Why does everything suck so much right now?


@thewheeler said in Why does everything suck so much right now?:

We would rather have the top 0,1% surgeon to operate on our heart than an average surgeon.
We would rather have the top 0,1% pilot fly our plane than an average one.
We would rather have the top 0,1% designer make our new phone than an average one.
We would rather have the top 0,1% coder write our apps than an average one.

Sure, I don't mind if the balance team is comprised mostly of top players. That can't be their only qualification, though, right? At the very least, they should be able to communicate without provoking undue friction with their peers, and work together with other teams, and not be afk for years.

Since there are not thousands of potential coders available to faf, we can't pick. We have a few, and they picked us.

Whereas players potentially balancing the game? There are quite a lot of players. How about top 10% skill wise (they could still consult with champions whenever they needed to), but they are the best at working with these devs without causing them to burn out - that includes explaining what proposals are unfeasible efficiently and gracefully, after making an honest attempt at making them feasible.

Given the circumstances - the extreme disparity in the scarcity of potential candidates for the two roles, that would be my preference.

I do find it funny that I just had to read like half a dozen points specifically pointing me out as a problematic attitude. Coincidentally all from the people that disagree with my principles on general FAF direction. Coincidentally said people also elected to ignore and discount said problematic attitudes that were in line with their principles.

This does not surprise me. If there is one thing that I actually have noticed in my years of FAF contribution where I had to argue against top players, contributors of all types, and casual players across a variety of circumstances is that nobody that agreed with me at the specific moment takes issue with the way I operate so long as it’s pushing their direction. I do not have the patience nor the inclination for the general FAF passive aggression that attempts to toe the lines of civility by implicitly accusing me or others of things. Say what you want to say, because I don’t intend to continue the passive aggressive dance.

I’ve worked with plenty of contributors through the years that didn’t go into the passive aggression, that did engage honestly, and I had no problems with coordinating with them and fighting for the things that would make FAF better. I met plenty that didn’t do one or both of these just the same.

I don’t intend to apologize for anything written here. Or really the more honest statement is that I don’t intend to apologize without genuine reciprocity. I’ll just utilize the same line Jip used when referring to his attack on Tagada’s ability to be a contributor and tell people to read and get a conclusion for themselves. Inevitability, as always, people will see the harm of their opponent and not the harm of their supporters.

For the record, the “shoot the dev” line is a common turn of phrase and was used for the context of stopping people from creating a false combative dichotomy. I genuinely have zero clue how this specific line got picked for the pointless drama when it’s dramatic because it’s supposed to show how silly the conversation had gotten from being any actual productive discourse on the roll between “traditionalists” and “progressives” in the game design process of a community.

All this talk about "skill preservation" that I don't really get. There have been tons of balance changes over the years that all the current good players adapted to, often with little resistance (most resistance towards the balance team is generally even coming from lower rated players who don't understand why the changes were made).
Now there's one change (area reclaim) that a select group of high rated players don't agree with, and you attribute it to unwillingness to change...

frick snoops!

@reckless_charger I'm thinking more along the lines of the context of a multi-billion dollar company and how they view things. As a senior manager I will often have to implement policies that corporate comes up with. I may believe they are the absolute worst decisions possible and at times it completely destroys my joy of working there because I put my heart and soul into that position and now I've got to go the 100 plus people that work under me and tell them that this ridiculous way forward is how we're doing things now. It's my job not to seed any incivility no different than it is the workers job not to seed incivility as we carry forward.

In the context of video game management.... Especially one as small as FAF I agree with you that talking about disagreeing with something to the core of your being seems excessive but it really seems like certain people feel that way about certain things and they're not able to express it in a civil manner. I find it sad that certain players decide to leave over such things but at least they leave rather than hang around and seed incivility and discontent.

@ftxcommando I apologize for implying you were an endless-essay pretend-pro busy-body. That was very Passive Aggressive of me.

I love that whenever someone shows frustration at the way these discussions have gone they aren't being "productive". Meanwhile I see plenty of times they are just outright insulted and no one calls them out on it.


If this is partly related to my post:

At the end of the day, respectful communication is the prerequisite for resolving different opinions into a shared compromise. I expect you to be one of those to knows this even better than most. And you certainly can be respectfull when you want to. It was not my goal to single your comment out becaue it come from you. Id just happened to be an obvious example. We can add other disrespectful phrases from other parties too to my post if you want!

And I don't really give a shit about the progressiveness of FAF. Im playing Coop. I could not care less about any small changes that happen in FAF, other than new campaigns being developed.

But if you want to pitch it as "“traditionalists” vs “progressives”: One of those groups consistently behaves MUCH less decent than the other.

Jips behaviour for example is NOT AT ALL comparable (in terms of aggressiveness) with some of the behaviour he is facing.

Can we not bring politics into this

@phong said in Why does everything suck so much right now?:

@jip It's fine, I rattled his cage, I'm no better. What's actually funny is I was asking @FtXCommando how exactly loud, dissatisfied pros might have improved my faf experience without me realizing and he hits me with "we could have been real tryhards and prevented you from playing TMM alongside your friends, but relented". Insert tyrant extolling his benevolence to his subjects meme.

My dude, you're not even an actual pro, you're a 1900. "We"? Pffff

No wonder the lobby server dev quit after TMM was up and running. Imagine working to help players more conveniently find games and having to deal with some endless-essay pretend-pro busy-body actively trying to sabotage your main goal, because, you see, the trueskill data (a mere means to an end) would otherwise be a bit noisier than it already is. Then, to top it off, they go and take partial credit for the work, calling themselves Collaborator, since starting, then losing futile arguments about dumb shit technically counts as labor, right? Also, they get indignant should their effort not be valued over yours, the actual dev.

Regardless other contributions I have you to thak for, this one's not helping change my mind about whose activity benefits me more. The boastful claim this was actually within your power and we were spared such an outcome only by your willingness to compromise would be worrying if I actually took it seriously. I'd I'd rather hope someone reasonable will always be here, willing and able to step in whenever your lot fails to be brought to your senses, which is why I'm speaking up before you drive them away.

Nothing here was something I said. This is you doing exactly what Jip is in the current process of moaning about for sympathy points but nobody cares because:

  1. “he’s on our side”
  2. Gosh we don’t wanna lose Jip so we gotta allow this incoherency with our supposed “good discourse” principle

It’s pathetic. If you want a list of my contributions you can go read my election post in the last PC reelection thread, I ain’t retyping allat.


Yea it's a lie that the devs and mods have not deliberately antagonized players while this debate has gone on these past few weeks. We have a right to be frustrated by it.

@katharsas said in Why does everything suck so much right now?:


If this is partly related to my post:

At the end of the day, respectful communication is the prerequisite for resolving different opinions into a shared compromise. I expect you to be one of those to knows this even better than most. And you certainly can be respectfull when you want to. It was not my goal to single your comment out becaue it come from you. Id just happened to be an obvious example. We can add other disrespectful phrases from other parties too to my post if you want!

And I don't really give a shit about the progressiveness of FAF. Im playing Coop. I could not care less about any small changes that happen in FAF, other than new campaigns being developed.

But if you want to pitch it as "“traditionalists” vs “progressives”: One of those groups consistently behaves MUCH less decent than the other.

Jips behaviour for example is NOT AT ALL comparable (in terms of aggressiveness) with some of the behaviour he is facing.

Nah not you. You haven’t been either of the two and I’ve worked fine with you in the past. I do disagree with some of your arguments, going back to the ancient area reclaim threads where you argued that if people have a problem with area reclaim then you might as well as have things like a unit cap on how many things you can select because it also makes the game more difficult to play. I disagreed with this then because FAF already had an ease of use reclaim method in the form of attack move. Alongside the other reclaim methods which created a strategic choice at high levels without being essential at low levels even with low level gameplay revolving around learning how to macro.

Communication is a two way street and Jip is kind. Kinder than me, that’s for sure. But, Jip has a real problem when it comes to other stuff. One example is the disparity of evidence between supporters and opponents. He does not really care when people support something without trying it out. They can be shown it and like it and they are now people he is fighting for. This is likewise seen with the whole “silent majority” shtick, they’re silent because they don’t support anything so why are they on anyone’s “table” here? Meanwhile we might watch Farm toy around with reclaim, watch a replay, talk to the people that used it, and we’re essentially irrelevant datapoints. I don’t mind if the condition for support is as strenuous as it is, but it needs to be applied fairly. These sort of incoherencies are what make me bristle.

@Katharsas I agree with 95% of what you're writing. Thank you for taking the time and effort to write it. It helps a lot with my sanity 🙂 .

@ftxcommando said in Why does everything suck so much right now?:

I do find it funny that I just had to read like half a dozen point (...)

Another perfect example of a rude, unnecessary harmful and empty message with nothing but your opinion to work with. At the same time you indirectly attack the current contributors by stating we do not engage honestly. You derail the conversation by introducing vague statements with no references that I'm not going to put in the effort to debunk.

@ftxcommando said in Why does everything suck so much right now?:

I’ll just utilize the same line Jip used when referring to his attack on Tagada’s ability to be a contributor and tell people to read and get a conclusion for themselves. Inevitability, as always, people will see the harm of their opponent and not the harm of their supporters.

I'll help you with that, here's a link to the cherry-picked conversation discord conversation. Have a read for those that are interested, again make sure to read everything that was posted the 9th of June.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Popcorn time

Ras Boi's save lives.

Dunno what to tell you Jip. Area reclaim is like one of the most historical arguments on FAF. People have been against it on the aspect of principle, beyond even mechanics, since all the way back in 2014. The step of collecting some consensus on the principles was totally skipped over and development went into mechanics and now there is an attempt to work backwards and somehow fit the mechanics into principles that state it as fundamentally anathema. A lot of headache would have been resolved if you could have convinced people on how area reclaim creates some new strategic opening on FAF but instead all the people that have always not liked it now heard of an implementation and how it’s in faf develop and how there is now a game dev team vote to implement it.

Working backwards to accommodate principles was just not going to work on this specific problem.


Why on earth is that rude and unproductive when he has been insulted all these times for being critical.

We are hesitant to police these threads:


So that fact I raise a query about moderation and say a swear word means its deleteable?

If this post is removed please let it be known that likely Maudlin is censoring topics that could reflect negatively.

If your worried about swearing Maudlin go police a 500 rated dual gap game.

Ras Boi's save lives.


The above is literally my prime example for why "Faf sucks right now"

Ras Boi's save lives.

Those points combined meant your post was deleted, (although I checked with another mod first to check they agreed it clearly crossed the line). While some points (swearing) should be self-explanatory, I didn’t think it worth going into detail here on other points such as the falsehoods you were spreading about moderation actions since it would both derail the thread and because as a general rule specific reports that have been moderated aren’t intended to be discussed publicly.

If you find yourself playing games containing toxic language then please feel free to raise a report in the client.

Why have a thread that says don't have a pr answer and then you silence someone for swearing. Also the author of this thread wrote a curse word are you going to take down his post?