What can be done to make 1v1 more popular?

no data is more recent and i do not understand why yew thinks the community has entirely gone about face in preferences

5x5 and 10x10 have always dominated in preferences. Back during the ancient zep pools where 33% of the map pool was the most commonly picked maps and the other two 33% were the map picks of each player, the common map pool was majority 5x5 and had zero 20x20.

Please point out where I say anything of the kind. I am curious if and by how much we can rely on 4 year data. Surely it's not exactly the same.

Preference by and large probably does remain the same.

@maudlin27 said in What can be done to make 1v1 more popular?:

Interesting, the data looks like almost every rank prefers 10km the most; yet the map pool for lower ranked players is overwhelmingly 5km.

Theres your answer.

10k hits the sweet spot that allows for more varied play compared to 5k and in most cases wont leed to 1hr plus games.

@yew It's real data so it's quite valuable. I don't really see that anything large has changed to affect this data. Of course, it would be nice to have more recent data, but the fact the any genuine hard information exists is surprising to me.

Secondly, I will corroborate this data with my own anecdotal experiences. I have, and still do, find larger maps daunting. You usually get way more mass to manage, you need to do a transport build order usually and use transports and you need to defend and get intel on a much larger area. Not to mention that these maps can also include navy so it's so much new things to deal with. Back in the old days when Heaven was still active there was some kind of ice map that was massive and as a new player it was very stressful to get it.

I will concede that my earlier point about smaller maps being for more high level players was flawed as was pointed out by @StormLantern

however the only thing I stand by is that when it comes to maps for particular skill levels is the map complexity that has the largest impact.

So I would put farward this argument, the lower level maps should be as plain and as simple as possible, with no terrain or water or reclaim, and as skill level rises so to should the map complexity slowly adding features like plateaus, water and civilian structures to reclaim or capture

@lowki @maudlin27

Looking at the survey results again, it does indeed seem that 10x10 maps are currently a bit underpresented in the lower rated brackets of the mappool..

Ill take a look if the team will agree with an extra 10x10 map in the lower brackets.

@stormlantern Can mapgen NOT be included into 1v1 ladder please? It generates terrible, turtle-y maps.


Could you link me to one of your replays where it makes this type of map?

Edit: Nvm, I found your replays. You have played a handful of mapgen 1v1's and indeed with exception of 1 of them they were all turtle maps. However, I also checked the ten most recent mapgens created in your 1v1 rating bracket.
Of those, only 2 maps that were turtley.

So I think you have simply been unlucky with what mapgen came up with in your games. Besides, there has been some recent feedback from lower rated players that wanted mapgen in their bracket. Hence why it was added a few months back.

@stormlantern I have also checked and it appears you are correct. Still I think they are much less interesting and worse looking compared to handcrafted maps.

@ganima that's why we have a balance though. Can't please everyone.


make mapes purely mapgen random and I would play a lot more... I think others as well. 3s is the leading choice for a reason.

@dgun mapgen is already common in 1v1. What do you have against normal maps?

The biggest problem with ladder for me was extremely variable game length, which doesn't work with my busy life.