For me, it is because I hate little maps that are too intense since minute 1.
I prefer bigger maps, don't want to be rushed in min 3 and lost my hydro and basically the game
RE: How come you don't play ladder?
RE: How come you don't play ladder?
Just tried ladder to remember why I don't play ladder.
Get rushed with scouts before I can even build a simple tank, then try to catch the scouts with my scouts, knowing that the match is already lost.
Totally unenjoyable, too little maps, too many open areas with no clear way to defend, no strategy, can't even build an army.I will say that for me is totally a map issue
RE: How come you don't play ladder?
@rezy-noob well they kill the engineers, now I expanded less, too much micro to escort the rest of the engineers, they tanks arrive first, the map is too open and impossible to defend only with the acu, and it's basically lost.
it is necessary to take into account I'm a 600 rating noob, I suppose that a pro don't have this problem, but I prefer losing because macro in a game that was enjoyable, and at least I can build a little army than getting rushed and pushed since the first minute.
For example, I always enjoy a game in “Festea VII”, they are like 3 routes, and It's hard to get rushed, and it decided by epic battles or smart snipes. Or, for example, the map that has water in the middle and two land routes in the borders.
I don't know how to enjoy a rush game, basically decided by who created more t1 tanks in 8 min while expanding.
My solution to this problem was since normally this problems are related to very little maps and decreasing the maps too "opened" from the pool
Suggestion: Ladder Map Size preference
How about adding a Map Size preference ladder like:
I had the idea because I want to play ladder, but I didn't feel like playing a small map. (because being low rank, my map pool is always little maps
It has to be a multiselect (like factions).
It chooses the preference if all players want the same.
This is important for balance to avoid players specializing in concrete map sizesExamples:
player 1 wants 10x10
player 2 wants 10x10 or 5x5
then 10x10 is chosenplayer 1 wants 20x20
player2 wants 5x5
random size is chosenYou can also choose none or all maps sizes, and it's just random/choose the other player preference then.
What do you think?