Losing connection to random player during the game
@bacekac Unfortunately, the majority of FAF infrastructure has been under near-constant DDOS attacks since the end of September/beginning of October. A lot of measures have been taken to mitigate those attacks, but they're still happening & not all are able to be dealt with. The hardest hit systems now are the Coturn servers, which are used to assist with making connections between players when a stable P2P connection can't be established. At this time, there's only 1 Cotrun (labeled Global) that is having better success than the others because it's a 3rd party service with some additional protections.
With all that said, here are the current best suggestions for helping with connection issues:
In the FAF client, go to the top left menu > Settings:
- General > Write ICE Log File > check,
- Forged Alliance Forever > Use FAF Debugger when starting Forged Alliance > check > click "Get the latest version of the debugger",
- Allow the ICE adapter to use IPv6 > unchecked,
- Preferred Coturns for ICE > select only Global,
Next, quit the client (check Task Manager). Once it's completely closed, open the client again & play.
The next time you join a game & have connection issues, please click the Reply button at the bottom between the
(View) icon & the "Mark unread" button. Next, go to client > top left menu > Show logs folder > logs > sort by Date Modified, then drag/drop these files into the Reply message window so those that can help (not me) have that data to look at:
- client.log file (the Text Document file without the date),
- ice-adapter.log & advanced-ice-adapter.log (both in a separate folder)
@MostLostNoob here failed game data collected by your advice:
Consistently top-notch troubleshooting advice from @MostLostNoob . I wish every game I play/software I use had someone giving such detailed guidance to fixing issues. Really nice to have volunteers like you (and many others) who make FAF a better experience for everyone.
More logs of failed game:
iceAdapterLogs.zip -
Lost connection to two players at once:
2024.03.29.iceAdapterLogs.zip -
I probably can't help at all, but I'm close to finishing a PhD in cybersecurity and part of my research that we ended up not publishing was on low cost DDOS shuffling algorithms. Purely out of curiosity, is there a forum somewhere detailing these issues?
What is ddos shuffling? There is no forum post with details of the ddos attacks. You could talk to Brutus or sheikah if you think you have some significant insights on ddos mitigation
Is it supposed to get any answer for the problem in this topic? (e.g. it is known issue and it will be solved in next version, OR your drivers is broken reinstall them and etc.).
Or it only the place where FAF members can officially to cry? -
There is no solution.
We don't know the cause. It could be a different individual problem on each pc. It could be something general with some network settings. It could be a bug in our software. There are multiple problems we noticed, but none of them explain the disconnect issue.There is a slow progressing attempt to rewrite the ice adapter too be able to diagnose the problems better. But there's no ETA whenever I have time and motivation to progress there.
Thank you for explanation. Could I somehow help you?