making a unit destroy other units by stomping on it can be changed inside the blueprint by adding this to the footprint table:
Footfall = {
Damage = {
Amount = 1500,
DamageFriendly = false,
Radius = 1,
Type = 'ExperimentalFootfall',
There is no category for target. Its just on if the table Damage
exist and off without this table.
Different to that is the table for the Aeon T1 Bomber:
The weapon stun buf has this table:
Buffs = {
Add = {
OnImpact = true,
AppliedToTarget = true,
BuffType = 'STUN',
Duration = 1.5,
Radius = 4.55,
TargetAllow = 'ALLUNITS',
here you can change the target category for allowed and disalowed targets.
And no, you can't just add these two lines to the footprint table, they will be ignored by the engine.