FAF version (GPG, unknown & inactive author map rework)
Amazing how much time was spent on this! Love it!
How did you analyze this differences? All manual or any tooling for the grid? -
@Brutus5000 Until now I did everything manual. The prop stats can be checked via FAF Editor.
Tag Craftious Maximus - FAF version
78° angle based rework of TAG_Rock's (inactive author)map (v56): Tag_Craftious Maximus
Issue 13 & 13a
FAF version ensures symmetrical heightmap, textures/strata, decals, marker and props (180° rotation based on 78° angle of original content). Every resource & spawn marker had to be moved to the corresponding 180 ° position.
The unsightly mountain and grass textures in the water have been extensively revised.
FAF version ensures symmetrical props (180° rotation based on 78° angle of original content). The 180° rotation of the props results in a slight increase of mass and energy.
Issue 13b
The map now contains AI marker --> No air marker displayed
Issue 13c
Due to the different heightmap depending slope calculation for structure placement the hydro on the bottom-left could not be build inv0001
. The hydro at bottom-left and top-right (+ mass marker around it) have been move 3 in game units to the map center, to ensure that all hydros can be build. The same issue leads to factorys that cannot be build on the left side, if 1-2 in game units are used. See here for more information.Issue 13d
Tweaked water settings and added waves.
Color Lerp Max:0.101
Refelction Sun:1.100
Setons Clutch - FAF version.v0003 is in the vault. After further coordination, a 115 ° angle was chosen for the rework. The first FAF version was bottom based.
Thanks to @Sheikah and his
, the rework was easier than ever. -
I just uploaded tag_craftious_maximus_-_faf_version.v0003 to the vault to bypass this problem:
@Tagada told me that one hydro cant be build on
Since the heightmap and marker placement looks okay, I did some testing with @Sheikah -thanks a lot- and we narrowed it down to a slope calculation error/difference. Because the broken hydro gets fixed when it gets gets rotated/mirrored it to the right side and the working hydro breaks if it gets rotated/mirrored to the left side. heightmap was rotated/mirrored as well!
Because of the way the slope gets calculated the hydros/structures behave differently on the left and right side of the map. The same issue occurs with factories, if the marker are moved step by step to the map center.
Vert1.y = ScmapEditor.GetHeight(x + 1, y) * ScaleHeight; Vert2.y = ScmapEditor.GetHeight(x + 1, y + 1) * ScaleHeight; Vert3.y = ScmapEditor.GetHeight(x, y + 1) * ScaleHeight; float Dot = getSupComSlope(Vert0.y, Vert1.y, Vert2.y, Vert3.y); static float getSupComSlope(float a, float b, float c, float d) { return Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(a - b), Mathf.Abs(b - c), Mathf.Abs(c - d), Mathf.Abs(d - a)); }``` To fix this forever the slope calculation needs to be changed/improved. This reminds me of @Balthazar 's mod that places structures according to slope (and also solves heightmap terraforming issues). Maybe parts of it could be integrated into FAF some day.
Seraphim Glaciers - FAF version
77° angle and top based rework from original FA map (v60): SCMP_008Issue 38
FAF version ensures symmetrical heightmap (except middle island). 180° rotation based on 77° angle of original content.Issue 38a
FAF version ensures symmetrical marker (except middle island), no rush radius and props. Top based 180° rotation based on top half of original content.Marker
ARMY spawns have been adjusted for Team Match Maker (TMM).
Almost every resource marker & spawn had to be moved to the corresponding 180 ° position (gray circle).
The 180° rotation of the props does not change the mass and energy values.
Issue 38b
The map now contains improved AI marker --> No air marker displayed
The Bermuda Locket - FAF version
bottom-right based rework from original FA map (v60): SCMP_014
Issue 31 & 31a
FAF version ensures symmetrical heightmap, textures/strata, decals, marker, no rush radius and props (180° rotation based on bottom-right of original content).Marker
ARMY spawns have been adjusted for Team Match Maker (TMM).
Almost every resource marker & spawn had to be moved to the corresponding 180 ° position (gray circle).
FAF version ensures symmetrical props (180° rotation based on bottom-right of original content). The 180° rotation of the props results in a slight increase of mass and energy.
Issue 31b
The map now contains improved AI marker --> No air marker displayed
Thanks again to @Sheikah for his
and the consumer-friendly customer support -
The waves got lost while mapping in
Setons Clutch - FAF version.v0003
. They got re-added in Setons Clutch - FAF version.v0004
gl hf -
Bump - Arctic Refuge is imbalanced in favour of the northern spawn(s) due to the trucks on the northern side of the civ base in the middle being worth thousands of mass. The buildings are also slightly weighted to the north as well - when I tested it I got about 3k more mass that was obviously northern in the Civ base than I got out of obviously southern mass. Didn't count stuff in the middle.
Another thing is that the hostile civilian trucks are prioritized by default over the hostile pd, not sure if that's desirable.
On the contrary, I find that last part very convenient, it's much better to shoots trucks instead of the T2 pgen, and you woudn't shoot the pds with the com anyway since shots are block by walls or buildings
Hey guys, first of all thank you for posting the info here in the channel
I added Arctic Refuge to the to-do list.
But what exactly should be done? Should the northern or southern spawn or map area be used as a base for the rework? @Sir-PrizeAnother thing is that the hostile civilian trucks are prioritized by default over the hostile pd, not sure if that's desirable.
@archsimkat @Auricocorico Thats unit related, I can't do anything about it mapping wise.
Right now the center base is an awkward rectangle, and the reclaim symettry suggests a left vs right configuration in 2v2.
You could draw a line from spawns and use those line as diagonales of a new square/rectangle.If you put equal ressources in each polygons, it should be alright for 1v1 and for left vs right / top vs bottom 2v2. You could for example put the line of truck in the center+1+3 zones and the pgens in 2 and 4. Or split the trucks over the 4 zones ?
To fix the trucks issue you might want to make them belong to Neutral civs instead of hostile ones.
I disagree, i think it's a nice feature. It's the only map where you can get vet if you bother to micro your arties and shoot the trucks with ACU instead. I think it's a funny choice you have to make when you're middle : do I shoot trucks for free vet, do i shoot the ennemy tanks/arty, or do i snag the reclaim before it's gone.
@Tagada said in FAF version (GPG, unknown & inactive author map rework):
To fix the trucks issue you might want to make them belong to Neutral civs instead of hostile ones.
Nice one. In the meantime I came the the same conclusion
Here are the units in question. The marked units are currently in
I think the middle needs to be completely revised. I will do my best to use the existing structures and place them symmetrically in terms of rotation (e.g. Setons and Syrtis Major - FAF version). The trucks will also be distributed properly!
Should the marked units become
or stay inARMY_9
? -
T3 pgen ?
I think Svenni opened up the Supreme Commander version, and not the Forged Alliance version
@svenni_badbwoi The main issue I can see can be fixed with moving props in the middle. I'm sure balancing the map could be optimised much better, but in the first instance I think making the props in the centre so they are vertically and horizontally symmetrical would make the map acceptable for use in the matchmaker pools. To avoid seriously changing the gameplay by changing mass values in the middle I guess that means four groups of trucks and the T1 MAA in the centre of the base, and the buildings laid out symmetrically.
Might be worth uploading a version 1 like that and working on more finetuning over time?
@Jip said in FAF version (GPG, unknown & inactive author map rework):
I think Svenni opened up the Supreme Commander version, and not the Forged Alliance version
here is the middle of the v60 aka FA version.
@Sir-Prize I will mirror/rotate the whole map content and will rework the middle. it should be complete balanced afterwards. What rotation angle do you prefer? (see setons and other faf versions)