MM why 3min queue?

As I already stated a countdown is needed for matching quality. The ability to get a drink is just a byproduct of this. There is no benefit to have the matching interval be really small because the average wait time is higher than three minutes anway.
I can understand that it is annoying to wait for the next match after the first one has failed due to connetction problems and you can basically expect to be matched again next round when everyone has rejoined the queue, but the time it takes to recover from a failed match has already been explained. The solution is to fix the connection problems not to provide a bandaid fix by tampering with the timer.

The benefit is, the average time would be less, thats the benefit.

"The solution is to fix the connection problems not to provide a bandaid fix by tampering with the timer."
True, but it would help instant, anyway, i hope for a connection fix.

Probably one number needs to be changed, nobody would be hurt.

About gamequality i gave examples.

As far i know the MM starts if both teams has near the same score ( 1500 vs 1489 or something),
this would be the same if he checks every 20-60 secounds.

@ghnaf said in MM why 3min queue?:

Never wanted play 1v1 or 4v4 at the same time, i doubt there is even an intersection.

I'll queue for 1v1, 2v2, and 4v4 at the same time. Sometimes just 1v1 and 4v4 because I generally like those more than 2v2 at the moment. Surely I am not the only person who does this.

Connection errors would punish less, you can half the time maybe more for another try, maybe not
that much like my example above, but still.

As FTX said 3 minutes can often be barely enough - I have the exact same experience. If anything you're the odd one out with being able to refaf in a couple seconds, that doesn't even make sense with how it works. I'm on very fast hardware and it usually takes 30s or so, and that's not including the minute to let the connection actually fail not to mention the timer is already going starting the next 3 minute window before the 1 minute to connection fail starts.

Especially at a higher level the 3 minute timer is nice - there can often only be one game at a time so if you miss it you're out for 20-40mins or whatever. With that in mind I'll second what other people saying about having some time for water or bathroom or whatever.

Also, if I am not mistaken, there's functionality that increases the allowed rating disparity the longer you wait in queue. This might just be a 1v1 thing though, but it can be something to keep in mind as you're waiting for each queue pop and if you want to requeue or not.

@exselsior said in MM why 3min queue?:

Also, if I am not mistaken, there's functionality that increases the allowed rating disparity the longer you wait in queue.

Yes, this happens for all queues

Wonder if they have experienced true lobbysim

Its like when you are stopped at a red light and you are staring at the light waiting to seems to take forever when you are "waiting"....but if you stop at a red light and pull out your phone to read a quick article somehow the light changes so fast. 3 mins is literally nothing but if it seems so long just turn on a 3 min video on youtube or some other distracting task and you'll all of a sudden be canceling ques at the last moment because the 3 mins isnt enough.

Let there be light

@f-odin said in MM why 3min queue?:

Wonder if they have experienced true lobbysim

yeah like the other day when 12 of us waited 40 mins for a lobby to fill just for a guy to leave as the host is finalizing the balance then we wait more for the same repeat cycle, throw in a few re's and all the sudden we are all wondering about our lives choices and closet addiction to FAF. I decided to open a lobby sim live stream so if you wanna throw me a like and sub id really appreciate it so I can grow my lobby sim channel. (we all secretly love lobby sim dont lie)

Let there be light

@blackyps said in MM why 3min queue?:

average wait time is higher than three minutes anway

It can't be lower by definition:)

@badsmurf said in MM why 3min queue?:

@blackyps said in MM why 3min queue?:

average wait time is higher than three minutes anway

It can't be lower by definition:)

Of course it can. If everybody joins the queue 1 second before it pops and then gets matched you will have an average wait time of 1 second.

If everyone was matched on the first pop you would expect an average wait time of half the queue pop time, so about 1:50.

Do you know what wait time the algorithms of other games use? No, they don't show you the timer.
So here's my suggestion, just replace the wave countdown with a continously increasing counter,that way everyone's happy.

Having issues with connectivity / ICE? Talk to me.