BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed only for FAF v25
wow thanks for your awesome work!
In the last week my time was a bit tight. It was my birthday and of course Easter.
I will take some time on the weekend to merge your PR's and test it. -
@Jip earning that cowboy hat! Thanks my dude!
@Uveso Happy Birthday!! Our group plays weekly on Fridays, but if you want some help testing the mod before you up it to the vault, just PM me with a link and I'll test what I can solo or rope someone into it during the week
.Only things I see missing is the Cybran ACU transport fix and the crazy-high Czar crash damage.
@doompants said in BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed only for FAF v20:
@Jip earning that cowboy hat! Thanks my dude!
@Uveso Happy Birthday!! Our group plays weekly on Fridays, but if you want some help testing the mod before you up it to the vault, just PM me with a link and I'll test what I can solo or rope someone into it during the week
.Only things I see missing is the Cybran ACU transport fix and the crazy-high Czar crash damage.
Lemme know when you play and ill join. Hardly anybody wants to play just blackops or blackops acu
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
Update v21 (24.Apr.2023)
Thanks to @Jip who provided this patch.- Unit baa0309 Illuminate - (T3 Air Transport) fix for cloak
- Unit beb4209 ATF-205 Preventer - (Anti-Teleport Field Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit bab4309 Quantum Wake Generator - (Anti-Teleport Generator) fix for cloak
- Unit brb4309 Shroud - (Anti-Teleport Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit bsb4309 Haazthue-Uhthena - (Anti-Teleport Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit beb4309 ATF-305 Preventer - (Anti-Teleport Field Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit brb4209 Mist - (Anti-Teleport Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit bsb4209 Haazthue-Uhthena - (Anti-Teleport Tower) fix for cloak
- Unit bab4209 Quantum Wake Generator - (Anti-Teleport Generator) fix for cloak
- drones no longer checks for target.Dead ~= nil; (it is sometimes false, not nil)
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U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
M MadMax referenced this topic on
M MadMax referenced this topic on
Update v22 (03.May.2023)
Thanks to Balthazar who provided this patch.- fixed a incompatibility with BrewLAN (missing SizeZ on units)
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
Update v23 (05.May.2023)
- fixed a incompatibility with BrewLAN (Thanks to Balthazar)
- fixed a bug in case a air weapon has no RangeCategory UWRC_AntiAir
So we've had a couple weeks of games and everything on the fixed list seems to be working wonderfully, so thank you both again for maintaining.
Confirmed that the crazy-high ~16000 dmg Czar crash damage is still there, and the Cybran ACU maser still breaks if they get in a transport.
@Jip the maser breaking was something that happened at some point in vanilla, but was fixed. Are you able to identify what was done to fix it? I'm sure it's a case that the Cybran ACU in the BlackOps ACU mod probably broke at the same time, but just never got fixed like Vanilla did.
Thanks again for your help!!!
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
@Uveso I was using a few mods including BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed-v23 in an offline skirmish game and found that I could not save a game - FAF crashes. I don't see anything in the logs though. I turned off all mods and verified that your latest mod BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed-v23 is the one causing the crash (being the only mod loaded). Are there any quick fixes available? Or perhaps you could point me to an earlier version of BlackOpsFAF-Unleashed to try out until the fix is done. Many thanks!
U Uveso referenced this topic on
U Uveso referenced this topic on
I only saved a few games in the early days of 2007.
After using mods i stoped using the save feature because the game crashed to often.Unfortunately, I have no idea how to fix this or if it's even fixable.
@uveso Thanks for your swift reply. BlackOps Unleashed is a great unit pack so I'll try to work around not using saves.
Hi Uveso,
I've been having a weird crash when using AI Wave Survival and BlackOps Unleashed, that only began after the latest 3758 Developers Patch.
I already wrote up the issue, linked here. Don't know if you want to take a look. -
@Uveso I'll look into it, do you have time to make a new release next weekend?
@Uveso it seems the mod behave strangely with the latest 3758 Developers Patch.
While other units works completely fine, those units carrying drones are not display the correct movement and attack animation. Those units simply follow targets but not fire, also by buliding one of the broken units, it seem to affect all units constructed afterwards to have the same strange behavior.
Are there any quick fixes for this problem? -
I found the issues with the drone carriers:
Up to Uveso to upload them now. If there are more issues then please name the specific unit
Thanks for the quick fix. It works fine now
Hello there @Uveso it would seems that I have the same problem after the recent patch just like some people above.
Yes, it is a bunch of broken units of the BlackOps mod that will break the game any time they are constructed(Animation of firing sequence + walking etc.) as well as Production structures instead of upgrading just builds next tear factory right withing itself. By most part I met this problem with UEF and Cybran, but not EON. In particular game will break the moment Goliath or Basilisk enters its construction stage, most of the units, building and commander modules will be created broken after that.
I've already visited this link and changed BlackOps files a bunch of time with it and yet, to no avail (Either problem remains or Commander wouldn't even spawn(teleport) on the battlefield.
I've purged every trase of FAF and SubCom from my PC, without any file left, then reinstalled all and yet it eould seem that the problem is inside the mod itself.Can you please help me?
With respect, humble enjoyer of the greatest RTS of all time. -
@BattleshipOni can you share me the configuration of your games, and the game logs with the errors in it?
game_20265540.logThis is a game with errors that I've done just now as well as rest of logs during the last 24 hours.
P.S. I am new with FAF bug rerports so please excuse me
As for configuration: Just a test match with 3 Black Ops related mods, (Black Ops itself, EX units and Commander module system).
P.S.2. - Is there any other way to show "configuration of your games"?
P.S.3. - Is the "client.log" necessary for the cause?
The game logs have everything in it that I need. Found a few errors I wasn't aware of, I'll look into it for you and then Uveso can release that