@Katharsas Idk about all the settings, but all screens ive seen change for example the size of mex icon which is horrendously bad. Can you post a screenshot of an average game (1v1 or also teamgame) of your settings?
@Wainan Dont recommend it. Same argument as for idle engy mod: Clutters your screen with information thats easily given without mods.
@cocAurico The underlying idea isnt bad, the execution of it is bad. It fucks with plenty things and you give up easy unit control. I would also not recommend the assisting thing in the typical 1v1 scenario (exception is stuff like extremely static twin river pd style shit like you would have in teamgames, which is why i wrote the part about teamgames) due to too much micro cost. Yes, you can also type "banana" every 10 seconds and it stops taking brain energy eventually, still costs time.