Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
Cybran got a T1 scout sub, Aeon got a T1 static artillery, and UEF got a T3 anti arty shield
daaaaaamn....nice units.
I really REALLY like the point system, wish I had something like that for my hero units in my survival instead of enhancements & veterancy...
Gonna check your code out, I'm really curious how you did it.
Good work man. -
Glad to hear you like it.
If you want to Check it Out I recommend to Download the Development Version of the Commander Survival Kit on my GitHub Repository. This Version adds the new Command and Tactical Centers. These two new Tech 2 Structures generate additional Points for the Reinforcements and Fire Support Manager. They have thier own new Lobby Options as Well. So you could deactivate the Automatic Point Generation of the two Managers and Play Games with the two Centers only to get the Points for both Managers. The other Thing which this Version adds is the Naval Reinforcements Manager. So you can call Naval Reinforcements on the Map now. So I think this will give you more Interesting things to explore to improve your Mod as well.Both new Features will be included in the next upcoming official Version of the Commander Survival Kit. The new Units will be included in the official Standalone Unit Pack of this Project which is called Commander Survival Kit: Units (CSK Units). That means the new Units are Not included in the Commander Survival Kit with the two Managers. If you have any Questions or Suggestions let me know.
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
This mod is super amazing! I was just wondering, when do you plan to release the full version? This is not in any means asking you to rush, please take your time and keep up the good work
"I was just wondering, when do you plan to release the full version?"Hey glad to hear you like it.
Which modification does the question refer to exactly?
Commander Survival Kit
Includes the Reinforcements and Fire Support Manager
Includes several New Lobby Options
Is already Released as an Full Version on FAF Modvault
However a new Version with new Content and Features is
currently in Development -
Commander Survival Kit: Units
The official upcoming Unit Pack of this Project.
First Version is currently in Development as well
Development Version is available on GitHub in Early Access -
Commander Survival Kit: Research
Introduction of an full Research Interface into the Game
Includes several Research Techtrees to Unlock Units
Research Points are generated by Research Labs
Development is paused and will be continued soon
Development Version is available on GitHub in Early Access
@cdrmv hey man.
Awesome work on those models. As for the undergroundground movement, I am very curious about it.
Mind if we take this to messages? I ask because you have a do not disturb turned on. -
Of course feel free to write me an Message anytime.
I will answer you If I have the time. -
Dude! These are great!
@cdrmv Sorry for the late reply. I meant the unit pack, but if you have a rough idea, the others too.
Sorry for my late reply.If anything goes forward with the Development Progress we could see the first official Release of CSK Units in December this Year. However, there is still a chance that the release of the mod will be postponed next year.
I just want to avoid releasing the mod unfinished. That's why I take my time in this regard to ensure that everything is functional, balanced and as qualitatively correct as possible.
CSK Research will take more time in its Development so i don't have an Release Time Window for that so far. Similar like CSK Units the next Release of the Sim Mod Commander Survival Kit (Version 18) will probably coming this December or Next Year because it is depending on the Development of CSK Units. The Reason for this is few things of CSK Units will appear in the Reinforcements and Fire Support Manager as well.
Hello everyone,
it's time for an new Development Update of this Project.Since our last Update Report 9 new Units has been added into CSK Units:
Lets check them out:'CMX-1700: Magnetar' - Cybran Experimental Magnet Defense
A Defense Structure armed with an large Magnet.
Inspired by the Cybran 'Magnetron' - Experimental Unit Magnet from Supcom 2
It comes with two different Modes:Destruction Magnetfield Mode:
Stun Magnetfield Mode:
The Stun Magnetfield Mode uses the Stun Ray Shield which stuns enemy Land Units if they enter the Circle Fundament of this Structure The Destruction Magnetic Field Mode will Damage or Destroy enemy Land Units with its several Shredder Spinners if they enter the Circle Fundament of this Structure. Both Modes have their own Toggle Button but only one Mode can be used at the same time. So it is up to you which Mode you prefere more for this Structure.
Additonally this Structure has access to the Automatic Reclaim System. So Wrecks from destroyed enemy or ally Units will be reclaimed automatically if there are located on its Fundament.
'Comb Mark 1' - Cybran Tech 1 Light Vehicle Bunker
Any Bunker will now use the same Transport System, which is used by Air Transports. The Cybrans have now get their own Version of an Bunker on Tech 1.
'TB-X1: Turboplasma' - UEF Tech 2 Multi Defense Turret
A Plasma Turret which is able to switch from Ground to Anti Air Mode and backwards. The Design is based on the XX-9 Turbolaser Turret from Star Wars.
'TB-X2: Turboplasma' - UEF Tech 3 Multi Defense Turret
A improved Version of the TB-X1 with an second Plasma Cannon.
This Turret is able to switch from Ground to Anti Air Mode and backwards. The Design is based on the XX-9 Turbolaser Turret from Star Wars.
'Osiris - Aeon Tech 3 Beam Defense
The Aeon have get an new Defense Turret on Tech 3.
It is armed with an single Osiris Laser Beam Ring Cannon.
'Royal Osiris'- Aeon Tech 3 Hover Beam Tank
Basically the Mobile Version of the Osiris - Aeon Tech 3 Beam Defense.
However the Osiris Laser Beam Ring Cannon is mounted on an Hover Tank Chassis.
'Companion - Aeon Tech 1 Flying Saucer
A small Flying Saucer which fires Gravity Projectiles on the Enemy.
'Royal Companion '- Aeon Tech 2 Flying Saucer
An improved Version of the Companion Flying Saucer, which is armed with an Oblivion Cannon in its Center.
'Companion of eternity' - Aeon Tech 3 Flying Saucer
One of the most modern Flying Saucers in the Aeon Army.
This Flying Saucer is armed with an Osiris Beam Cannon in its Center.
All new Units are now available in Early Access on Github for Testing.
They are included in the Mod: Commander Survival Kit Units.Looking forward for your Feedback.
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
today I want to present you an small Development Update.
Lets check it out.The Aeon have get their first two Air Experimental Units in CSK Units today.
'The Illuminate Companion - Experimental Flying Saucer
This large Aeon Flying Saucer is basically an alternate Version of the Czar. It is armed with an instable Tendium Laser Beam Generator, which fires an Tendium Beam to the Ground. However the Generator unleashes an Instable Tendium Energy Projectile which creates an large Impact Explosion on the Ground Layer. Compared to the Czar this Flying Saucer is more larger in Scale and has an larger Hangar for Air Units.
'Hathor ' - Experimental Bomber
This large Bomber has access to two switchable Modes:Instable Tendium Mode:
The Bomber drops an single Instable Tendium Projectile to the Target Area. The Projectile will cause an nice looking devastating Explosion. Some of you will probably know this Weapon as an callable Weapon Barrage for the Aeon in the SIM Mod Commander Survival Kit.
Carped Bombing Mode:
If you press the Toggle Button to switch to this Mode. The Bomber will drop several Energy Projectiles which are used by the Aeon Salvation Experimental Rapid Fire Artillery from the Game itself.
Keep in Mind the Switch Progress between both Modes will take a little bit until both Weapons will fire.
All new Units are now available in Early Access on Github for Testing.
They are included in the Mod: Commander Survival Kit Units.Looking forward for your Feedback.
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
@cdrmv several years back Domino created unit status icons. That could be displayed over a unit that received Veterancy, Damage-Over-Time, or other such effects. There's a whole bunch of icons and icon LOD's within DMS you could use.
I really like the saucers!
Reminds me of a project I was never able to finish that used CZAR like saucer with a tractor beam turret mounted at the center. It could tractor up any moble T1 -T3 unit, destroy it, then fire the corpse off as a projectile. The circumference of the saucer would fire off four snub fighters that were completely script controlled, and thus bound to the parent unit.
Side note: This was a unit somewhere between a T3 an an experimental.
While I sadly no longer have the files, the script for it was used to upgrade the Aeon colossus with similar capabilities. The snub fighters are used in 4DC's T3 Cybran faction.
Well I didn't have played 4DC with DMS in the past. So I cannot tell anything about these Unit Status Icons. It Sounds Interesting to me so I will Check it Out. However CSK Units is Not focused on to add new or modify UI Elements of the Game so much compared to the Sim Mod: Commander Survival Kit. As I remember DMS was Not fully functional Ingame on my Side even with an correct Install. So I didn't understand what this Mod actually do in Detail.Glad to hear you like my Flying Saucers.
There are few other Flying Saucers planned for the Aeon which will use an Tractor Beam as thier Main Weapon. So I will probably use your Unit Thrower for thier Tractor Beams.Next to of the Tractor Beam.
I have an Concept for an another Gravity Weapon for the Aeon, which I will integrate into CSK Units soon. Its currently in Development so more information about it is coming soon.Regarding to your Black Hole Weapon:
As already mentioned in my request, which I have send to you as an PM. I will integrate this Weapon into CSK Units soon as Well. However I will create an new Black Hole Effect to make it Look more spectacular. Do you still have the Code of the Black Hole which Changes/Alters the Terrian as well? -
@cdrmv There is a command that alters the terrain height. (forgot its name) It sets a specific area all to the same height, which isn't so great if your attempting to make craters. What we did was to apply the effect is small steps radiating outwards, with each step outwards not being as deep as the one before it. Repeat this a few times in a circumference around a point to make a realistic looking crater. The smaller the elements used the smoother the crater will be.
Beware that there is a limit to how much you can take away before the whole map becomes just an ocean. Which is profoundly game breaking, as this could be used to deny an opponent the chance to build anything.
Hold the phone... found the script in DMS !!! Not sure if this is the exact one I was working with but this should be a good start for you in any case.
#in order of aperance #chose deformation type code for all deform functions #artilery deformation code for most weapons #code to deform the terain #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #chose deformation type code #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #types #artilery #nuke? #czar beam #czar die #deformsettings = { # # artilery = { -- deforms a crater for standard artilery # radiusI = 5, -- Radius of inner bowl # radiusO = 6, -- Width of outer mound # depth = 2, -- Depth of bowl # mound = 1 -- Height of mound # } # # Beam = { # radius = 5, -- Radius of crater # rate = 1 -- deduction in height per second # } # # CZAR = { # rotation = 180 --rotation of czar # } # #} Deform = function(x, z, deformsettings) if deformsettings.artilery then local artilery = deformsettings.artilery LOG('artilery crater at --> '..x..' , '..z) artilerycrater(x,z,artilery.radiusI, artilery.radiusO, artilery.Depth, artilery.mound) else PrintText("deformsetings incorrect",20,'FFFFFFFF',10,'center') end end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #artilery deformation code #------------------------------------------------------------------------- artilerycrater = function(x,z,radiusI,radiusO,depth,mound) local modheights = {} zonesize = 1 x = math.floor(x) z = math.floor(z) local totalradius = radiusI+radiusO --Calculate all height changes for j = -totalradius, totalradius-1 do for k = -totalradius, totalradius-1 do local radius = VDist2(j+25, k+25, 25, 25) if radius < totalradius then local heightmod = 0 if radius < radiusI then -- Inner bowl heightmod = -(math.sqrt(radiusI*radiusI - radius*radius)) * depth / radiusI else -- Outer berm if radiusO > 0 then local r2 = totalradius - radius heightmod = math.sqrt(radiusO*radiusO - r2*r2) * mound / radiusO end end local height = GetTerrainHeight(x + j, z + k) modheights[table.getn(modheights)+1] = {x+j, z+k,heightmod, height} end end end PerformModifications(modheights) end #------------------------------------------------------------------------- #master deformer code #------------------------------------------------------------------------- function PerformModifications(modheights) local sizeX, sizeZ = GetMapSize() records = table.getn(modheights) for row = 1, records do # gather data from table teraindat = modheights[row] local x = teraindat[1] local z = teraindat[2] local heightmod = teraindat[3] local height = teraindat[4] FlattenMapRect(x, z, 0, 0, height + heightmod) end end
The specific command is called "FlattenRect(x, z, sizex, sizez, elevation)"
Another use for this script is to be able to raise or lower terrain to make a land bridge between islands on-command. It's also possible (i think) to reverse the process so long as the commands are run in reverse sequence. Though I've never tried it to be sure.
Reminds me of a command in SC1 that got decremented in SCFA.... Add impulse !
Could make units fly from the impact of weapon rounds, and man was this fun.
Edit: I found a copy of the WOF that i was working on for SCFA.
Note: Was not able to find the original mod for SC.
Unfortunately I never quite finished it, parts of it do work, though I'm not so sure it will work at all with FAF. in a nutshell, I abused projectile helpers to "move: units about.
That Sounds very promising.
I will Check Out the Code soon.
Next to of an Crater I think this Code could be useful too to Create Terrian Cracks for Earthquakes. CSK Units will include a few Units which will cause a few Natural Disasters. An Vulcanic Eruption, Earthquake (Underground Units and Seismic Defense) and a few more. These Natural Disasters will appear in the Sim Mod Commander Survival Kit in an new Section as Well. But a few of them will be created/appear in an different Way compared in CSK Units.Here are a few Video Presentations of a few Natural Disasters, which I have already created:
Volcano to the Wof Mod.
I think this could be usable for my Tornados. Seeing several Land Units and Props flying around of an Tornado would Look Epic i some WaysRegarding to an Bridge:
As I remember correctly Balthazar has helped Gnio to Create an functional Bridge for the Game and introduce it into Gnios Black Mesa Mod. Unfortunately I didn't have Seen it so far personally how he has created it. I Just have read it somewhere on Discord in the past. I think he had probably use the Same Way as you have mentioned by changing the Terrain to Create an Bridge.