Crashing whenever i try saving in coop
I tried without any mods and the crashes still persist ( tested it on Black Day ) i'll try with other maps to see if its linked to that. I don't know if its a known issue with the latest patches but i had to bring it up.
Edit: after some testing i've found that its not just Black Day that as this issue.
We're aware of the problem and of the cause, but we've been unable to fix it at the moment.
After reading your post I decided to give it another go to try and fix it! We managed to isolate one cause which we tackled. It is included in the hotfix. The hotfix just got released. You can find more info about it here:
Thanks, didn't expect it to be fixed so quickly !
Edit: Nevermind its still broken after i updated but strangely the game still creates the save in the files after crashing i just don't see it in game
Can you explain what you do? Maybe I can reproduce your situation
So its pretty easy, i launch forged alliance through the shorcut to play the campaign with saving enabled, no mods, start any missions ( i tend to do Dawn, its the fastest to start so i can test quicker ), then open the menu, save with any name, the game will crash and you'll get the "send a report" pop up, if you go back into the game you'll see that the save wasn't made. But after going into the save file i noticed that the save is there, just unreadable by the game i guess.
@abathur I did a quick test by downloading a fresh copy of black day from the launcher. I was able to save with no crash and load with no issue.
Can you try by first going into your map folder, deleting/renaming the x1ca_coop_001.v[somenumber] folder, launching the faf client to download the new version (it's v28 now), and then using the shortcut as usual?
Yes - updating the client is not the same as updating the game. It feels to me you updated the client. Make sure to host 1 game using the client, and preferably with the approach @deletethis describes
great its working ! Didn't know i had to update the map manually by deleting them like you said.
By redownloading the map through the client you didn't just update the map, but also update the game assets
. Great to hear it is working, and if it does break again - please take the time to report it again!