FAF Aeon Campaign Doesnt Progress
I started the campaign with aeon and once you cleared the artillry and enemy base the game doesnt progress to the next stage. There wasnt even the usual narrative voice over that acknowledges the artillery are destroyed.
which mission?
Are you playing offline and save loaded the game? The missing objectives in the top right are telling.
That feature is currently bugged but will be fixed Soon
(see here)
Yes playing offline trying to play the campaign as aeon. I completed the campaign once as cybran, but not with faf, that was done in the vanilla game, but in the faf version it is still recorded as having been completed, so I started over as aeon since I havent done that yet. Just tried playing faf campaign offline again yesterday and it still wont progress. I take it this hasnt been fixed yet. Or am I doing something wrong.
Should I clear out old data or something? If so, how.
Clicking campaign through the faf exe doesn't work (its not set up and the objectives don't exist)
To play the campaign (coop) maps offline with faf balance/changes follow these steps:
https://forum.faforever.com/topic/4668/offline-campaign-doesn-t-work/9and launch through the skirmish menu