WELL....I guess I give up.

@spikeynoob OK....I am upset at this.. and I apologize for the outburst.

I still can't access the client.

This still sucks.


@deletethis Then clear me up.

@noonecares Do you use the client for maps/mods?

@scout_more_often My name is Richard, and you don't know me.

@zokora You are right....I have just had a lot of problems with this login thing.....

I apologize.

It's not the people....actually this is the absolute BEST RTS game I have ever seen. I guess that's what makes me get upset at potentially loosing access to the client....it's important. I suppose we will figure this out eventually.


@mandofan58 did you try resetting your password through steam? https://forum.faforever.com/topic/278/i-lost-access-to-my-account-what-should-i-do

It’s a common problem that people have where they forget the password to their FAF account that they linked originally so they try to make a new account. If you need help you can also always ask a moderator on the discord and they can clean up your extra account.

@askaholic Thank You for your help. I managed to figure out the problem, which was an old account and a newer account mixing up. I much appreciate your help.

@mandofan58 I feel I should apologize to the community over my outburst.

I Apologize....I went too far.

Was a mixup over an older account and passwords, etc....

I will say that if there is a way to streamline this process further it would help....especially from Steam. If you could register the FAF information in steam and have a process from steam, that would be the best way (probably not possible, of course...)

Thank You.

@mandofan58 It takes a big man to apologise and admit fault, good on you! We all understand your passion, we love this game too, hope to see you on the field of battle 🙂

A thread with a good result! How rare!