DynamicReclaimGrouping [UI]


Current version - version 1

Search in vaults [EternalStrategicIcons]


Dynamic reclaim grouping on zoom. Minimum height for grouping is 200.

Main code of grouping by Wall-E. Thanks!

Also optimized as possible


3e5bb0d3-4a4f-41e4-b43d-2e538270ca99-image.png 8761312d-1890-441b-b0a5-49d451649532-image.png

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@eternal Does it work with other reclaim value mods? I tried this mod and it didn't change anything :((

FAF Website Developer

@femboy only if you use bad mods with "reclaim counter", dont include my mod. With my OnScreenReclaimCounter it works fine. They are written bad and touching reclaim logic on what we worked on