Improve area attack and reclaim orders #6095 - bug

Hello everyone, first of all thank you for the patch and special thanks to JIP for your work over the last few years. I think some of the functions are great. But when testing the function #6095 Improve area attack and reclaim orders. I get error messages in the log. However, I test in offline mode, without mods. 1d38e5a3-b400-4229-9a42-e8913a188379-image.png d8bbb3a0-2378-4549-996c-22f053edb31b-image.png
WARNING: Error running lua script: index expected but got nil
stack traceback:
[C]: in function SetTargetGround' ...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\uef\tifcarpetbombweapon.lua(46): in function CreateProjectileAtMuzzle'
...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua(1055): in function <...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua:968>
WARNING: Error running lua script: index expected but got nil
stack traceback:
[C]: in function SetTargetGround' ...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\uef\tifcarpetbombweapon.lua(46): in function CreateProjectileAtMuzzle'
...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua(1055): in function <...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua:968>
WARNING: Error running lua script: index expected but got nil
stack traceback:
[C]: in function SetTargetGround' ...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\uef\tifcarpetbombweapon.lua(46): in function CreateProjectileAtMuzzle'
...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua(1055): in function <...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua:968>
WARNING: Error running lua script: index expected but got nil
stack traceback:
[C]: in function SetTargetGround' ...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\uef\tifcarpetbombweapon.lua(46): in function CreateProjectileAtMuzzle'
...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua(1055): in function <...\lua.nx2\lua\sim\weapons\defaultprojectileweapon.lua:968>

Do you have a (sandboxed) replay for me to review?

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

I managed to reproduce it. We're looking into it and we'll hotfix it 🙂 . See also on Discord

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned

Found it: #6346, thank you for taking the time to report it!

A work of art is never finished, merely abandoned