Why does everything suck so much right now?

One thing is very clear after several weeks of watching various posts spiral the way this one has.

There is clearly a cliquey and very immature group of players who seem to only care about tearing down FAF because they don't get their way.... I'm not going to leave FAF cuz I love the game... But I am going to leave coming to the forum. I think everyone involved needs to take a big step back and look in the mirror and grow the hell up!

If you really have such a problem about how things are run sign off and don't sign back in again ever. It's that simple.

FTX ... I've been reading the forums for a long time and you consistently bring a negative immature and unproductive tone to everything you say and do. You should seriously quit this game and never log back in again. When you do casts you seem like a legit dude but when you start to type in the forum you turn into an immature child and you should be ashamed of yourself. You don't take any accountability for things you say or do and you act like it's okay to be such a pathetic child. You're a smart person that's for sure but you're not smart enough to be able to portray your thoughts and ideas without being a complete negative piece of crap. Grow the hell up kid.

Yeah I know I just committed a bannable offense. I'll accept my punishment.

This is the one of the worst threads I have ever seen. Lock it or even better delete the whole thing. And in the future probably no threads with the very productive title of "why does everything suck so much?".

On top of that let me just say one more thing...

Jip is clearly a mature person who understands what it takes to lead. The immature people that have no concept of leadership and project management and workflows that come here and try and tear him down. Everyone else knows who you are but you don't know who you are because you are so delusional that you think you're right.

Jip can't be expected to be perfect but in my time in faf and reading the forums pretty much everyday without responding it is clear that we need him and people like him involved. Do not need people like FTX or Thomas and that little clinky group of immature people who just come here to tear down and destroy because they haven't mentally passed puberty yet.

I think the moderators need to start banning people and cleaning out some of the trash. Put it all under the blanket of incivility.... You'll be doing the community a favor, doing development team a favor.... And 99% of FAF won't even know about it. The people who come to the forums or discord channels that do know about it will suddenly realize their lives are more peaceful cuz they don't have these whiny children around anymore.

Ftx has been the most reasonable out of everyone for the past several months.

@thewreck only you and fellow members of his little group would think such a thing.... You're always there to chime in with your smart alec remarks after he says some toxic bullshit and then you all act like it's not toxic.... Research the term incivility.... That's all you guys bring here and it's pathetic.

So why the hell are my comments being labeled as unproductive and you and everyone that's in favor of this can say whatever they want

Research the 20 players that quit because of the stubbornness and harassment we have received for speaking out. Also maudlin more cursing you going to get rid of it????

@thewreck why don't you and FTX and the rest of your group quit as well.... Join the 20 others will you! My guess is FAF will flourish without you all.

Yeah that’s all I’ve done for FAF. For a guy spending years reading my posts you sure don’t know much about me. I can’t take you seriously when you say all I do is tear things down. Even in my current level of practical inactivity I still try to tinker with balance ideas because I find it fun.

Call me an asshole as you like, but denying me my contributions to FAF is pure ideology.

We have been and sure maybe it will but why bother risking it. The simplest solution is to stop deliberately inflamming players who disagree with you.

alright mods lock the thread

frick snoops!

Story time! And yes, I do tie this back to the thread.

To the surprise of no one, I'm a huge nerd and also the kind of nerd who has been into building computers since I was a kid. Around the lovely age of 13 I built my first rig that was capable of playing games, but to back up a little, my family wasn't well off. I knew I wanted to do this for a long time, so for almost 2 years leading up to that I did whatever odd jobs I could do as a kid to save money. Mowing lawns, dog sitting, whatever, until I could afford the parts myself. My dad then took me to GameStop, and the first thing I saw was the Forged Alliance gold pack that had very recently come out. It had a giant robot on the cover and was a strategy game. Sounded perfect. It was the only game I could afford, and the only game I played for a while on PC. This was late 2007.

I have quite literally been playing FA for longer than some people here have been alive.

I'm not the only person here who has played this game a long, long time. Of course people like me are somewhat resistant to change. Change needs to be damn well justified, because I love the game exactly how it is, perceived warts and all. Some things are no brainers. Performance updates have been amazing, they have no downsides and really do help keep the game alive. Seriously, thank you @jip for all the work there. Overall balance changes have been solid, the balance we have now might just be the best balance the game has ever had.

Other things like advanced target priorities, spread move, spread build, etc are great additions because they do nothing but add to the base game in a positive way. They add strategic depth, which is perfect for a game like FAF.

I'm not going into more depth here since this has been covered to death, but area reclaim doesn't add to strategic depth, it takes away. It makes all forms of reclaim other than factory attack move redundant and pointless most of the time. Good players no longer have to think "hey is it worth spending my apm on manual reclaim right now or is attack move good enough". With area reclaim, the answer is almost always area reclaim or factory attack move. It also does nothing for lower rated players, because for them the answer to that question already virtually always is it's not worth it and they should attack move.

Much like the rename debacle, I do not think communication here has been well handled. On both sides. Valid criticisms of area reclaim have gone essentially ignored.

All that said, out of the things I mentioned in my original post area reclaim was at the bottom of what I cared about. If anything the associated nerf to rock reclaim speed is worse than area reclaim in my mind, but I could be wrong there as I have so far done little more than watch the replay from Tagada. I have, at least, done that though.

Back to my first paragraph. I want FAF to stay successful. I also want FA Forever to embody the Forever part. This means changes that actually impact how the game is played need to clear a very high bar before they're implement. In some cases that bar is trivial to clear. In other cases not so much.

The idea that people should move on from FAF because it's a 20 year old dead game and there's no merit there is a depressing clown take that spits in the face of tons of great open source projects, not just FAF. Even if I don't agree with everything devs/mods/whoever does, I'm glad they try to help the game and put their free time in. Call me naive or whatever the hell you want, but I do think most here have the best intentions for the game regardless of if I agree with their vision.

Communication is hard, and I think we've had some of the worst communication breakdowns I've seen in the past few months on FAF. Hopefully I've added a bit of explanation for the views of people who might be more conservative with applying changes.

Oh, one last thing. Exactly zero people who are current high level players will have any issues still being top players unless the entire game is fundamentally reworked, and even then many of them would become top players quickly if they put the time in. Top players aren't top players due to some magic tricks or meta abuse, they're top players because they have great fundamentals. The idea that top players are against this because they'd have to relearn something and might lose their rating is comically wrong and misplaced.

No your just toxic!

@thewreck sign out and never sign back in!

Yea you lost it dude. You're throwing a complete tantrum and yelling at players telling them to quit.

@thewreck I'm not having a tantrum just sick and tired of you and your little group. You're going to try and twist my words because that's all you guys do. You've been doing it for years. I'm not the only one who's tired of you guys.

I'm not twisting your words that was a perfect description of what you said. You went on a curse filled rant about how my group which are all good nice people that have played for over ten years should quit the game. The irony in you calling us toxic is just plain hilarious and sad. Idc about what you think of us because this was never about you.

And I stand by everything I said. You guys should all sign out and never sign back in again. You would be doing the 99% a huge favor. I guess it's a matter of perspective but in my mind cleaning out the trash isn't toxic. It might be from your perspective but from the cleaners perspective it's the exact opposite of toxicity.

Great take that's all I have to say to crap like that.

@thewreck You're still here?.... Why?