alternative way to load the campaign map?
RE: FAF Editor issue (SOLVED)
Update guys, looks like it works. Once I add or remove units I have to save but not after the error appears. If you have saved after the error appears then the issue on changing the names and the coordinates of every unit will happen and that will not synchronized with the original script.lua file causing the mission map to be corrupted.
RE: FAF Editor issue (SOLVED)
I have found an issue about the editor changing the coordinates of every units in the original file after I save. I am editing a campaign map and then the issue came. I tested it by playing with the supcom fa game client. The game does not progress at all.
Is there a solution to this issue?