Show interesting maps
Hello everyone, I came across the map Survival_Escape_v3ga.v0001 in the last few days. This contains a companion mission that is very refreshing but also challenging. Since I unfortunately only came across a map like this by chance, I wanted to know whether there are more maps like this and whether it would be better to publish them to the community so that others can also play these great maps. Here are a few pictures from the map
description="Dr Who has informed us that a rogue group called the Cyprst Mitilta have covertly infiltrated the Science lab with scientists. Doctor Who realized something was wrong. We need to evacuate him and a copy of his work from the area immediatley. We need can not let Dr Whos work fall into the hands of these traitors to the colalition. This version is tweaked differnt start up times, more hp on Spiderpig, and no hitting the gas, also bigger intel from spiderpig (intended for total vet mod and blackops). Thanks to everyone who works on FAF and creatively develops and promotes this game
All co-op maps are interesting of course! But beyond that, you could try out Rainmakers Survival, see also:
It is on the vault. It's a map I made, so do take this me promoting my own things
Are you looking specifically for Co-Op maps? If you're interested in good looking multiplayer PVP maps, you can check my work below.
@Jip and @IndexLibrorum, hi and thank you very much for your feedback. Of course I know your great works and maps. Many or all of them look excellent. And yes, Jip's map - Rainmakers Survival -b is definitely one of those maps that I would like to draw more attention to. Do you have a suggestion for how such maps can not fall under the radar, even for other players?
@Saver -- that Survival Escape map is a classic and has been around for years, but I never saw another one quite like it before. It's really one of a kind.
Hi and thank you too for your feedback. It's a shame that there don't seem to be any more maps like this :(. I hope I can find the time to create a map in this format.