Setons Wars Tournament
какой минимальный рейтинг?
@karateka Нет минимального рейтинга. За день до начала турнира капитаны ( игроки с самыми высокими рейтингами ) будут выбирать себе команды из чилса записавшихся. Невыбранные игроки становятся запасными и смогут принять участие в случае неявки кого-либо
@neytron we already have 2.5 teams
I'll join - 2060
SIGNUP hakunaMATATA 1700
Is it possible for you to postpone tourney to 9th/10th? on 2nd/3rd we're most likely playing Rainbow Cup finals.
Sign up - CheeseBerry 1954
@haachamachama No problems. I didn't know that 2/3 would be the final
Attention! Due to the overlap of this tournament with another, the Seton Wars are postponed to 10th. The start time remains the same
sorrry, but 10th i go to sport Tournament and i cant play this tourney. Can you postpone tourney to 26th or 27th or 16th or 17th
Sorry for my English
Not 100% sure I can play yet, but would it be possible to do the team picks the week before the tourney starts especially now that it’s delayed by a week? Would potentially make for more interesting team play on the day of the tourney.
@exselsior will depend on how many people sign up a week before the start
@karateka I'm sorry, but I myself can't on those dates. Rainbow Cup finals was set on this date before the Seton Wars.
I might need to de-rust a little bit.
Global - 1725
4v4 -1420 -
Sign up - Doni- 1600
signup 1800
не удаляй меня
я смогу поучаствовать -
I can play this tourney Karateka 1200
PMBMize 1300 to 2k
i'm old school and no fool