#newbie irc suggestion for a client
Some sort of ping when someone posts in #newbie chat on client irc (That we can enable disable per our needs.), would help great deal with personal trainers getting involved with helping out new players.
nine2 forum post brought it to my attention.
Hopefully i am not being too selfish for asking for such implementation.
Or if script already exist please provide it to me. Thanks.
Python client has this thing where an indicator appears on a tab when someone wrote something, maybe the jaa client could implement the same thing?
Surely it could just be a matter of copying aping all command from other channels which work on both clients
I also forgot about this channel. I added it to my autojoin list again but yes other channels beside #aeolus aren't used at all.
We should just autojoin everybody into it by default
I want it to ping me when someone chats in the #newbie channel, i want to be informed if something new is being typed.