Scaled resource panel [UI]

Version 1.1


  • new textures for each faction
  • fixed left bracket / left energy bracket

I couldn't figure out how to determine the player's faction in order to change the texture of the panel for the faction xD

default scaled texture


new texture


But you will use the scaled one, because i didn`t finished it yet

    local armiesTable = GetArmiesTable().armiesTable
    local MyFactionIndex = GetFocusArmy()
    local MyFaction = armiesTable[MyFactionIndex].faction
    local FactionIndexToName = {[1] = 'UEF', [2] = 'AEON', [3] = 'CYBRAN', [4] = 'SERAPHIM', [5] = 'NOMADS', [6] = 'ARM', [7] = 'CORE' }
    LOG('MyFactionIndex: '..MyFactionIndex)
    LOG('MyFactionIndex Name: '..FactionIndexToName[MyFactionIndex])

@Uveso Thank you ❤

This one is correct

local armiesTable = GetArmiesTable().armiesTable
local MyFactionIndex = GetFocusArmy()
local MyFaction = armiesTable[MyFactionIndex].faction
local FactionIndexToName = {[0] = 'uef', [1] = 'aeon', [2] = 'cybran', [3] = 'seraphim', [5] = 'nomads'}
local currentFaction = FactionIndexToName[MyFaction]

Version 2


  • fixed problem with loading new textures for each faction (thanks Uveso)

Not finished:

  • Switch the layout when player rotate skin by (alt+left arrow or alt+right arrow)
  • No scaled texture for nomads

If someone have nomads mod, and know what to do, send me and i will update it

Search in vaults "Scaled resource panel"
Scaled resource panel (v2 OLD)





dont look at bar, some other stuff

Also press to any TAG of this post and see another my works

Fixed the internal bugged opacity for each texture. I will add it for next update

resources_panel_bmp.pngresources_panel_bmp.png resources_panel_bmp.pngresources_panel_bmp.png

This is a really good mod, thanks Eternal!

Version 3

  • Fixed the background textures


  • Remove from the income value any increments associated with the reclaim (Blodir idea)

Due to the fact that this function takes values from the engine, I will need to rewrite it to exclude adding the increase from the reclaim to income value.
Unfortunately, I have not enough knowledge and very busy study schedule, so it will take some time before i`ll update it

Search in vaults "Scaled resource panel"
Scaled resource panel V3

I have received reports that in some cases the mod does not work

You need to find out the reason.

  • Try making a backup of game. prefs and delete it.Start the game and check the mod for performance


  • Disable all mods and run the mod separately

Current conflicts:

  1. [UI] Suicide confirmation - I have no idea, how this mod breaks my mod
    FIX: disable this ui mod

  2. [SIM ?] Game.prefs incompatibility - I still haven't found the cause of the problem, but something is preventing game.prefs from loading textures / mod into the game.
    Fix: backup the game.prefs, and delete the main game.prefs... Create new account =/

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This post is deleted!

Version 4


  • Fixed the bug with bug black rectangle on background of each texture, now the whole textures have a little bigger opacity

New resources_panel_bmp.png

Link 🠖Scaled resource panel v.4

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Version 1 Remastered Edition


  • fix: adaptive layout switching

Search in vaults [ScaledResourcePanel]

Ops, i broke the code with new mod name xDDD sry.
I will fix it fast as possible

Version 2 Remastered Edition


  • fix: broken code
  • fix: hard code

Search in vaults [ScaledResourcePanel]

Minor suggestion, an option to change the color red to something else like pink would be useful to me and possibly others. I am using a mini-mod for that EMperor Penguin made for me:

@valki okay, i will try to do smt. But i cant guarantee i will finish it quickly. Because this mod will not compatible with others then.

@valki you can use this mod for editing colors. Did some code cleanup

Economy UI Colors v2 (click to download)


@Emperor_Penguin update mod on vaults 😃

Also, i think it is possible to do menu->options->interfaces options for colors, but it will take some time and i don`t know how to do it. Maybe late i will give a try

What if we add the option to change the relevant colors for various color blindness to the game repo, as part as a game option? I don't know enough about color blindness to indicate which ones are relevant and what colors they should use - it isn't difficult to implement however.

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

@jip i thought about list of colors and possibility to edit them with editing existed in menu options. But it will require overloading economy layouts