Ringing T3 mex with massfabs

before the patch u could doubleclick a t3 mex and they autoringing it with storage. one more doubleclick and they ringing it with massfabs .. this dont work anymore ?

Not at the moment. That functionality is going to be added back in with the upcoming hotfix. For now, you'll need to use the keybind (F1 > Orders - Mouse context > Cycle Templates) for the new template feature (https://wiki.faforever.com/en/Play/Game/Hotkeys/OrdersMouseContext).


Similar question - you could previously click on a mass deposit to auto build a T1 mex, without having to select it from the build bar. Do you know if that's coming back in the hotfix?

It was removed from the game because of the performance penalty it can have for low-end computers. A feature like that doesn't belong in the default FAForever experience.

You can find it as a UI mod:


A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@man_milk In addition to what @Jip stated, you can also use the new template feature to get the same result, you just need to use that hotkey instead of it appearing automatically as it did with the old function.

@jip said in Ringing T3 mex with massfabs:

It was removed from the game because of the performance penalty it can have for low-end computers. A feature like that doesn't belong in the default FAForever experience.

You can find it as a UI mod:


My CPU too old, so low-end, but i see no any difference in perfomance when it enabled before, and removed now, but i use more time now at game start for build all this with select every mex in buildings menu, thats really penalty. Just hope all guys will know how to fix it back with that mod.