RCIII - Civilians ~ 3v3 ~ $1,200

@LargeMaleBennis said in Rainbow Cup III ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:

Sim speed ++ means normal speed of time and refers to a performance improvement?

Yes, I believed it replaced the mod - "Quality of Performance."
It cuts down on the number of particles produced on certain effects to help keep PC's from slowing down as much.

It is common mod for multiplayer games.

@Fearghal said in Rainbow Cup III ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:

It is common mod for multiplayer games.

I suppose you refer to cancer games. I know signups are closed but I am up to sub as well (probably subbing for a sub then).

harzer99; Global 1661; Ladder 1630

@harzer99 said in Rainbow Cup III ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:

@Fearghal said in Rainbow Cup III ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:

I know signups are closed but I am up to sub as well (probably subbing for a sub then).

There are multiple players who have asked to be put on the standby list since the draft period has ended.

So, I am opening the tournament to new players who would like a "chance" to play.
Players who wish to play will be put on a "Restricted" Standby list and still have an opportunity to play.
The way the Standby list and the Restricted Standby list will work is as follows:

ANY player on the pre draft - Standby list can fill in for anyone no matter the rating differential.
A player on the 'restricted' standby list can Only fill in for a player with a higher rating.

ie: A 1640 rated player drops out and needs replacement -
the team captain can choose an 1800 player from the standby list or
a player rated 1639 or lower from the restricted list.

So....... If you missed the initial draft and still would like a chance at play,
We now have additional players on the restricted list.
Sign up now for the restricted standby list.

If you allow people to register after signup is over, and not as a part of the draft, then you allow people to do things like:

  • 2100 guy signs up late
  • is now a sub
  • guy picks a 1300 for their team
  • 1300 strategically forfeits slot
  • now this 2100 is on the team

Ah, didn't see your restriction about the higher rating thing. I still think it leaves the door open for abuse in the form of someone clearly overrated signing up only to forfeit and then getting your pick of a particularly good 1800/1900.

@FtXCommando said in Rainbow Cup III ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:

If you allow people to register after signup is over, and not as a part of the draft, then you allow people to do things like:

  • 2100 guy signs up late
  • is now a sub
  • guy picks a 1300 for their team
  • 1300 strategically forfeits slot
  • now this 2100 is on the team

Sub could not be higher rated then the person who drops,,
so to get a 2100 , a 2105+ would have to drop
That Protects from such devious nous

Replays with this mod pack are decynced

@Inspektor_Kot said in Rainbow Cup III ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:

Replays with this mod pack are decynced

The cause for the desynchs was discovered and fixed in the last patch.
-Fix: Changing the path calculation for c-engine to early was causing desyncs in replays.

Espeperant (C) banned

This post is deleted!

The Draft is now over and the Teams have been selected.
Congratulations to all who were selected.

The 17 players who were not selected are now in the Stand By pool,
if any team is Not able to field 3 Players to play....
Before or during Day 1 or Day 2 of the tournament.

ANY player in the Stand By pool can be chosen as a substitute.

Players in Stand By:
Be prepared for an early call up, and
be ready on the Tournament Days, for any last minute No Shows.

Best o'Luck to All.

What's rating anyway ? Who needs 5k really 😛

Remove me from Stand by status

Thank you

First we will be best, then we will be first.
Never argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.

The AI developement teams are working very hard to polish their AI before the tournament.

2 new updates have been released in the last couple of days:
AI-Swarm and

Be sure to update versions before the Tournament.
I will post again if any more updates are released.

I would like to give special thanks to the AI developement teams.
Azraeel, Uveso, Relentless and muchstuff have been following the maps closely,
and giving me advice and tips.. Thanks guys.

Official AI-Swarm Thread and forum:

Official AI-Uveso Thread and forum:

To learn more about RNGAI, read some info here:

JaggedAppliance will be live streaming the event here:
Jan 30 & Feb 6 at 1500 UTC

Tourney Info here:

Here is how the Maps for the Finals will be chosen:
I wanted a surprise map for finals game 1,
I didn't want to make the HUGE decision for the last 2 maps that will decide the whole Tournament.
So, I want to leave that to the Players.

This is the idea that I have come up with that should be fair to both teams.

Match 22 > Game 1
Finals - Game 1 Map - Will be a surprise,
released "Shortly" before launch.
Training and Preparation got you here,
Playing by intuition will win this one!
Match 22 > Games 2 & 3
Games 2 and 3 maps will be chosen by the Captains as follows:
Each Captain will send list of 8 map numbers, from the map pool to veto.
The remaining maps will be vetoed 1 at a time until 3 maps are left,
and then high seed Captain will pick "Odds or Evens"
The winner of the "Odds or Evens" roll, will then choose the map
to play for Game 2.
Odds or Evens will be decided on Aeolus by using the command - !roll -.
If a game 3 is needed, the other Captain,
will choose one of the remaining 2 maps to play.
(the 3rd remaining map will be used if a Tie Break is needed.)

Stop updating the mods please. We're 1 week away from tourney ...

@cocAurico said in Rainbow Cup III ~ 3 v 3 ~ $1.2K:

Stop updating the mods please. We're 1 week away from tourney ...

The AI development teams are working very hard to fine tune their AI's
before the Tournament.

With all the exposure this Tournament is going to receive,
and how well their AI performs, is a point of pride for them,
and they are getting a LOT of feedback Everyday on their AI.

I would Not even be surprised if there was an update or two released mid week
between day 1 and day 2 or the tournament,
as the AI teams are going to receive a treasure trove of info/feedback from Day 1.

It only takes a few seconds to search the Mod Vaults and update each AI.
Make sure that all players check on the Day Of Each Tourny for updates.

I'd also like to give a BIG Thanks to the players for participating in this unique Tournament,
as this will be very good for the FAF community -
as there is a pretty large sub group of players who play mostly solo AI games,
and this Tourny is motivating the AI teams to providing the best,
and smartest AI they can possibly create.

Other Tourny news:
All maps are now released (21 maps)
and have been tested once for bugs and fairness.
To be extra sure that all the AI works well and expands symmetrically and fairly,
I will be replaying all the maps once again with the new AI updates to
make sure there are no balance issues that have changed.

Best o' Luck to all the Teams and see you all this Saturday.
Post Script: To the following message,
which brings up some valid points.
Most of the updates have been to stability, replay issues,
and some improvement to simspeed (lessening waypoints, and #'s of permissions)
to lessen any effects on game speed.

We've been preparing this weekend for the tourney, and we might not have a chance to prepare again together during the week cause not everybody is available on week days.

We planned our strategies based on how the IA responds right now, so if you change the way the IA is playing this week, all our work will be useless, and we might have no time to test again how the IA is working.

It's like changing rules : if you say two days before the tourney that it's not full share anymore, it will be very annoying.

Not that my team and I are tryharding for the victory, but I think it's a general good habit when organizing a tourney to have at least 1-2 weeks without any update to the game before the tourney 😉

@cocAurico As someone who has an active AI on vault, I can assure you that the updates are not going to be noticed. Updates this late in the game are not for the implementation of some game winning/full proof strategy, they are fixing small bugs, etc. The bugs dont crop up from the moment the game starts, they might only crop up in a certain situation, when a certain platoon or threat warning is triggered. You wouldn't want, as an example, the AI near your opponent having a major bug issue and imploding, and the one near you ready to kick ass. It goes without saying that you would want that AI fixed. As for the preparing part against the AI. They are adaptive, and when you add another human team in there, or even alter the races, their gameplay can change. So what you feel and see now might not be what you feel and see when the tournament starts, not because of an update, but because the AI is allocating its resources to fight a constantly changing threat. And since you cannot predict/know how the other human team is going to react, you will not be able to naildown/recreate the AI style. I think you should trust, that whatever updates happen, it is for the benefit of all involved.