[Discontinued] Ethereal FAF Client 1.0

Looks great. I love the notes thing. I foe laggers and assholes so it would be nice to see my notes to remember why. I tend to give assholes another chance but not laggers lol.

Let there be light

@eternal My personal all time dream for FAF would be an enhanced foe system. You could mark foes from catagories such as lagger/toxic/teamkiller/badcpu etc and then (and this is the key part) everyone else can see everyone elses ratings. So if I'm a toxic player, everyone will see and I might have a hard time getting games. In this way, the playerbase will moderate itself and the actual mods will have less work to do. Each negative report will stay alive for example 3 months then be deleted/expire so over time if a player rehabilitates themselves then soon there will be no record. If you could do something like this I would build shrines in your honor lol

@scout_more_often I had an idea of centralized database of notes so everyone will see the notes from others players, but some one said this is gonna be an explosion xD imagine also a 5-rate system... XD

@spikeynoob not much, I think around 100$? XD and I don't ask them as one payment, I think it is better to split this price and pay as work is going on. Anyway, let's talk about this after some first beta releases

@eternal said in What would you like to see in new client:

@scout_more_often I had an idea of centralized database of notes so everyone will see the notes from others players, but some one said this is gonna be an explosion xD imagine also a 5-rate system... XD

Social scoring is highly questionable and also wide open for abuse.

"Nerds have a really complicated relationship with change: Change is awesome when WE'RE the ones doing it. As soon as change is coming from outside of us it becomes untrustworthy and it threatens what we think of is the familiar."
ā€“ Benno Rice

@brutus5000 That`s why notes gonna be saved locally šŸ˜ƒ


  1. A filter for custom games like
  • do not show me games with map XY
  • do not show me games where rating range is under/over 1000
  • do not show me games where title has the following keywords in it [noobs only, welcome all, noob party, any insults, only RU, etc]
  1. Show me when the host has created the game. 5 minutes ago, 1 hour ago, yesterday

@brutus5000 said

Social scoring is highly questionable and also wide open for abuse.

Yes of course. But we should never shy away from doing something positive just because some will try to abuse it or find a way around it. A shared rating system would help reduce toxicity and any exploits or methods of abusing the system could then be looked into and investigated. In life we must take positive steps regardless of how negative people may react to them.

@zokora said

  • do not show me games where rating range is under/over 1000

I like this idea of only showing me games I can currently join. My small concern would be that it could make the lobby look quite empty at times which may put off players, so possibly there could be a small comment on the screen saying eg 10 games currently filtered out so it is clear the FAF community is still thriving šŸ™‚

Reduce toxicity or a way to amplify it? What about the ANZ players that are going to get murked by everyone marking them a lagger which creates a giant snowball effect of them never getting into a game just because people see their ping is 450 in game?

Then you also have the dual gap lobbies where dudes enforce military discipline about cpus and mark people as laggers because the game went -1 at min 15.

Advanced chat menu?

@ftxcommando said in What would you like to see in new client:

never getting into a game just because people see their ping is 450 in game?

I would politely suggest the issue here is that FAF is not educating players that a ping of 500 or less does not affect the game.

Then you also have the dual gap lobbies where dudes enforce military discipline about cpus and mark people as laggers because the game went -1 at min 15.

I understand there will always be hardcore players. And while no system would be perfect, it could be evolved over time. Off the top of my head, for example you could limit the amount of feedback a player can recieve per game or you could monitor the players who give an excessive amount of negative feedback. I'm sure there are many possibilities. I think all data is good and can be used as a foundation for further decision making.

I apologise to Eternal if I've made this thread go off-topic. The work so far in his client looks very sexy indeed šŸ™‚

@scout_more_often nah, its fine. Lets fire this place

I think, i can make a possibility for players to mark some comments about them for review by moderators so then they will make decision about keep that comment or not.

Emojis right here.

i downloaded pack for discord with some additional information as ā„–- at the beginning, made some workaround, so i think it will be more easily to add new emojis in future

Home page concept design.

Embedded browser is expensive, and I think its useless as page and I came with idea to create some home page with all stuff in compact mode. Design was stolen xD

Stuff like best players, top played maps, stats, etc


@Eternal Ooo im liking how you have intergrated the news

"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few" - Spock

I like the addition of livestreams. Not too sure about the redundancy of the lobbies though. Feel like it takes up screenspace while being far less usable then the global games tab.

@techhousenoob In this lobby list will be only best lobbies, that will pass through special filter