T2 used for sniping just makes for a sad game


Try walking in a circle lol

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

so to sum it up good defence is only a 1-2 flaks and the rest should be spend on interceptors?
cause if you invest into ground based aa then enemy will just attack your base instead of com, or your ally com, or your ally base or at the very least he is gonna kill raiding units.

you do endup be very very limited by energy as interceptors cost a lot of energy.... also
imagine if one snipes some com... does not this makes other air auto-win at t3 and kill all enemy t2 mexes with a strat or kill some coms with t3 gunships? (i know that rarely actually happens but it should be happening in theory right? xD)

Even if you make inties you may still get a problem of fighter bombers hitting and then running away to their own flak...

tbh the answer is that air is OP, just don't lose air, every player should make some air or have dedicated t1 air roles kinda like on setons and those players have to keep an eye on whole map too.
just make your own t2 bombers and inties after you made t2 pds to defend

TA4Life: "At the very least we are not slaves to the UI" | http://www.youtube.com/user/dimatularus | http://www.twitch.tv/zlo_rd


couple things.

  1. if they snipe once they will probably do it again, t1 scouts are not expensive
  2. If they were able to put that much mass into t2 snipes then you were doing something wrong.
  3. the mercy wasn't nerfed, it was reworked, its a shit rework but not a "nerf"
  4. in all this time what was the person sniping mirrors doing?
  5. And this is honestly my biggest point. It is no share, if you expect people to not snipe you'd have to be a fool.
  6. green the Aon in this replay 21703955, could've easily pumped swiftwinds which are almost on par with asf, its a air issue in that game, green was thinking late game, yellow was thinking early game. early game wins almost every time in no share which is why the only time people ever play no share is gap, astro, and millenium and its variants.

but im just a lowly 1700, could be right could be wrong. granted rating means nothing when if i really wanted to grind it i could just spam out astro games have my t3 arty done by minute 18.

Well it looks like I have lost this argument.

I still stand by my statement that from personal experiance, I believe T2 bombers are too easily abusable, and reduces enjoyment from the game.

TML is a meme

If you make a list of easily abuse able things we are going to be here awhile

@veteranashe pretty much yeh, strats are easy to abuse.
t2 is easy to abuse.
titans and loyalist, easy to abuse.
almost everything is easy to abuse. except mercies

Everyone: Do you even reclaim, bro?

Back when I used to play gap games and someone's com was out front too long I would just start moving engies to their base, get out ahead of it.