ASF Micro

I don't what do to. I know the concept you need to do is get behind the opponents asf, but I have also seen people not micro anything. Could someone better than me explain how to properly micro? - Yudi's video on how to do air fights with 100+ ASF without micro very old, don't listen to the things about fire states - no need to put ASF in ground fire mode, it is just as an example of people doing ASF micro

Afaik if it is low numbers and therefore it is not chaotic you just try to get to the enemy back by doing tightest possible turns.
So you kinda turn even ahead of time, you click in place where enemy ASF might end up in next 1-2 seconds.

The another "secret" is that afaik to turn tighter you wanna slow down your asfs, so you need to clikc your move commands closer to them...

also you should just get someone in a sandbox game and spawn 25 50 75 ect ASFs and make multiple practice fights

TA4Life: "At the very least we are not slaves to the UI" | |

...and if you are bad at micro, just aim a bit front of where enemy group is going to be, place move order close to your ASF so they slow down, once a third-half of them are in contact with enemy ASF, press stop, ???, profit

This is about 0-75 ASF where micro is still possible without overkilling everything (stop command after that).
Btw landed ASF are a brutal opponent since they will always get behind you flying into them, so you could sandbox vs that. Sera/Aeon > UEF >> Cyb in terms of ASF DPS quality (Cyb can easily overkill due to low muzzle velocity, UEF can overkill due to firing 2 shots). If you can win with cyb vs landed sera 100v100 head-on its probably extremely good micro.
TL;DR: shift-g your asf to a move order nearby and behind them a bit before your cloud touches the enemy's.

Turnrate and speed try not to overshoot the target by slowing down when approaching the target. So to maximize turn rate you need to keep the move order behind the ASF and reduce your speed by placing the move order close to the ASF (but not too close, they do not start a turn within 5 distance of the waypoint). Keeping your speed low allows you to turn in a smaller radius because turn rate is constant.

Normally when you right click the game issues a formation to units, which means your move waypoints are actually spread out over the entire formation instead of onto one point (do the 3 console commands dbg navw dbg navp dbg navs to see navigation info). To get more control over your ASF you can shift-g every move order so that the waypoints go onto one point like you want them to.
The "every single move command" part is easy because you only need 2-3 move commands to do a 360 degree turn, since there isn't a very high max turn rate or high damping on the turn rate.
ASF formations were changed to be more spread out 2 years ago so you can't get the ultra tight formations like in ZLO's video. Shift-g makes tighter groups than what's in the video (because it has no formation).
Watch out for cruisers/flak/sams when you do that of course.
Imo shift-g makes ASF clouds survive better vs enemy ASF micro'd or even stopped, but nobody tested this idea.

Getting good turns is about timing (0.5 s command delay + turn time) and clumping ASF so they actually obey you. Basically want to get the turn finished right when the enemy ASF pass by you, so you start the turn a bit before the clouds touch in my experience.

Clicking in front of the enemy ASF is wrong, it doesn't maximize your turn rate or minimize speed. Your move orders are just a tool to get your ASF to move in the correct position and orientation, they don't guarantee a good result if clicked on top of the enemy (it just doesn't make sense).

I mentioned ASF don't turn within 5 range of their waypoint, which can explain why large formations suck to move but also allows for a cool trick where you just hover ASF and get 500 DPS shooting at enemy gunships/T4s/strats.

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