@relentless I'd suggested 1.6 as the modifier I thought would beat Sladow on that map, and being a boss Sladow did 1.7 instead and crushed!
Although there were plenty of improvements from a BO perspective the ACU I didn't really change due to the likelihood of the benefits outweighing the costs in other situations - from its perspective, it had a better gun than the enemy ACU, was full health, the enemy ACU was damaged, M28's ACU was on its 'side' of the map, had friendly tanks and PD relatively nearby, the enemy only had access to T1 and no significant bomber/gunship threat, it recognised there was enough danger that it should try and run, and it picked a location that was both away from the enemy and would've ultimately brought it closer to friendly PD (although the latter is more by coincidence than by plan). I.e. one of those scenarios where a split second judgement from a human is likely to give a much better result than the AI since the issue was more having the ACU in a place where it could easily die due to being too far from potential support.
One of the changes I made though was to make tanks no longer abandon the ACU to its fate (the c.3 blazes that were nearby ran when they saw the enemy army instead of fighting to give the ACU more of a chance) but even with this change the ACU would've likely died (it ended up sub-100 health on the desynced replay).
However the BO stuff was embarassing for me with it all largely caused by the early air fac upgrade - the early upgrade meant it didn't have enough engineers (so had little power and didn't even get mexes near the base), and it quickly stalled energy and overflowed mass - I'd hoped for much better of M28 on that side of things!