Why seraphim dont have RAS?

Seraphim have some of the biggest, most protective shield domes. Dig your heels in like your success depends on it, because it does.

@casternumerouno said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

A ras lad takes 10 minutes to pay off. In that time you can have a fucking paragon running.

What on earth are you talking about? Do you know Sera can't make a Paragon? You're making no sense. What does a fucking paragon have to do with Sera not having Ras Acus?


Ras SACU are the natural eco upgrade after Ras on ACU which is the natural upgrade after ringing all t3 mexes that you can safely defend. Sera needs the mobile eco option just as the other races do. Giving them overcharge SACUs as compensation is not balanced or logical. The three other races have RAS SACU, what is the critical thinking behind Sera not having them?

Are you that stupid...

Lol. News flash: RAS bois are a meme and nowhere near as good or efficient as you seem to think they are.

@exselsior Mobile economy can ignore game-enders, and all you need is to spread gateways and order RAS spam while you micro somewhere else. Mostly happens on Seton's Clatch (https://youtu.be/saAkZlZfDoQ?t=2922). They just go underwater and have fun killing them.

You people aren't even funny, hope you are aware of that.

@casternumerouno Did your parents not teach you not to litter in forum threads? Have some self-control, you are wasting the time of people who are reading what you write.

Overcharge is only useful if you go and use it. Whereas mass and power income improvements are constant.

Sera unupgraded SACUS:
Mass cost 2050 - output 2 mass
Power cost 26000 - output 200 power

So thats roughly 1 mass recieved per 1K mass cost.

Now lets look at eg Cybran RAS ACUs:
Mass cost 6500 - output 11 mass
Power cost 116400 - output 1020 power

So that's roughly 2 mass recieved per 1k cost.

Sera needs RAS ACUS, their unupgraded SACUs are pitiful in comparison.

@exselsior said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

Lol. News flash: RAS bois are a meme and nowhere near as good or efficient as you seem to think they are.

Lol. News flash. The topic of debate in this thread is that the races should have rough parity in availabilty and quality of RAS SACUs. You seem to think this is a thread on how good RAS bois are. You are wrong. Tool.

@casternumerouno said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

Are you that stupid...

What's your informed, educated and clearly set out argument on Sera RAS ACU availablity then. Come on, teach us your wise ways.

I have probably ~1k games played on Seton's at the ~1800+ level by this point. Sera doesn't need ras bois to be competitive. The times you see guys like Yudi win games with epic ras boi spam are also games Yudi could have won 50 other ways. Hardly ever is ras boi spam the truly best way to win the game, and for the less than 1% of the time that they actually are the best way to win who cares? There are games that I would have won if I was Sera and could have made a washer. Should we give the other factions a washer? There are games I lost because the only game ender I could make was a scathis and I really needed a mavor or para + salv spam. Should we give every faction a mavor like weapon? No and no.

Edit: Those games I lost that I might have won as a different factions are still skill issues on my part. If you replaced myself with Yudi/Tagada/Farms or whoever they probably would have won.

@melanol said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

@exselsior Mobile economy can ignore game-enders, and all you need is to spread gateways and order RAS spam while you micro somewhere else. Mostly happens on Seton's Clatch (https://youtu.be/saAkZlZfDoQ?t=2922). They just go underwater and have fun killing them.

The FAF Balance Cycle:
Top players get bored of abusing meta

Top players play intentionally trash tactics because it's fun

Trash tactics work in lobby where nobody is playing seriously

Trash tactics get casted because it's whacky and funny

Now I need to read why trash tactics are OP because this high rated guy did it and it's impossible for a high rated guy to ever do anything not good

@exselsior said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

many things said

The issue is not:
-that sera needs ras bois to be competitive
-that there are many ways to win a game

No one is saying that:
-games can't be won other ways
-that ras bois must be built

And there's no need for the various strawman arguments which are not relevant to the topic here. Once more, for those who seem to be lacking in basic comprehension -

respectfully; what is the balance teams current logic (and i have no doubt they do acutally have one) on why the Sera team do not have RAS SACUS as an option. That's it.

@serpentor said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

@exselsior said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

many things said

The issue is not:
-that sera needs ras bois to be competitive
-that there are many ways to win a game

No one is saying that:
-games can't be won other ways
-that ras bois must be built

And there's no need for the various strawman arguments which are not relevant to the topic here. Once more, for those who seem to be lacking in basic comprehension -

respectfully; what is the balance teams current logic (and i have no doubt they do acutally have one) on why the Sera team do not have RAS SACUS as an option. That's it.

You're quite literally saying what the balance team's logic is. If you don't need it and they aren't necessary for winning the game then all factions don't need their own flavor of it. All factions have a t1 tank because that's kinda necessary and would be crazy if say UEF didn't have the Striker and had to go t2 for a tank. There's no core requirement for factions to be balanced with all having a ras boi, so they don't. Sera has by far the best tele bois, sucks other factions don't have that.

@ftxcommando said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

If you have more than 10 ras boys you’re playing pretty bad.

@Melanol proved it a lie with lots of class.

@ftxcommando said in What do you think about this mass-farming blueprint?:

Mass storage ringed t3 mass fabs take 267 seconds to pay off.

Mass fab 4000+ storages 2400+ part of t3 pgen 1944 mass. Total of 8344 mass for 21 mass income. 397 seconds to pay off.

@casternumerouno said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

A ras lad takes 10 minutes to pay off.

Ras Sacu cost 6500 -1296 for power generated -600build power (~2t3engis). 4604 mass for 11 mass income. 418 secondes to pay off. Almost 7 minutes.

Not considering the hp and dps that are hugely better on sacu, than on massfab. In case of enemy attack, Sacu's perform hugely better than massfabs. They are also mobile, take very little space, and are easy to protect.

@casternumerouno said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

In that time you can have a fucking paragon running.

You need 250000/600=416 mass income/sec, and not building anything else at all, so usually much more than 416, to build Paragon in 10 minutes.

He didn't prove anything lol, do I need to get Yudi himself in these threads to tell you it's terrible or what?

@ftxcommando said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

He didn't prove anything lol, do I need to get Yudi himself in these threads to tell you it's terrible or what?

I want that to happen to just see dudes argue with Yudi of all people about this

The logic why sera does not have RAS SACUs is that the GPG devs decided that sera should not have them and there was never a good enough reason to change it

@wikingest your math is ok but this is not an accurate comparison and lacks context

say you are at the point in-game where you have full t3 mex, maybe ACU RAS and your storages capped with fabs but you want even more eco before you are ready to contribute towards your team winning....

anyway you can build two t3 pgens and two t3 fabs with the double adjacency, costing 14.48k mass and generating 32 mass and 3125 energy, after discounts.

instead we can build RAS coms, but we can't just straight build them we also need to build a gateway first, so for 3 coms plus gateway, costing 22.35k, we get income of 33 mass and 3150 energy.

so for ~50% more we get the added benefit of the build power, mobility and dps of the coms, which is admittedly nice if you don't have kennels or hives, but if you are fighting any t3 army with your RAS COMS you will trade very poorly.

Sera not having sACU RAS is part of their faction identity as instead they get by far the strongest combat COMS and from a balance point of view is not needed. Generally in team games you can always ask for an engie anyway.

@black_wriggler said in Why seraphim dont have RAS?:

@wikingest your math is ok but this is not an accurate comparison and lacks context

say you are at the point in-game where you have full t3 mex, maybe ACU RAS and your storages capped with fabs but you want even more eco before you are ready to contribute towards your team winning....

anyway you can build two t3 pgens and two t3 fabs with the double adjacency, costing 14.48k mass and generating 32 mass and 3125 energy, after discounts.

instead we can build RAS coms, but we can't just straight build them we also need to build a gateway first, so for 3 coms plus gateway, costing 22.35k, we get income of 33 mass and 3150 energy.

so for ~50% more we get the added benefit of the build power, mobility and dps of the coms, which is admittedly nice if you don't have kennels or hives, but if you are fighting any t3 army with your RAS COMS you will trade very poorly.

Sera not having sACU RAS is part of their faction identity as instead they get by far the strongest combat COMS and from a balance point of view is not needed. Generally in team games you can always ask for an engie anyway.

Your math is also incomplete because you need approx 30 or so hives to make a decent boy production facility.