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RE: Seton's Clutch Tournament Best team of 2023
yea i assumed this was supposed to be a top level setons, not a casual one lol, alrighty then.
RE: Seton's Clutch Tournament Best team of 2023
Maybe increase the rating cap? as it stands you can barely make 1 team consisting of 3 2ks in a tourney thats supposed to be played at the highest skill level possible, dont think it would be reliable to have 1-2 <1400 players in your team to be able to perform at a high lvl
Maybe the max rating should be 2200-2300 instead? there’s a considerable amount of difference in skill between 2000s and people that are higher than 2300, placing them both in the same category would be unfair for those who are at the 2000~ range
mb something like 7800 rating cap and a team consisting of 2300/2000/1800/1700
would be a more balanced team where there wouldn’t be any huge skill gap compared to other teams + everyone would be happy with their teammates being able to achieve high level gameplay.I think it’s feasible that we’re able to gather all 8 teams consisting of 1800-2000~ average rating assuming people are motivated to compete.
My Apologies from my behaviour in the tourney
Yesterday i acted very unsportsmanship like in the tourney and that wasn’t the first time it happened with me, i just tend to rage out of control in 1v1 tournaments and end up malding like crazy, it was very shameful and disrespectul display by me, me and turbo are good friends and weve known eachother for years, i alr apologized to him, also congrats to turbo for winning the tourney, he deserves it and soon my boi will be crushing bar tourneys in the future aswell op, i sincerely apologize for all the viewers that were watching the stream.
2 features i would like to be added regarding auto-mass fab manager.
Please add an option to enable/disable the auto-mass fab manager, sometimes it causes more detrimental damage to by economy instead of helping me, i can understand it being helpful for begineer players but for a veteran like me i am able to manage my own economy better without having the game do the job for me.
Add the "Pause" icon for the mass-fabs if they're turned off, the game does a poor job when it tries to communicate with the player that the massfab is in fact turned off, you have to manually find which mass fabs are turned off by hovering in each one of them, which doesn't seem practical in a scenario where you have dozens of them and you're busy focusing on other things, like how it used to be back then.
This feature can be sometimes very misleading because it tries to tell you that you're overbuilding mass fabs but it's very hard to notice it in-game because of what i said in my 2nd paragraph, and because the game never allows you to energy stall it gives the impression that you don't really need to expand your power income which isn't the case at all (this is also somewhat a skill issue related complaint).
Another issue is that sometimes massfabs automatically turn off even when you have plenty of energy left in the bank enough to give you the small time window to be able to fix it before you begin stalling, maybe add a threshold for how much energy left you have before it automatically turns off.
RE: 1v1 map pool - feedback
Also there's 2 versions of Serenity Planet, 10x10 and 5x5, both maps have the same icon so i can't tell what you're refering to, i would probably put 5x5 on D or C and the 10x10 one on A or S, i like the map because there's a shitton of reclaim on it
RE: 1v1 map pool - feedback
This pool looks totally fine for me, i've seen some people hating the new maps but that's the whole point of adding them, so that people can evaluate how good they are based on practical terms rather than just theorizing them, so that we can add some variety to the 1v1 pools, but when it comes to classic maps they're all pretty good imo (5x5 being the exception for me), i think 2k ladder being dead due to "garbage map pool" is bollocks, it's just a combination of factors like "depression" "lack of time" "too sweaty" and the main one being that people just jump on the bandwagon and play whatever is more popular (recently being sentons and custom mapgens, 4v4 TMM kinda died) which tends to be more chill to play, ppl nowadays just aren't being competitive anymore.
RE: Matchmaker Pool Feedback Thread
Because in 1v1 all maps still has a high skill ceiling whether or not they're made for beginners, not the same applies for 2v2/4v4 because the gameplay is much easier and one dimensional in general if high level players get low level maps.
RE: What do you want mapgen to do differently?
Also the mapgen settings are too inconsistent and usually they generate maps with a lot of inaccuracies (for example, you host a map with max reclaim value and it spawns only 2000 mass worth of reclaim) which is just annoying and often times it always generates the same type of map to the point where they all look identical, if u guys could fix the issue there could be a lot more variety in mapgen games.
Other problem is that we’re unable to mess with the settings when choosing a specific biome, which also limits the amount of variety, and they often spawn very little amount of mexes, which is why generally people just tends to choose the random option, 1 way to make it better is to make it possible to be able to configure map settings while being able to choose biomes, like for example playing “HIGH RECLAIM” maps with water settings set to max, so u would get a similar map to skadi or metir where u have an insane amount of reclaim, cuz rn “HIGH RECLAIM” maps is never able to generate a single water map.
RE: What do you want mapgen to do differently?
mapgen is very weak when it comes to water maps, often its either 2 huge islands with 90 mexes each where theres nothing to fight for or its 8 tiny islands with 8 spawns each with only like 6-7 mexes per player, its incapable of generating multiple contested small/medium-size islands (metir for example has those) and games always turn into either 90 min -3 game or minute 10 game with pure frig spam because there arent enough resources to invest into anything else
RE: Should subs cloak while idle, submerged and stationary?
selens are easily dealt with because they're mostly effective in the first 2 minutes and its easily countered by 1 t1 tank which is worth 30 mass, also once u spot it (which is actually easy unlike you said) once it has nowhere to go because it has paper hp, as for subs u need to iinvest in t2 air hq + t2 torp, you need to actively search for it because it can actually move from 1 mex to other mex without dying unlike a selen, and on 20x20 maps where underwater mexes are often present it takes 1-2 min from 1 engi to move from 1 mex to another while on most 5x5/10x10 it takes 10-20 secs for an engi to build the mex after the prev engi died
RE: How come you don't play ladder?
Lack of 2k+ ladder players, lack of highly intensive macro 20x20 maps and main reason is depression after underperfoming badly, its the endless cycle of motivation to play and unrust to get good again > play only once bad > get depression > never play again so never unrust > back to sentons and other chill games