Commander Survival Kit (A new SIM Mod)
Hello everyone,
here is an new Development Update of this Project.First of all I have created several new Models for these following UEF Vehicles:
'M20 Abrams' - Tech 3 Heavy Battle Tank
'M90 Assasin' - Tech 3 Tankhunter
'M720 HIMARS' - Tech 3 Mobile Rocket Battery
'Leopard 2000' - Tech 3 Heavy Siege Tank
'M88-AM Supplyier' - Tech 3 Ammo Tank
Of cause 4 new comers has been added as well:
New Units:
'Howitzer 4000' - Tech 2 Mobile Artillery:
An Howitzer/Artillery mounted on an Armored Truck.
'K280 Vigilante' - Tech 2 Mobile Tactical Missile Defense:
An Gatling Gun mounted on an Armored Truck.
Useful against incoming Missiles.
Note: Anti Air will be added later with an Toogle Button.
'M25F Scorcher' - Tech 3 Flamethrower Tank
An modified Abrams with an Flamethrower as its Main Weapon.
Flamethrower are still an Weapon in Supcom.
Even in the future Time Period.
Why? Well that is simple.
Flamethrower are cheap and still useful against Aggressive Flora and Fauna.'M15-A Sky Preventer' - Tech 3 Mobile Anti Air Flak Cannon
An advanced Version of an Flak Cannon mounted on an armored Truck.
Useful against incoming Anti Air Units.
Hope you like them and stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Holy cow, this is amazing work dude!
The Cybran Worms especially, fantastic idea. -
Thanks glad to hear you like them.
We will See more Underground Units soon probably for each Faction. Of course with the Introduction of ways to Counter them. -
We Metal Fatigue now
Hello everyone,
here is an new Development Update of this Project, which is focused on the Underground Units.The UEF has get two new Units recently on the newest GitHub Early Access Update:
"Mole Mark-1" - Tech 3 Drill Tank:
This Massive Tank has access to an large Drill, which gives him the Ability to move below the Ground Layer (Underground Mode). If you order the Tank to switch to Surface Mode he will show his powerful Weapon Systems of an Improved Gauss Cannon Turret, Tactical Missile Launchers and Machine Guns. This is the Tech 3 Underground Unit for the UEF and a Second one on Experimental will be revealed soon."Ground Preventer 7000" - Tech 3 Seismic Defense:
The first Countermeasure for the new upcoming Underground Units has arrive. The Seismic Defense generates Earthquakes in the Area. Any Underground Unit will be damaged with each Earthquake Interval. Surface Units will be damaged as well but lower compared to the Underground Units. This Structure has access to an Ability to force enemy Underground Units in Range to switch from Underground Mode to Surface Mode and Backwards manually.Hope you like them and stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
its time for a new Development Update of this Project.I want to present you the Appearence of Tech 2 Laser Fences for the Aeon and Cybrans.
The Laser Fence is buildable by the Tech 2 and 3 Engineer. A Dummy Unit will be spawned between two Pylons which fills the Gap with Laser Beams. This will make enemy Units not be able to move through the Laser Fence. The Dummy which will be spawned between the Pylons is selectable by the player. You can turn On/Off the Laser beams between the Pylons with an Toggle Button. If you turn it off the Dummy will be removed and creates an gap between the Laser fence pylons. Units are able to move thought the Gap. If you turn it on again the Dummy and the Laser Beams between the Pylons will be respawned and block the Gap.
"Gryphon" - UEF Experimental Gunship:
The Gryphon is the second Air Experimental for the UEF in CSK Units. This Gunship is armed with Plasma Gatling Turrets, Tactical Missile Launchers, SAM Missile Launchers and Gauss Cannon Turrets.Hope you like them and stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
here is an new Development Update of this Project.
This time the Cybrans are getting two new toys.
Note: this is the first Wave of 2.Please give an warm welcome for these two new Units:
"Eraser Mark-1" - Tech 2 Shredder Drone
A automated Drone, which is designed to for Close Destruction. The Drone causes damage in the near of the enemy Unit by Moving. Order the Drone to patrol around an enemy Structure or Land Unit to cause damage to it. Multiple Drones increase the damage by moving effect so build a squad of 10 - 20 Drones for an Attack Run."The Gear" - Tech 3 Combat Scout
An special type of Drone in the Form of an large mechanic gear.
Its armed with two Rapid Fire EMP Blasters, an advanced Radar System and an Personal Cloak Device. This Unit will get access to a few additional Features in the next upcoming Updates.Hope you like them and stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Damn, this is some of the best stuff I've seen in literally a decade, given how slow SUPCOM modding has been. Keep up the good work! By the way is there a rough release date for all these goodies (don't mean too nag, just curious)
I'm glad to hear that you like my work.I don't have an exact release date at the moment because the unit pack is still in development. If everything goes well with development, we will see the first version of the mod at the end of this year. At least that's the plan. You can download the current development version of the mod from the official GitHub repository of this project as an early access/test version. Since the mod is currently in development, new early access updates with new content (units and features), improvements, bug fixes or balance changes are regularly uploaded to GitHub. Of course, there is still a lot to do, so the development version on GitHub is still not the finished mod. So if you are interested in participating in the development, I would be very happy to receive your feedback, suggestions and help to accelerate development.
Hello everyone,
here is an new Development Update of this Project.
This time the Cybrans are getting an new Interesting Toy.
And an existing Unit gets an new Design.
Lets Check it Out:"Rollmonite V-230" - Tech 2 Assault Bot:
How would it look if an Droideka from Star Wars appears as an Cybran Unit in Supcom. Of course with an Design which fits the Cybran. Well we have the answer now. Please give an warm Welcome to the "Rollmonite V-230" - Tech 2 Assault Bot. This Bot is armed with 4 Blaster Cannons and an Bubble Shield Generator. It comes with an Toggle Button to switch from Walk Mode to Roll Mode and backwards. The Toggle Button is only available if the Bot is not moving. Both Modes have different Move Speeds:
Walk Mode = Slow Move Speed
Roll Mode = Fast Move Speed
This Unit is now available in Early Access on the Github Repository of this Project.
Its included in Commander Survival Kit Units (short C.S.K. Units)New Design for the Cybran Experimental Centipede
The "Centipedarix K-47" - Experimental Defense Walker has get an new Model today.
The Design is more based on an real Centipede and comes with an similar Walk Animation (S Form).The new Model is now available on Github and replaces the old Model.
Here is an Screenshot of the old Design:
Hope you like them and stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
I canβt wait to play this
How could I install the early access mod from Github? Will it work in multiplayer?
Here is the Link to the official GitHub Repository of this Project: to Download:
On the GitHub Page you should See an Green Button with the Titel "Code". Click on the Button and you will See the Option "Download ZIP"How to Install:
The new Units are included in the Mod: Commander Survival Kit Units. Open the downloaded You will See the Commander Survival Kit Units Folder inside of the included Mods Folder. Extract the Commander Survival Kit Units into your Mods Folder and activate the Mod in the Mod Manager. Does Commander Survival Kit Units requires the other two Mods inside of the Mods Folder of the ZIP File? No Commander Survival Kit Units is an Standalone Mod and doesn't requires anything. If you have any Questions or Problems during the Installation let me know I will help you.Is this Mod playable in Multiplayer:
All new Units (except the Underground Units, Amphibious Transports and the Bunker Prototype) have AI Support. So the new Units will probably appear as AI Enemies in Skirmish Matches against the AI. The Mod should also Work in Multiplayer as Well.Keep in Mind:
Commander Survival Kit Units and the other Mods on this GitHub Repository for this Project are still in Development and will get new Content (New Units and Features), Improvements, Bug Fixes and Balance Changes in the next upcoming Early Access Updates for them.
An new Version of the Mod: Commander Survival Kit with the Reinforcements and Fire Support Managers is in Development as Well. If you find Something like Bugs or Balance Issues or do you have any Suggestions or Ideas let me know about that. I will look into it.Looking forward for your Feedback.
Stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
@cdrmv Thanks for the info! By the way, was the updated Amphibous assault ship model not implemented yet? The one in-game looks different from the model showcased earlier. Anyway, keep up the great work!
Yes the Amphibious Assault Ship haven't been added to the Mod yet.
This one is the regular UEF Tech 3 Aircraft Carrier, which is already included in CSK Units and Ingame:
The UEF Tech 3 Amphibious Assault Ship will be added into CSK Units soon which is that one:
That means:
There are two different Ships (Units) with their own features and purposes. -
Ahhh okay ty!
Hello everyone,
just the next Model Improvement Update for this Weekend.
This time the two Cybran Scorpions in CSK Units have get an new Design.
The old ones where okay but not perfect in terms of Quality.
But see for yourself:"Death Stalker" - Tech 3 Armored Siege Walker
"King Stalker" - Experimental Siege Walker
Hope you like them and stay tuned for more Updates.
Best regards
Hello everyone,
a new UEF Naval Unit has been added into CSK Units on GitHub in Early Access.
Please give an warm Welcome to the:Riley Class - Tech 3 Amphibious Assault Ship
An Support Carrier with an smaller Hangar but more AA Defenses compared to the Samantha Clarke Class Aircraft Carrier. This Naval Unit comes with an new Production Switch Toggle Ability. With this Ability you will be able to build Air Units or Hovercrafts with this Carrier. The builded Air Units will be stored in the Storage similar like any other Aircraft Carrier in the game. Now available in Early Access on GitHub.Several nice Additions are coming soon into the Mod.
Stay tuned for next Development Updates.
Best regards
I haven't looked at your work in some time - you've made great progress from the early days - that's for sure.
Hello everyone,
its time for a new Development Update of this Project.
This time I have these following new Toys for you:"Gipsy Omega" - UEF Experimental Assault Mech
A large bipedal Mech, which marks the tip of the UEF Robot Engineering.
This Mech is Designed for three Main purposes:
To Destroy enemy Defense Lines and Armies
To Destroy enemy Experimental Units
To fight against large organic Creatures (Kaijus)Primary Weapons:
2x Super Heavy Hand Plasma Cannons
8x Chest Anti Matter Artillery GunsAccess to the new Weapon Random System:
If you build this Mech it will appear in 3 other additional Variations:
One will have access to 2 Tactical Missile Launchers (8 Silos in Total)
The another one will have access to two Long Range Artillery Cannons.
The last one is the Base Configuration with the two Primary Weapons only
A fourth one is planned to appear as well but this will be revealed later.The Design of this Mech is based on these References:
Iron Man (Marvel)
Gipsy Danger (Movie: Pacific Rim)
Striker Eureka (Movie: Pacific Rim)
Barga (Earth Defense Force 5 and 6)
Walking Fortress Balam (Earth Defense Force 4.1)"Nix" - UEF Tech 3 Multifunctional Assault Mech
CSK Units will introduce a new type of Tech 3 Unit for all Factions, which has access to the Weapon Random System and the Jetpack Ability. The Nix is one of these Units for the UEF and appears only once in the Buildlist.
Each Mech will mostly get an different Random Weapon Layout after being build but similarities are possible as well.
This System is actually more pratical compared to introduce several different Versions of the same Unit into the Buildlist.
So the Nix appears only one time in the Buildlist and prevent it to overflow it with its different Variations.Currently these Weapons are supported by the Weapon Random System:
- Gauss Cannons
- Plasma Cannons
- Gatling Gun
- Plasma Gatling Gun
- Flamethrower
- Missile Launcher (SAM)
- Dispersal Artillery (shots 6 Shells with low Damage)
- Artillery
- Heavy Anti Matter Artillery
Planned Weapons:
- Plasma Shotgun
- Missile Launchers
- Maser Cannon
- Plasma Beam Cannon
The Design of this Mech is based on the Powered Exoskeleton Mech "Nix" form EDF 5 and 6.
Both new Units are now available in Early Access on Github
Included in the Mod: Commander Survival Kit: UnitsStay tuned for next Development Updates.
Best regards
Are you sure they also aren't inspired by Thunder, from Super Giant Robot Brothers?