Seleciton Cost v.9 Forgotten Edition [UI][Abandoned]
Current - Version v.9 Forgotten Edition
What`s new:- New design of UI elements
- Fixed income/expense of selected units
- Added auto-hide for reclaim view by hotkey
- Added auto-hide for selected unit info
- Connected both UI elements to resource panel (Now they will move and hide with resource panel)
Seleciton Cost v.9 Forgotten Edition
Version v.7
What`s new:- New design of UI elements
- Fixed income/expense of selected units
- Added auto-hide for reclaim view by hotkey
- Added auto-hide for selected unit info
- Connected both UI elements to resource panel (Now they will move and hide with resource panel)
Search in vaults "Selection Cost"
Selection Cost
I found a way to enable it only for observers/replays. I don't actually want it while I'm playing a game, but it's very useful when I'm watching replays. Other people might be interested in this so I will share the code here.
in your mod's gamemain.lua, at around line 80, there is this line of code:
I added an if-then statement around it:
if isReplay or (GetFocusArmy() == -1) then CreateSelectionUI() end
I'm curious if ANYONE looks at selection cost while they're playing, or if they only look at it while they're watching a replay.
Separately, I would really like it if I could scale up the size of the selection cost display. I would want it about 3x bigger for my 4k display. I don't know how to do that or I would just implement it myself.
@arma473 sure you can do it by yourself. Open the gamemain.lua and find the createselectionui() and add the string "LayoutHelpers.SetDimensions(statsFrame, width, heigth) after " statsFrame:SetTexture(....)"
And you can increase the font size in lines CreateText(...12...) where is a number is a size of font. I'm from phone atm and can't write the whole code. But I will do it late
Or do you use implemented ui scaling? Maybe I will do adapt it to scaling by settings
Fyi, connecting both UI elements to resource panel means that you cannot see reclaim from observer view unless you go to a player view.
@archsimkat yea, my mistake. I will add advanced check if the current game is replay, then it will work from obs
Any suggestions?
This post is deleted! -
Version v.8
What`s new:- New design of UI elements
- Reclaim texture changeable with current skin
- Red color for total reclaim and dark green for title if no mass on screen
- Selection cost frame can`t change skin
Not included in this update:
- Settings for replay
Search in vaults "Selection Cost"
Selection Cost -
concept ui of v9
will be adaptive and resizable based on length of stroke
Uploaded 9 version with new patch compatibility
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