Multiple Languages

Heres and idea, not shure if its possibel or even may have been suggested before but,

seeing as FAF is a game used by so many far and wide,

Allow the ability to copy text from the chat box in game and lobby so that we can use google translate?

TML is a meme

All things considered, if you are going to the trouble of copying text, alt-tabbing, and pasting text into a google translate page, you might find it more convenient just to use a mobile device to translate the text directly.

average translate mod for offensive talking in all languages which possible

@deletethis said in Multiple Languages:

All things considered, if you are going to the trouble of copying text, alt-tabbing, and pasting text into a google translate page, you might find it more convenient just to use a mobile device to translate the text directly.

No, because many don't know and can't type russian characters

frick snoops!

@waffelznoob said in Multiple Languages:

@deletethis said in Multiple Languages:

All things considered, if you are going to the trouble of copying text, alt-tabbing, and pasting text into a google translate page, you might find it more convenient just to use a mobile device to translate the text directly.

No, because many don't know and can't type russian characters

I don't follow. You can already type text into gtrans and then paste it into the game if you need to communicate in a different language.

On mobile it takes text directly from the camera and either shows an on-screen translation or you can take a photo (give it a try if you have never used it-it's pretty neat).

Dang what is this new technology, my old bones can't keep up anymore

frick snoops!

I regularly used google translate in this way before the copy functionality was removed because it was way, way more convenient than using my phone to clumsily film the screen. The camera loses focus, the translated words jump and glitch constantly, the translation quality is low, it's super janky. Unfortunately that is now the only option, but it was always like this for lobby chats so eh.

@phong ChatGPT actually works really well for this kind of stuff. You can take a picture of your screen or feed it a screenshot, then ask it to translate all the Russian text, for example. Translation quality is miles and miles ahead of google translate.

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seems like a lot of steps for a few lines that may be on screen for ten seconds, I play in windowed mode so I could just copy, minimize, paste in a second, and enjoy the salt in all languages, I have tried the phone thing but like phong says its not the easiest toption.

TML is a meme