The problem here was the fact that many users had access permission errors inside the FAForever folder.
Mostly because they tried to start the FAF client as Admin to solve other problems they had.
But running as admin will write pref and config files with admin rights.
If you now run the client as normal windows user you no longer can change these files and you will get
[13]permission errors in java.
To prevent users from starting the client as admin when they are normal user is the reason for this nag windows.
But when your system only has a single user with admin rights then this message makes no sense.
i can't run the client as normal user and will never get those permission errors...
So for us, this window is just annoying and has no meaning with our window configuration.
The client should look into the windows accounts and only display this message in case there are
admin and user accounts present.
And it should not display it on windows with just 1 user.