4z0t's ScoreBoard
A few bugs/suggestions ive noticed:
- When a game launches u need to hover over each teammate (everyone in replays) in order to set it to the correct position (https://imgur.com/a/8ltvxfl)
- I for sure think having player color on rating and the left bar being team color is the best idea. The branch im using has player colors on the left and its quite hard to read who is who.
- Very minor nitpick, some numbers have different sizes so as game time changes the game speed shifts back and forth. https://imgur.com/a/SGkYnKe
But overall small things aside i really like the cleanness of the mod. Thanks for your work!
@SpikeyNoob pushed some changes there. I am still working on it, so, those things are gonna be as intended.
Personally, not a fan of any UI element that moves when you try to focus on it. It just makes reading it more difficult for a moment for no real benefit.
Cool work though.
@sleepeater yeah, noticed that too, but I have some solutions for it
The project is frozen. If you want to try current scoreboard state follow link below
V -
@not-4z0t why does it feel like everytime there is someone creating a cool UI mod for FAF it just dies/dev stops working on it within a couple of weeks/month xd
Version 1 released!!! Finally!
@fft only 1?
@Eternal :__:
C Ctrl-K referenced this topic on
I've been keeping an eye on this and just saw it in the news feed. Looking forward to taking it for a spin.
This post is deleted! -
затестил в игре, и мне кажется значок фракции тоже должен иметь цвет игрока а не свой , а то получается идет ,цвет команды, потом цвет фракции (желтый красный зеленый синий) цвет игрока и еще белого цвета имя игрока.
может просто с непривычки но как будто слишком много цветов появляется. обрати внимание на это
и вообще когда цвет команды совпадает с игровыми никами людей в команде , не так агрессивно выделяется для глаз как будто .
чем меньше разных не нужных цветов, тем лучше.
но опять же ,может это все с непривычки и если поиграть пару десятков игр, то будет так казаться.а вообще мод хороший!
Version 2 released. Minor bug fixes. Required UI mod tools version 7.
how do I activate the mod? I downloaded it, but nothing has changed in the interface. The scoreboard has disappeared at all, it is not clear what you need to click
@MadCat It must work if you installed everything correctly.