Been going around in circles with emitters recently and unable to come to a definitive answer. Case in point, I've a unit that creates an attached emitter like so. Saving it to a table "self.ThrasherFXBag" for later use...
table.insert(self.ThrasherFXBag, CreateAttachedEmitter(self, 'exhaust', self:GetArmy(), '/effects/emitters/missile_smoke_exhaust_02_emit.bp'):ScaleEmitter(0.5))
Later I want to destroy the emitter and call this function...
FXCleanUp = function(self, whocalled)
local myDebug = true
if myDebug or mainDebug then WARN('UEA0206 FX Clean Up: ', whocalled) end
--Destroy Afterburner FX
if self.ThrasherFXBag and table.getn(self.ThrasherFXBag) > 0 then
if myDebug or mainDebug then WARN('self.ThrasherFXBag > 0 ') end
for k, v in self.ThrasherFXBag do
if myDebug or mainDebug then WARN('Destroying v') end
if myDebug or mainDebug then WARN('self.ThrasherFXBag size after destroy: ', table.getn(self.ThrasherFXBag)) end
My log is showing...
WARNING: UEA0206 FX Clean Up: Afterburner 1
WARNING: self.ThrasherFXBag > 0
WARNING: Destroying v
WARNING: self.ThrasherFXBag size after destroy: 1
So based on the log someone could assume that nothing is being destroyed?
Is the emitter being destroyed, but the table is not cleared after each instance is removed?
Side note: I've also notice that not all emitters are capable of be scaled. No idea why this is or what criteria determine this. By chance anyone know?