Make SAMs weaker vs gunships and strats, but stronger vs ASF

@penguin_ UnitDb Stata may not be accurate due to not being able to pull correct data

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock

What am I supposed to do with these pictures, make a collage?

@FtXCommando I was also under the impression that inties trade favorably into Janus if you have at least close to the same mass invested in them, I thought Yudi told me that awhile back. Am I misremembering or just wrong there?

@exselsior said in Make SAMs weaker vs gunships and strats, but stronger vs ASF:

@FtXCommando I was also under the impression that inties trade favorably into Janus if you have at least close to the same mass invested in them, I thought Yudi told me that awhile back. Am I misremembering or just wrong there?

The issue is that it's much cheaper to make infra for janus, you can just have 10 engis assist and t2 hq, whereas the opponent has to make 10 t1 airfacs. Then u can just switch to assisting something else once enemy has made 10 t1 airfacs.

@penguin_ restorer stats don't account for the fact that restorers can always shoot asf regardless of their position and orientation. ASF need to turn back around after shooting once or twice

dont really care looking at anything else

Good Job, Good Luck and Good Work.

frick snoops!

A good option would be to make SAMs do exactly 1.8k damage (the same HP as UEF ASF). That way they are a "select and delete ASF" weapon.

It would also take 2.05 salvos to kill a Cybran strat, which decreases the effective damage against Cybran strats to an average of 1.23k per salvo due to overkill (a 32% reduction).

Would cause some weirdness against vetted ASF, and would need to look at the HP of each individual air unit, but it's a good starting point.

Janus all in has a small infrastructure upfront cost as Blodir said. In order to beat my 100% eco devoted into janus you need to spend at least 80% of your comparable eco on ints. That is not simple to do within a 2-3 minute period, especially if you have to adjust your original game plan.

And if I beat your cloud early on you will have an incredibly hard time to stop my snowball and it becomes closer to 100% eco you need to invest to catch back up.

@blodir said in Make SAMs weaker vs gunships and strats, but stronger vs ASF:

@exselsior said in Make SAMs weaker vs gunships and strats, but stronger vs ASF:

@FtXCommando I was also under the impression that inties trade favorably into Janus if you have at least close to the same mass invested in them, I thought Yudi told me that awhile back. Am I misremembering or just wrong there?

The issue is that it's much cheaper to make infra for janus, you can just have 10 engis assist and t2 hq, whereas the opponent has to make 10 t1 airfacs. Then u can just switch to assisting something else once enemy has made 10 t1 airfacs.

Fair but then can't you just spam inties in more or less exact same way from t2 airfacs? You can build just over 4 inties in the time it takes to build one Janus with equivalent bp if I'm not mistaken and I think you need ~3.5 inties per janus to win.

But yeah, to your point and @FtXCommando last message I do agree. There's a big difference between in theory and in practice here. I think, and I think you guys agree with this, in theory inties should win if you know from the start your opponent is going janus and they actually do that. But it doesn't work like that in practice, since you don't know for a fact they're going Janus and they can at any point choose to not go Janus, messing up your investment.

Strong agree on the snowball potential, though I think that's air in general unfortunately

It's the same concept as swifties vs ints. Ints win in sandbox easy whether micro, no micro, half micro, whatever.

But the player that makes swifties has that period early on where he gets to dump a large mass concentration into air and the int player needs time to catch up in that mass concentration. Combine that with a speed ability to choose when and where to fight and swifties win more than they lose.

Also it isn't as simple as simply matching the janus/swift/notha player in t2 facs. A janus is almost twice as much mass per unit of buildtime as an int is. You need almost double the facs to keep up.

And also Janus are the same speed and act as the aggressive units so the inty player is playing permanently reactive while janny guy can sneak in some shots every now and then while losing nothing in the process. There's no amount of flak that will protect u against the terror of the skies, the janny.

so can I go full janus as air on senton? I usually avoid that slot because ecoing for 10 minutes is boring

@mach Not really since asf are king. Maybe if ur team uses ur janus to crush extremely hard, but in general u can't rely on that. U can't end the enemy air player with janus, all they need is 1 shield and 4 t2 mex in their core and they'll easily pump out enough asf to kill all ur janny. Mostly the janny issue is relevant in 1v1 where u don't have the space/time to go t3 air because of the upfront investment.

Janus are mega relevant in teamgames just not on maps like sentons where there is the absolute maximum distance between the t3 air bases and because of the eco meta on sentons which means people have a lot more resources to defend.

They were good enough that quite some ppl started to complain why they weren't getting nerfed, although now that some time has passed most people have become better at countering them.

@blodir said in Make SAMs weaker vs gunships and strats, but stronger vs ASF:

In order to satisfy moderation:

Some Sort of Ethos: I've played the game since 2013 and been one of the top rated players ever since. Yay!
Identify a Problem: SAMs disproportionally strong vs air to ground compared to ASF. SAMs make air outside of exps almost completely useless, but it's difficult to nerf them since they are already so weak vs ASF.
Showcase the Problem: Pick an abitrary teamgame of length >30min
Find a Solution: Make SAMs weaker vs gunships and strats, but stronger vs ASF
Justify the Solution: SAMs can be nerfed now and you can do more stuff with air to ground as a consequence

The issue why Sams are OP vs Gunships and to a lesser extent Strats but suck vs ASF is that Sams have AOE and Gunships move in clustered up together tight formation, strats are less clustered but still to some extent. Even if it doesnt look tight it is a tight formation, the different between 0 AOE and 0.1 AOE is that it is going to hit others Gunships that are far from the one being hit. ASF do not have this issue to the extent Gunships and strats have because the mass density of the area affected by the AOE of the Sam does not hit as many ASF in terms of resource value. Consequently Gunships have +/-6k HP, strats +/-4k HP to make up for the splash damage despite strats costing almost 2x what Gunships cost and having less DPS than Gunships.
The only way to achieve what you want is to increase DPS on Sams and their remove AOE. At the same time you would have to change ASF HP and DPS and the same on Gunships and Strats etc.
The following quote by you is not a solution, it is a wishlist with no clear way of how to achieve it.

Find a Solution: Make SAMs weaker vs gunships and strats, but stronger vs ASF

Well suffice it to say, it would require a more extensive rework of several unit settings to achieve your goal. Not impossible at all, I could certainly write up something workable that would achieve the aim but my opinion doesn't matter to the decision makers so, I guess we let them figure how whether to give Strats 5 or 6k HP and Gunships 10 or 12k HP and make Sams do 500 or 600 DPS...

This post is deleted!

T3 air is so oppressive in the game. 1v1's its basically the opposite however if you get to T3 it can still get oppressive even in a 1v1. T3 Air always ins with 2 giant blobs of Air just staring at eachother.
The single point of T3 Air being so Oppressive (not OP) that it basically eliminates ground pushes late game especially if you are down in air because the enemy can cheese it so well with bombers, gunships, mercy spam (it happened before lol), etc. It's just not fun with how Air is balanced

Of course this is my opinion and experience.

T3 Air also eliminates any interesting plays late game because you locked on ground because for one T3 Omni exist (needs to be NERFED HARD IMHO but thats another topic). You can't sneak anywhere on the map because the Enemy Air will just see you instantly. Maybe we should nerf ASF Speed? No, in my opinion thats like a middle nerf. You aint actually solving the problem. You are hindering it but not fixing it. ASF should have more buildtime and T3 HQ Upgrade & Supports should cost more, the Power Adj should be nerfed too.

T3 Sams IMO is an easy fix, just revert like maybe half or third of the AoE.

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Why are people talking about nerfing aoe in a thread about making sams stronger vs asf


Aoe makes it way stronger against Gunships & Strats
You can just nerf ASF dont need to buff SAMs

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Nerfing ASF necessitates nerfs to pretty much every other air unit. Nerfing sam aoe brings them back to being the noob trap unit they were prior to the aoe buff, even if you give them double the damage.