FAFLIVE Scene transition for LoTS (and channel)

Hello Everyone!

I'm making this post to gather feedback about this scene transition I'm making for FAFLive, where LoTS will be streamed. The twitch stream below shows the current state of my scene transition. It is inspired by the redbull wololo V transition (the link below has it timestamped so you can see it easily).


Redbull Wololo V

Also please if you have feedback, try giving me the reason why you may think it looks good, or too short, or non-fitting with the FAF community. Thanks!

FAF Website Developer

The wololo example you gave is pretty poor in the way of mainstream esport transitions -

But it works because it is decent looking enough, maintains the style of the stream, and is FAST so that people can see what they actually came there to view in the first place because the majority of people don't actually care about it.

Yours is SLOW, and none of the transition elements harmonise with eachother, or with any of the other menus, and neither does the logo, and the parts on the logo don't even harmonise with other parts on the logo, etc.

It's the same issue you have with anything you've posted on this forum, everything seems to be made in isolation without any care about how they work together.

Right now you've detracted from the experience compared to just using the generic fadein/out, because you're just adding mindless bloat.


I disagree biass. No one besides you is watching a FAF stream to critique the graphic design. It shows effort, it looks good, and it can always be improved in the future so it’s definitely a win over what we’ve had.

askaholic said in FAFLIVE Scene transition for LoTS (and channel):

No one besides you is watching a FAF stream to critique the graphic design

  1. this is a thread asking for critique
  2. if people dont want to watch it then it should not be slow

askaholic said in FAFLIVE Scene transition for LoTS (and channel):

it shows effort, it looks good


askaholic said in FAFLIVE Scene transition for LoTS (and channel):

it can always be improved in the future

you(faf) says this about literally everything in faf and yet nothing is ever improved, massive cope. just going to end up on the same pile of "haha needs improving please finish my work for me" as the newshub, this forum, the client ui, countless other stuff

less is more
you need to make more from less

and yet nothing is ever improved


Doesn't most of graphic design fall into "you didn't notice, but your brain sure did"

I don't think it's about dudes not watching the stream because of the design decisions but just trying to make the overlay more coherent by following good practices. It's better than what we had for sure because we didn't really have anything, but it's kind of a cop-out to the criticism about things working better as a unit or the comments about the transition phases.

I agree that it is too slow. The side bars come in and then it stays like that for a moment, making it look like a loading screen.
It's probably better if they come in and then immediately retract again, so you don't get the feeling of a "pause"

@biass I mean it's a work in progress that has a couple of hours only so that's why it's so sloppy. Also the other "menus"/scenes are going to be updated as well to fit the blue/grey theme. as @BlackYps said too, I do agree it's too slow and looks like a loading screen. I wanted to fish some feedback before keep working on it to know what the community thought.

In a completely different point, I do think the way you bring feedback (a bit harsh), call it effortless (by saying "where?" is the effort) and call it cringe is a bit unmotivating. I have a thick skin so it doesn't bother me that much. However, you could say the same without adding these comments. I appreciate your feedback but there are better ways to convey the same message. I cherish your opinion because I think you are a good designer but you can do better than this.

I bring this up to your attention because other contributors might not bother contributing if their work is treated as harshly as you treat mine.

Also things do improve, my initial design of LoTS compared to the current one are vastly different. It did improve. And even if what is being created isn't an improvement, our contributors will gain practice from it and be able to do a better job next time. It's better to try, fail and retry than to never try to be better.

FAF Website Developer

https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1218465111 I moved towards the idea of metal doors closing but I think it's way too fast atm, need to tweak it more. I could add some sparks when the doors hit each other and add like a "stamped" FAF logo to the doors.

FAF Website Developer

Yea now it seems a bit too fast, and because of the bouncing sometimes you can see the scene change while there is a crack in the doors.

The original was fine imo. Not super original but competent and gets the job done. This is way too fast and you can barely read the logo.

put the xbox units in the game pls u_u

Here you go friends, I think this is solid enough and due to time constraints (having to make player cards, update FAFLive UI, life) I think I'll leave the scene transition like this. https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1218582724

FAF Website Developer

I am repeatedly amazed at the quality of volunteer work on faf. Nice work Javi, the timing is good and it looks very professional. It's looking on par with the Redbull Wololo 5 transition.

@femboy said in FAFLIVE Scene transition for LoTS (and channel):

@biass I mean it's a work in progress that has a couple of hours only so that's why it's so sloppy[1]. Also the other "menus"/scenes are going to be updated as well to fit the blue/grey theme[2]. as BlackYps said too, I do agree it's too slow and looks like a loading screen. I wanted to fish some feedback before keep working on it to know what the community thought[3].

  1. You asked for feedback, so you recieved it.
  2. You didn't specify this at any point before using it as justification.
  3. Yes, and so you got it.

femboy said in FAFLIVE Scene transition for LoTS (and channel):

call it effortless (by saying "where?" is the effort)[1] and call it cringe is a bit unmotivating. I have a thick skin so it doesn't bother me that much[2]. However, you could say the same without adding these comments. I appreciate your feedback but there are better ways to convey the same message[3]

  1. Don't take it the wrong way, im asking Askaholic where he specifically sees the effort.
  2. You wrote 3 paragraphs complaining about it, you kick people from discussions when people give you feedback. You don't have a thick skin and thinking otherwise is total delusion.
  3. I know people have a nice old time here in isolated pansyland but if you want to somehow take this into the real world, where clients are paying you lots of money to secure a greater return on their projects - they have no obligation to be nice to you and you will suffer if you continue to act this way.

Yesterday I watched as a client tried to bully the shit out of a muslim writer to add elements to a story that the writer considered religious heresy. Having a place full of laymen with no expectations is the ultimate easy mode and you need to remember that.

femboy said in FAFLIVE Scene transition for LoTS (and channel):

I think I'll leave the scene transition like this

Make the logo not split in half and i'll give it a "fine" mark.

I know people have a nice old time here in isolated pansyland but if you want to somehow take this into the real world, where clients are paying you lots of money to secure a greater return on their projects - they have no obligation to be nice to you and you will suffer if you continue to act this way.

Javi is volunteering to do this...

I'm very aware of how FAF works. Please read that part again.


  1. You asked for feedback, so you recieved it.

Yes you did give Javi valuable feedback, true. That being said, it's not just the literal facts of the feedback that matter to people, it's also the way you convey it.

There is a huge difference between the (admittedly extreme) examples of:

  • Your content is shit and here is why: ...


  • Thanks for your work, I think it shows promise! In my opinion, it could be improved in the following ways: ...

even if the actual critique in the "..." part is exactly the same.

Those details might not matter to you, but they sure matter to other people. At least they seemingly matter to Javi and they certainly matter to me.

Just because the real world can sometimes be hostile, uncaring and overly direct, doesn't mean that we have to be 🙂

I think that both of you are going a bit extreme, Biass is too harsh but you don't need to make it all sugary and extremely polite either.

@biass said in FAFLIVE Scene transition for LoTS (and channel):

It's the same issue you have with anything you've posted on this forum, everything seems to be made in isolation without any care about how they work together.

This is a bit too harsh, should try to be a bit nicer and say something like there are similar issues with some of your other work and you should watch out for XYZ.


This is obviously unnecessary.

The rest is fine IMO, it's supposed to be professional, constructive feedback from a person that knows their shit. There is no reason to be offensive but there is also no necessity for some formalism, being overly nice, or using euphemisms.

If I ask a colleague for feedback on a code I wrote and he says that it's messy, unreadable and half of the stuff I wrote is unnecessary because I could do it in some other, better way I thank him and adjust the thing I made. There is no need for him to say: Oh, well done, nice code there but maybe you could adjust it here and there.

Overly suger coating everything has it's own problems, for sure, especially if the politeness takes precedence of the actual feedback.

In your code example, I certainly would want to know that my code is "messy, unreadable and half of the stuff I wrote is unnecessary". Imo the difference shouldn't be in the actual critique points, only in the way it's conveyed.

cheeseberry said in FAFLIVE Scene transition for LoTS (and channel):

That being said, it's not just the literal facts of the feedback that matter to people, it's also the way you convey it.

And do you think I am some kind of asocial ape who doesnt know how he comes off or what? The harder the backlash, the more likely you're going to act on it.

FAF would just give you - metaphorically - another completely apathetic "haha yeah i guess..." response and one might decide not to change anything, or even think the respondent LIKES the work, as seen in the (now deleted, lol) tourney pool discussion.

My opinion, my "consultation" even, is something I consider valuable to me and if I choose to say something I feel no need to cowtow my words to people who cry on an internet forum.

All of this whining is completely unneeded and offtopic, you take the advice and you make of it what you choose, no matter the "value" in it. Don't derail the thread with this crap.